WEBVTT 00:00:51.700 --> 00:00:53.100 Go on, Barbara. 00:00:56.000 --> 00:00:58.800 We go back to our homeroom for dismissal. 00:00:59.100 --> 00:01:01.900 Unless you have a pass for sports or something. 00:01:04.900 --> 00:01:07.500 Is that what you did on the day in question? 00:01:07.700 --> 00:01:11.200 No. Mr. Gettys asked me to stay after class. 00:01:11.500 --> 00:01:13.500 What happened next, Barbara? 00:01:13.600 --> 00:01:16.500 He told me to sit in the chair beside his desk. 00:01:17.500 --> 00:01:21.100 If you will, in your own words, tell us exactly what happened... 00:01:21.200 --> 00:01:23.000 ...in the next few minutes. 00:01:23.600 --> 00:01:26.200 I told him I was afraid I'd miss my bus. 00:01:26.300 --> 00:01:30.100 He promised I'd get to the bus on time if I'd help him do something. 00:01:31.000 --> 00:01:35.300 Before I could say anything, he placed his hand inside my blouse. 00:01:36.300 --> 00:01:40.400 I was so frightened. I didn't move. I thought if I was just qulet it'd be okay. 00:01:40.500 --> 00:01:44.300 Then his other hand went up under inside my skirt. 00:01:45.400 --> 00:01:47.200 Then, with his hand... 00:01:47.700 --> 00:01:50.200 ...he started moving back and forth... 00:01:50.400 --> 00:01:53.200 ...farther and farther inside my skirt. 00:01:53.400 --> 00:01:56.800 He said he was testing to see if I had any special feelings... 00:01:56.900 --> 00:01:59.900 ...that he wanted to see what kind of feelings I had. 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:03.000 I was trying to think of something to say, but I couldn't. 00:02:03.100 --> 00:02:05.300 I was confused, and he just kept on. 00:02:05.400 --> 00:02:07.700 I asked him to stop, but it was Like he couldn't hear me. 00:02:07.800 --> 00:02:10.400 He just kept on with his hand. 00:02:11.300 --> 00:02:12.700 Then I screamed. 00:02:12.800 --> 00:02:16.500 Then he got mad and said we'd have to try it again sometime. 00:02:16.600 --> 00:02:18.100 Did he try again? 00:02:18.800 --> 00:02:20.300 Not with me. 00:02:20.800 --> 00:02:22.400 But with your friends? 00:02:22.800 --> 00:02:24.200 Yes. 00:02:24.900 --> 00:02:28.400 And after you had told them what he had done to you... 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:33.400 ...they told you what he had done to them! 00:02:35.500 --> 00:02:36.900 Isn't that true? 00:02:37.000 --> 00:02:38.200 Yes. 00:02:41.300 --> 00:02:43.000 I have nothing further. 00:02:45.600 --> 00:02:47.800 Your witness, Mr. Lomax. 00:02:55.700 --> 00:02:57.800 Any chance, Your Honor, for a short recess? 00:02:57.900 --> 00:02:59.200 Of course. 00:02:59.400 --> 00:03:02.100 This court will be in recess for 15 minutes. 00:03:06.300 --> 00:03:08.000 -What-- -Not now, Bernice. 00:03:14.000 --> 00:03:16.000 Lomax, what's wrong? 00:03:16.200 --> 00:03:19.000 As your attorney, I'm advising you to keep the fuck away from me. 00:03:19.100 --> 00:03:21.100 Why? What are you talking about? 00:03:21.200 --> 00:03:24.900 The wife, the kid, the outrage. You definitely had me fooled. 00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:27.200 Hey, you're my Lawyer. 00:03:27.500 --> 00:03:28.800 You're here to defend me. 00:03:28.900 --> 00:03:30.200 You know what I'm thinking? 00:03:30.300 --> 00:03:32.800 Why not put you on the stand? You can jerk off for the judge. 00:03:32.900 --> 00:03:35.800 -You know she's lying. -Get the hell away from me. 00:03:57.000 --> 00:03:58.800 Well, hell, there you are. 00:04:00.400 --> 00:04:03.000 Rumor was you were out wandering in traffic. 00:04:03.300 --> 00:04:04.900 Not now, Larry. 00:04:05.000 --> 00:04:06.600 What's the game plan? 00:04:06.900 --> 00:04:09.600 I got a 4:30 deadline. I need a quote. 00:04:09.900 --> 00:04:11.200 Give me a quote. 00:04:11.300 --> 00:04:12.300 Fuck off. 00:04:15.100 --> 00:04:18.800 ''Mr. Lomax had no comment on today's events. 00:04:18.900 --> 00:04:21.700 ''Speculation, however, was widespread... 00:04:22.100 --> 00:04:26.200 ''...that the young Lawyer's unblemished string of victories... 00:04:26.500 --> 00:04:28.000 ''...would come to an end... 00:04:28.100 --> 00:04:29.800 ''...in this courtroom.'' 00:04:35.500 --> 00:04:37.100 It was a nice run, Kev. 00:04:37.200 --> 00:04:39.100 Had to close out someday. 00:04:40.000 --> 00:04:41.700 Nobody wins them all. 00:05:03.700 --> 00:05:07.200 Have you had any discipline problems in math class this year? 00:05:07.700 --> 00:05:09.800 No. 00:05:09.900 --> 00:05:10.900 No? 00:05:11.900 --> 00:05:15.700 Hasn't Mr. Gettys had to talk to you repeatedly about your behavior? 00:05:15.800 --> 00:05:18.600 Isn't that why he asked you to stay after class? 00:05:18.700 --> 00:05:19.800 No! 00:05:22.400 --> 00:05:25.000 Have other teachers asked you to stay after class? 00:05:25.100 --> 00:05:26.300 Once or twice. 00:05:26.500 --> 00:05:28.400 Did they want to talk to you about your behavior? 00:05:28.500 --> 00:05:30.100 Objection. Immaterial. 00:05:30.200 --> 00:05:32.200 -Goes to motive. -Overruled. 00:05:32.700 --> 00:05:34.600 You may answer the question. 00:05:34.900 --> 00:05:36.900 I don't know what the other teachers wanted. 00:05:37.000 --> 00:05:38.900 You'd have to talk to them. 00:05:41.200 --> 00:05:43.600 You ever pass notes in class? 00:05:46.100 --> 00:05:47.600 Maybe a note that... 00:05:47.700 --> 00:05:49.500 ...made fun of Mr. Gettys? 00:05:49.900 --> 00:05:50.800 No. 00:05:51.300 --> 00:05:51.900 No? 00:05:52.000 --> 00:05:55.600 Never called him a ''disgusting pig monster''? 00:05:57.700 --> 00:05:59.000 Order. 00:06:00.200 --> 00:06:01.300 No. 00:06:01.800 --> 00:06:04.500 Your Honor, I've pre-marked this Defense Exhibit A. 00:06:04.600 --> 00:06:07.800 Objection. We've had plenty of time for discovery here. 00:06:08.300 --> 00:06:11.100 I'm going to let this in, Mr. Lomax. 00:06:11.300 --> 00:06:14.700 I'm also going to suggest that if you have any other exhibits... 00:06:14.800 --> 00:06:18.000 ...you present them in a timely fashion, or not at all. 00:06:20.300 --> 00:06:22.500 I'm sorry, Barbara, I was wrong. 00:06:23.200 --> 00:06:25.600 It's ''huge hog beast.'' 00:06:26.800 --> 00:06:28.700 This is your handwriting, isn't it? 00:06:28.800 --> 00:06:31.100 -Yes, but-- -You wrote this in Gettys' class. 00:06:31.200 --> 00:06:32.200 It's a joke. 00:06:32.300 --> 00:06:34.300 ''He's a huge hog beast. 00:06:34.500 --> 00:06:38.200 ''He probably eats a thousand pancakes for breakfast.'' 00:06:40.300 --> 00:06:42.300 You're writing about Mr. Gettys, aren't you? 00:06:42.400 --> 00:06:44.400 It was meant to be a joke. 00:06:46.800 --> 00:06:49.800 Have you ever had a party at your house, Barbara... 00:06:50.200 --> 00:06:51.500 ...when your parents were away? 00:06:51.600 --> 00:06:53.300 Objection. Your Honor-- 00:06:53.500 --> 00:06:55.000 Credibility and bias. 00:06:55.100 --> 00:06:56.500 Overruled. 00:06:56.900 --> 00:06:58.700 Answer the question. 00:06:59.800 --> 00:07:00.900 Yes. 00:07:02.700 --> 00:07:06.000 Have you ever heard of a game called ''Special Places''? 00:07:08.400 --> 00:07:10.200 You're under oath, Barbara. 00:07:10.300 --> 00:07:12.300 A man's career... 00:07:12.400 --> 00:07:13.900 ...his reputation... 00:07:14.100 --> 00:07:15.800 ...his life is on the line. 00:07:15.900 --> 00:07:17.600 This is not a joke. 00:07:17.700 --> 00:07:20.700 Have you ever played ''Special Places''? 00:07:26.600 --> 00:07:27.700 Yes. 00:07:27.900 --> 00:07:30.400 Is this game sexual in nature? 00:07:32.300 --> 00:07:35.100 Is this game sexual in nature? 00:07:35.700 --> 00:07:38.300 We only played it once. 00:07:39.000 --> 00:07:41.300 This special party, Barbara... 00:07:41.700 --> 00:07:45.900 ...this was the first time you told the story about Mr. Gettys, wasn't it? 00:07:47.100 --> 00:07:48.000 Yes. 00:07:48.100 --> 00:07:51.200 I've spoken to other children who were there that day. 00:07:51.700 --> 00:07:54.300 Is there anything else they may have told me about the party? 00:07:54.400 --> 00:07:57.900 Objection! If he has other witnesses, Let him call them! 00:07:58.100 --> 00:07:59.900 If I need to call those other children, I will! 00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:02.700 I'm going to sustain that, Mr. Lomax. 00:08:03.300 --> 00:08:05.000 Rephrase your question. 00:08:10.500 --> 00:08:12.900 You threatened those children, didn't you? 00:08:13.000 --> 00:08:14.400 That's not the way it happened. 00:08:14.500 --> 00:08:18.900 You told them to lie, to falsely claim that Mr. Gettys had hurt them. 00:08:19.000 --> 00:08:20.600 These things did happen. 00:08:20.700 --> 00:08:25.400 If they didn't, you were going to tell everyone about this special party. 00:08:25.700 --> 00:08:27.100 They happened to me. 00:08:27.200 --> 00:08:30.100 So you made up a story. A special story. 00:08:30.200 --> 00:08:31.800 A story about a math teacher... 00:08:31.900 --> 00:08:34.600 ...who was tough on you, who kept you after class. 00:08:34.700 --> 00:08:37.200 A ''huge hog beast'' you didn't Like! 00:08:37.400 --> 00:08:39.800 That's what really happened, isn't it? 00:08:39.900 --> 00:08:40.900 No. 00:08:41.100 --> 00:08:43.900 I didn't want to be the only one. 00:08:45.400 --> 00:08:47.900 You goddamn lowlife, son of a bitch-- 00:08:53.900 --> 00:08:55.700 No further questions, Your Honor. 00:08:55.800 --> 00:08:57.900 I'm going to adjourn for the day. 00:08:58.400 --> 00:09:02.400 We'll be back here at 9:00 a.m. and people will behave themselves... 00:09:02.600 --> 00:09:04.100 You made me proud. 00:09:04.200 --> 00:09:06.400 ...or find themselves in contempt. 00:09:11.200 --> 00:09:13.900 Pack it up, baby. You need a drink. 00:09:19.800 --> 00:09:24.700 In the event that we all get drunk, Let's front-load the ceremonial bullshit. 00:09:24.900 --> 00:09:27.200 To the best trial Lawyer in Alachua County. 00:09:27.200 --> 00:09:28.600 Damn straight. 00:09:29.600 --> 00:09:31.600 So, Kev, off the record.... 00:09:31.900 --> 00:09:34.600 How's it feel to squeeze a man Like Gettys... 00:09:34.700 --> 00:09:37.200 ...through the door of reasonable doubt? 00:09:38.400 --> 00:09:41.400 Why don't you quit being a party pooper. Have yourself a drink. 00:09:41.500 --> 00:09:44.100 We're not going to discuss the damn case anymore. 00:09:44.200 --> 00:09:45.300 Am I right? 00:09:45.400 --> 00:09:47.000 I'll drink to that. 00:09:48.900 --> 00:09:50.700 No shop talk. 00:09:55.200 --> 00:09:56.500 Pour me another. 00:09:56.700 --> 00:09:58.100 Lomax, you're wild. 00:09:58.600 --> 00:10:00.800 I feel one of them nights coming on. 00:10:05.500 --> 00:10:08.700 ''I've seen the Taj Mahal I've even been to China'' 00:10:14.100 --> 00:10:15.700 I've got to go piss! 00:10:18.000 --> 00:10:19.900 I've got to go piss! 00:10:24.700 --> 00:10:25.900 Hurry! 00:10:35.200 --> 00:10:36.700 Hell of a job today. 00:10:36.800 --> 00:10:39.100 I don't want to disturb your party. 00:10:44.900 --> 00:10:47.400 ''Milton-Chadwick-Waters.'' 00:10:47.900 --> 00:10:49.100 Never heard of it. 00:10:49.200 --> 00:10:51.600 What are you going to do? Sue me? 00:10:52.200 --> 00:10:55.100 Actually, we were hoping to retain your services. 00:10:55.200 --> 00:10:57.400 We've been following your progress. 00:10:58.400 --> 00:10:59.700 From New York? 00:11:00.100 --> 00:11:01.800 You've never lost a case. 00:11:02.900 --> 00:11:05.000 I've had some sympathetic juries. 00:11:05.100 --> 00:11:07.500 That's exactly what we're looking for. 00:11:07.600 --> 00:11:10.700 We want you to come to New York, help us pick a jury. 00:11:16.100 --> 00:11:17.500 I tell you, man... 00:11:17.800 --> 00:11:19.800 ...you're pretty damn good. 00:11:20.600 --> 00:11:22.100 Your card is great. 00:11:22.300 --> 00:11:23.800 You being black.... 00:11:25.000 --> 00:11:26.700 Whose idea was that? Paul's? 00:11:26.800 --> 00:11:28.400 That's just brilliant. 00:11:28.600 --> 00:11:31.300 I'm just not drunk enough yet to fall for it. 00:11:31.600 --> 00:11:33.200 I'll buy you a drink when I.... 00:11:33.300 --> 00:11:35.300 You'd have to start next week. 00:11:35.400 --> 00:11:39.500 ALL expenses, first-class travel and lodging, you and your wife. 00:11:40.100 --> 00:11:44.200 A lump-sum payment, regardless of the verdict, in the amount of.... 00:11:47.500 --> 00:11:48.700 Take a Look. 00:12:08.800 --> 00:12:13.700 In the name of Lord Jesus, we refute you, Satan, and cast you out. 00:12:14.100 --> 00:12:15.000 Amen. 00:12:15.100 --> 00:12:17.600 ''Romans 16:19 00:12:19.200 --> 00:12:21.200 ''Be ever at what is good 00:12:22.600 --> 00:12:24.200 ''Be innocent 00:12:24.400 --> 00:12:26.400 ''Of evil 00:12:26.800 --> 00:12:30.500 ''And the God of Peace will soon crush Satan 00:12:30.800 --> 00:12:34.500 ''Yes, God will crush him underneath your feet 00:12:35.000 --> 00:12:38.600 ''And the God of Peace will soon crush Satan 00:12:39.000 --> 00:12:42.600 ''Yes, God will crush him underneath your feet'' 00:12:55.200 --> 00:12:58.100 ALL the way to New York just to pick a jury. 00:12:58.300 --> 00:13:00.200 Every dog gets his day. 00:13:01.200 --> 00:13:05.200 Why do I feel the hand of Mary Ann on this adventure? 00:13:06.700 --> 00:13:10.000 I gotta tell you, Ma, this routine's getting awful tired. 00:13:10.300 --> 00:13:12.000 Working on Sunday. 00:13:12.200 --> 00:13:14.700 Working? Ma, get over it. 00:13:16.900 --> 00:13:18.900 Listen to me. I Love my wife. 00:13:19.300 --> 00:13:21.600 Okay? I Love her all the way. 00:13:22.400 --> 00:13:23.800 Just Like you. 00:13:25.100 --> 00:13:27.400 Let me tell you about New York. 00:13:28.500 --> 00:13:30.400 ''Fallen, fallen, is Babylon. 00:13:30.500 --> 00:13:33.400 ''It has become a dwelling place of demons.'' 00:13:33.700 --> 00:13:35.100 ''Revelation 18.'' 00:13:35.300 --> 00:13:37.400 Wouldn't hurt you to Look it over. 00:13:37.900 --> 00:13:40.500 -Couldn't forget it if I tried. -Oh, really? 00:13:41.400 --> 00:13:43.700 And what happened to Babylon? 00:13:44.900 --> 00:13:48.500 ''Thou mighty city, in one hour has thy mighty judgement come. 00:13:48.700 --> 00:13:52.200 ''And the Light of a single Lamp shall shine in thee no more.'' 00:13:54.600 --> 00:13:55.800 Wish me Luck. 00:13:58.500 --> 00:13:59.700 Good Luck. 00:14:01.400 --> 00:14:03.200 I'll miss you. 00:14:04.100 --> 00:14:07.500 Jeannie, Listen to me now. I've gone the extra miIe with you on this. 00:14:07.600 --> 00:14:09.500 I'm trying to work with you. 00:14:09.600 --> 00:14:14.400 They'll be Looking for that payment and if it's not there, they'll repo the car. 00:14:21.600 --> 00:14:23.500 Okay, I gotta go. 00:14:26.600 --> 00:14:31.200 Look, Jeannie, I gotta make a plane. Just get yourself on schedule. 00:14:31.900 --> 00:14:34.000 Okay. Make the payment. 00:14:38.800 --> 00:14:41.200 Let me guess. It's all my idea, right? 00:14:42.100 --> 00:14:45.400 We better give her some grandkids soon so I can get her off my back. 00:14:45.500 --> 00:14:47.000 What do you say? 00:14:49.000 --> 00:14:50.700 Let her sweat a little. 00:15:20.500 --> 00:15:24.800 ALL right, Mr. Clintine, Let me ask you this: Do you think, as a juror... 00:15:25.000 --> 00:15:28.400 ...you'd be able to set aside any prior opinion you might hold... 00:15:28.500 --> 00:15:30.800 ...about the savings and loan industry? 00:15:31.800 --> 00:15:33.300 That was a question, sir. 00:15:33.400 --> 00:15:35.400 What? Do I Like bankers? 00:15:41.600 --> 00:15:44.500 Your Honor, may I have a minute to confer with my colleagues? 00:15:44.600 --> 00:15:45.800 You may. 00:15:48.800 --> 00:15:50.100 Dump him. 00:15:50.200 --> 00:15:52.600 Let's get rid of Number four, six.... 00:15:52.700 --> 00:15:54.400 I'd say lose Number twelve... 00:15:54.500 --> 00:15:56.500 ...but the prosecutor's gonna fuck up and do it for us. 00:15:56.600 --> 00:15:58.100 Number six? 00:16:01.200 --> 00:16:03.400 You're kidding, right? She's my first choice. 00:16:03.500 --> 00:16:05.100 She's my first pass. 00:16:05.300 --> 00:16:06.500 And four? 00:16:10.300 --> 00:16:13.100 With the dreadlocks? That's crazy. 00:16:13.200 --> 00:16:16.700 -That's a defendant's juror. -Did you see his shoes? 00:16:17.900 --> 00:16:22.000 Look, kid, maybe down in Florida you are the next big thing. 00:16:22.200 --> 00:16:25.400 This is New York. We're not squeezing oranges here. 00:16:25.600 --> 00:16:29.700 He polishes those shoes every night. He makes his own clothes. 00:16:30.100 --> 00:16:34.900 He Looks Like a brother with an attitude, but I see a man with a gun under his bed. 00:16:35.100 --> 00:16:38.200 And woe betide the creature who steps into his garden. 00:16:38.600 --> 00:16:39.900 Number six... 00:16:40.300 --> 00:16:41.900 ...your favorite... 00:16:42.000 --> 00:16:43.700 ...she's damaged goods. 00:16:44.400 --> 00:16:47.200 She's a Catholic schoolteacher. 00:16:47.700 --> 00:16:49.500 Believes in human frailty.... 00:16:49.600 --> 00:16:51.900 No. Something's missing from her. 00:16:52.000 --> 00:16:53.300 She's wrong. 00:16:54.100 --> 00:16:55.600 She wants on this jury. 00:16:55.700 --> 00:16:58.200 Somebody hurt her and she wants revenge. 00:17:00.600 --> 00:17:02.700 How the hell do you know that? 00:17:03.700 --> 00:17:05.000 I don't know. 00:17:07.000 --> 00:17:10.200 Either you put a stop to this happy horseshit or I walk. 00:17:11.500 --> 00:17:12.400 Walk. 00:17:14.700 --> 00:17:18.500 Here's the deal: if I Lose with your jury, you do the explaining. 00:17:19.400 --> 00:17:21.200 Your Honor, may I continue? 00:17:21.300 --> 00:17:24.600 We'd Like to excuse Jurors three, four and six. 00:18:16.900 --> 00:18:19.700 Hi. You're home early for a change. 00:18:23.900 --> 00:18:25.500 Your mother called. 00:18:26.100 --> 00:18:28.400 She has her ''bad feeling.'' 00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:35.400 Every now and then, she gets one right. 00:18:38.000 --> 00:18:39.100 You okay? 00:18:41.900 --> 00:18:43.300 Something's up. 00:18:44.000 --> 00:18:46.900 They deliberated for 38 minutes. 00:18:51.800 --> 00:18:53.900 Oh, honey, I'm sorry. 00:18:56.300 --> 00:19:00.700 What the hell did they expect? The man is as guilty as can be. 00:19:01.100 --> 00:19:04.000 Wasn't a jury anywhere gonna Let him off. 00:19:04.900 --> 00:19:06.000 Yeah. 00:19:08.000 --> 00:19:09.200 Except one. 00:19:09.600 --> 00:19:10.500 What? 00:19:16.200 --> 00:19:17.900 Not fucking guilty! 00:19:18.400 --> 00:19:20.700 Oh, my God! You lying... 00:19:20.900 --> 00:19:22.200 ...sack of shit! 00:19:22.300 --> 00:19:24.400 Thirty-eight minutes, my jury! 00:19:27.000 --> 00:19:28.800 Thirty-eight minutes! 00:19:29.200 --> 00:19:31.700 -You did it! -My jury! I'm too good! 00:19:35.800 --> 00:19:38.500 -Glad you could stick around. -It's your dime. 00:19:38.600 --> 00:19:39.700 Sorry to keep you waiting. 00:19:39.800 --> 00:19:43.300 Mr. Milton got pinned down in Indonesia longer than expected. 00:19:43.700 --> 00:19:45.200 Good morning, Caprice. 00:19:45.800 --> 00:19:47.400 Good morning, Mr. Heath. 00:19:47.500 --> 00:19:48.800 Your messages. 00:19:52.800 --> 00:19:54.100 Not bad, huh? 00:19:55.100 --> 00:19:56.700 You can play it cool if you want... 00:19:56.800 --> 00:20:00.000 ...but when I first walked in, my jaw was on the floor. 00:20:03.500 --> 00:20:04.600 This is our home office. 00:20:04.700 --> 00:20:06.300 We have many international arrangements... 00:20:06.400 --> 00:20:09.000 ...so Mr. Milton spends a great deal of his time in the air. 00:20:09.100 --> 00:20:10.500 Three o'clock, we got the Greeks. 00:20:10.600 --> 00:20:12.600 Am I a good cop or a bad cop? 00:20:12.700 --> 00:20:14.400 We may not need a good cop. 00:20:14.500 --> 00:20:15.600 I Love it. 00:20:16.200 --> 00:20:20.300 In addition to our corporate clients we're representing 25 foreign countries: 00:20:20.400 --> 00:20:23.500 The Mideast, the Balkans, Central America, West Africa.... 00:20:23.600 --> 00:20:26.200 Interesting work, but travel-intensive. 00:21:21.700 --> 00:21:22.800 Behind you. 00:21:24.500 --> 00:21:25.500 I'm sorry. 00:21:25.600 --> 00:21:27.400 Please. Kevin Lomax. 00:21:27.900 --> 00:21:29.100 John Milton. 00:21:29.200 --> 00:21:30.600 Nice to meet you. 00:21:36.200 --> 00:21:37.100 So? 00:21:38.000 --> 00:21:40.000 Have we been treating you well? 00:21:40.100 --> 00:21:41.200 Very well, thank you. 00:21:41.300 --> 00:21:43.300 And your wife, she's had a good time? 00:21:43.400 --> 00:21:46.900 She sure has. It's been great. The whole thing's been great. 00:21:49.500 --> 00:21:51.000 That's our secret: 00:21:51.300 --> 00:21:53.000 Kill you with kindness. 00:21:55.500 --> 00:21:57.000 What's your secret? 00:21:57.700 --> 00:21:59.200 I couldn't say. 00:21:59.600 --> 00:22:01.000 You were a prosecutor. 00:22:01.100 --> 00:22:04.800 Out of law school. Five years in the Jacksonville D.A.'s office. 00:22:06.800 --> 00:22:09.200 Sixty-four straight convictions. 00:22:10.900 --> 00:22:12.100 What a number! 00:22:12.700 --> 00:22:14.400 I Like to be in court. 00:22:14.700 --> 00:22:16.400 I didn't plea out a lot. 00:22:17.500 --> 00:22:18.600 What's that Like? 00:22:18.700 --> 00:22:21.900 One day you put them away, the next you set them free. 00:22:22.900 --> 00:22:24.500 Takes a little getting used to. 00:22:24.600 --> 00:22:26.200 Pays better, though, doesn't it? 00:22:26.300 --> 00:22:28.000 Yes, it does. 00:22:29.400 --> 00:22:34.000 That math teacher, the Gettys case... now I hear you were brilliant. 00:22:34.800 --> 00:22:36.600 Prosecutor dropped the ball. 00:22:36.700 --> 00:22:37.800 Really? 00:22:38.500 --> 00:22:40.200 You think your guy was guilty? 00:22:40.300 --> 00:22:41.600 I didn't say that. 00:22:41.700 --> 00:22:43.000 What'd you say? 00:22:44.200 --> 00:22:45.500 How's this: 00:22:45.800 --> 00:22:49.000 I began the case with a clear conscience. 00:22:56.300 --> 00:22:58.200 I was sure you had a secret. 00:23:01.700 --> 00:23:03.000 The men's room. 00:23:03.300 --> 00:23:05.800 Upstairs men's room in the Duval County courthouse. 00:23:05.900 --> 00:23:08.600 There's a hole in the wall to the next room. 00:23:08.700 --> 00:23:11.600 I spent five years Listening to juries deliberate. 00:23:11.700 --> 00:23:13.500 -I Love it. -Love it all you want. 00:23:13.600 --> 00:23:14.900 Just don't repeat it. 00:23:15.000 --> 00:23:18.400 I'm not sure the Florida Bar Association would appreciate it. 00:23:18.500 --> 00:23:20.500 My lips are sealed. 00:23:21.000 --> 00:23:24.100 You don't really want to go back to Florida, do you? 00:23:28.300 --> 00:23:29.600 Walk with me. 00:23:50.100 --> 00:23:51.500 What do you think? 00:23:52.800 --> 00:23:54.700 Some people can't handle it. 00:23:56.200 --> 00:23:57.500 It's peaceful. 00:23:58.800 --> 00:24:00.800 My sentiments exactly. 00:24:02.700 --> 00:24:07.300 Fill in the resume for me. Tell me, your father, what does he do? 00:24:07.600 --> 00:24:11.100 I never got to know my father. He passed away before I was born. 00:24:11.300 --> 00:24:13.800 My mother raised me. Just the two of us. 00:24:13.900 --> 00:24:15.200 She never remarried? 00:24:15.300 --> 00:24:17.500 She wasn't married the first time. 00:24:17.900 --> 00:24:20.900 That can't be easy in a town Like Gainesville, can it? 00:24:21.800 --> 00:24:23.900 I don't think it's easy anywhere. 00:24:26.300 --> 00:24:27.400 Holy shit! 00:24:28.800 --> 00:24:30.800 Different when you're Looking down, isn't it? 00:24:30.900 --> 00:24:32.600 Yes, it is. 00:24:33.500 --> 00:24:34.900 Oh, my God. 00:24:35.300 --> 00:24:36.500 Your mother... 00:24:36.800 --> 00:24:38.300 ...what's she Like? 00:24:39.100 --> 00:24:41.700 She's a preacher's daughter. She's tough. 00:24:41.800 --> 00:24:45.300 She's worked in a poultry plant for as long as I can remember. 00:24:45.500 --> 00:24:49.500 She's got a church she really Likes, so she's usually there or they go out.... 00:24:49.600 --> 00:24:51.600 They do a lot of volunteer work. 00:24:51.700 --> 00:24:55.300 ''Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.'' 00:24:57.100 --> 00:24:58.400 So they say. 00:24:59.000 --> 00:25:00.300 It didn't rub off? 00:25:00.400 --> 00:25:02.200 The Book? The Church? 00:25:02.600 --> 00:25:04.200 No, I'm on parole. 00:25:04.400 --> 00:25:06.900 Early release for time served. 00:25:10.600 --> 00:25:13.000 A lot of potential clients down there. 00:25:13.500 --> 00:25:15.000 Are we negotiating? 00:25:15.900 --> 00:25:17.000 Always. 00:25:18.700 --> 00:25:20.700 Can I ask you a question, then? 00:25:21.500 --> 00:25:24.000 Why do you need a criminal department? 00:25:24.300 --> 00:25:28.000 Our clients break the law Like anyone else. 00:25:31.300 --> 00:25:34.700 I'm just tired of sending their business across the street. 00:25:35.400 --> 00:25:38.400 -Are you offering me a job? -I'm thinking about it. 00:25:40.200 --> 00:25:43.500 I know you've got talent. I knew that before you got here. 00:25:44.100 --> 00:25:47.400 It's just the other thing I wonder about. 00:25:48.900 --> 00:25:50.100 What thing? 00:25:52.200 --> 00:25:53.300 Pressure. 00:25:54.500 --> 00:25:56.600 It changes everything. Pressure. 00:25:56.900 --> 00:25:59.900 Some people, you squeeze them, they focus. 00:26:00.400 --> 00:26:01.700 Others fold. 00:26:03.900 --> 00:26:06.300 Can you summon your talent at will? 00:26:07.000 --> 00:26:08.900 Can you deliver on a deadline? 00:26:10.300 --> 00:26:12.000 Can you sleep at night? 00:26:13.600 --> 00:26:15.300 When do we talk about money? 00:26:15.400 --> 00:26:16.600 Money? 00:26:20.800 --> 00:26:22.400 That's the easy part. 00:26:23.400 --> 00:26:25.500 They call this part of Fifth Avenue, Carnegie Hill. 00:26:25.600 --> 00:26:28.400 You've got the park right across the street, and the reservoir. 00:26:28.500 --> 00:26:30.100 Best jogging in New York. 00:26:30.200 --> 00:26:32.000 Mount Sinai Hospital is up the street. 00:26:32.000 --> 00:26:33.600 Some excellent schools. 00:26:34.400 --> 00:26:37.300 Not on the top of Mr. Milton's list when he bought this building... 00:26:37.400 --> 00:26:39.800 ...but great neighborhood for children. 00:26:39.900 --> 00:26:41.200 Great building. 00:26:42.300 --> 00:26:44.800 Follow the money all the way to the top. 00:26:45.000 --> 00:26:48.300 You've got the managing director, Eddie Barzoon, on 16. 00:26:48.500 --> 00:26:51.200 And, of course, Mr. Milton has the tower. 00:26:54.500 --> 00:26:56.300 -You must be Mary Ann? -Yes, I am. 00:26:56.400 --> 00:26:58.700 Welcome. I'm Jackie Heath. 00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:01.600 It's nice of you to come by. 00:27:01.700 --> 00:27:04.000 Oh, please. We Live across the hall. 00:27:04.200 --> 00:27:06.100 -You're kidding. -Right there. 00:27:06.500 --> 00:27:08.600 It's just two apartments per floor? 00:27:08.700 --> 00:27:12.600 -You didn't tell them about it? -It can speak for itself. 00:27:13.800 --> 00:27:15.100 Voila! 00:27:21.200 --> 00:27:22.500 Oh, my God! 00:27:23.800 --> 00:27:26.200 It's what they call a ''Classic Eight.'' 00:27:26.400 --> 00:27:29.000 Be careful. I don't have a map. I don't want you to get Lost. 00:27:29.100 --> 00:27:33.500 We had them paint it white. Let you see it naked before you pick your palette. 00:27:33.600 --> 00:27:34.800 What am I picking? 00:27:34.900 --> 00:27:36.300 Palette. Your colors. 00:27:36.400 --> 00:27:37.400 Oh, yes. 00:27:40.000 --> 00:27:42.100 I need to warn you about one thing. 00:27:42.200 --> 00:27:46.200 There are going to be some very envious people down at the firm. 00:27:46.400 --> 00:27:50.000 There aren't many of these apartments. They're a partner's perk. 00:27:50.100 --> 00:27:52.400 You must've made quite an impression. 00:27:52.600 --> 00:27:56.300 Oh, my God, three bedrooms. You know what that means? 00:27:57.000 --> 00:27:58.000 Bables. 00:27:58.200 --> 00:28:00.400 It took us six years to get in here. 00:28:04.600 --> 00:28:06.200 Unbelievable. 00:28:08.200 --> 00:28:09.800 Thank you very much. 00:28:14.100 --> 00:28:16.100 Are you really this good? 00:28:17.000 --> 00:28:18.900 I sure as hell hope so. 00:28:20.200 --> 00:28:22.200 They must want you pretty bad. 00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:25.200 Look, Mar... 00:28:26.500 --> 00:28:29.500 ...I'm only getting behind this if you're on board. 00:28:29.700 --> 00:28:31.500 If you want to go home... 00:28:32.100 --> 00:28:33.500 ...I'm with you. 00:28:33.800 --> 00:28:34.900 Sure. 00:28:35.600 --> 00:28:38.400 Let's go back to Gainesville, back to the condo. 00:28:38.700 --> 00:28:42.900 You keep scrounging for clients and I'll keep repossessing cars for Akamian. 00:28:43.100 --> 00:28:46.600 And maybe, just maybe, if we kill ourselves... 00:28:47.700 --> 00:28:52.200 ...in about five years we can afford a baby and a weekend shack at Gulf Shores. 00:28:52.800 --> 00:28:54.400 Are you shitting me? 00:29:00.200 --> 00:29:01.400 I Love you. 00:29:02.000 --> 00:29:03.600 I Love you, too. 00:29:07.600 --> 00:29:09.700 Tadashi Osumi, Media. 00:29:09.800 --> 00:29:11.800 Walter Krasna, Maritime Law. 00:29:12.500 --> 00:29:14.000 Bashir Toabal, Energy Law. 00:29:14.100 --> 00:29:15.800 I run the Islamic subgroup. 00:29:15.900 --> 00:29:18.800 Joyce Rensaleer, Mergers and Acquisitions. 00:29:18.900 --> 00:29:22.000 Eddie Barzoon, Managing Director and... 00:29:22.800 --> 00:29:24.100 ...Real Estate. 00:29:24.200 --> 00:29:26.900 Pradeed Resh, Intellectual Properties. 00:29:27.400 --> 00:29:30.400 Christabella Andrioti, International Trade and Customs... 00:29:30.500 --> 00:29:32.100 ...EC and G-7. 00:29:34.500 --> 00:29:36.000 There it is, Kevin. 00:29:36.400 --> 00:29:37.700 The whole team. 00:29:38.200 --> 00:29:41.000 Welcome to Milton, Chadwick and Waters. 00:29:41.300 --> 00:29:43.900 So what do you think? You can change the furniture if you Like. 00:29:44.000 --> 00:29:45.700 I guess it'll do. 00:29:46.000 --> 00:29:47.500 Until something better comes along? 00:29:47.600 --> 00:29:49.500 Kevin Lomax, Pam Garrety. 00:29:50.200 --> 00:29:51.600 Nice to meet you. 00:29:52.000 --> 00:29:54.100 Pam was at the Brooklyn D.A.'s office for 14 years... 00:29:54.200 --> 00:29:57.000 ...so she knows her way around the local scene. 00:29:57.100 --> 00:29:59.300 You'll expedite his bar application? 00:29:59.400 --> 00:30:02.500 It's in the pipeline. For now, you'll work pro hac vice. 00:30:02.600 --> 00:30:05.200 I petitioned Florida for a Letter of good conduct. 00:30:05.300 --> 00:30:09.300 And I prepared, at Mr. Milton's request, an overview of the Moyez case. 00:30:09.600 --> 00:30:10.700 The Moyez case? 00:30:12.500 --> 00:30:14.000 Move, move, move! 00:30:35.400 --> 00:30:36.800 What do you think? 00:30:36.900 --> 00:30:39.500 It's a health code case and it's a Loser. 00:30:41.700 --> 00:30:43.300 So what's the point? 00:30:44.000 --> 00:30:47.300 He wants to see if I'll plea-bargain. It's a test, right? 00:30:48.400 --> 00:30:49.700 Isn't everything? 00:30:52.000 --> 00:30:54.500 It's an 18th-century Italian silk damask... 00:30:54.600 --> 00:30:58.700 ...with an embossed floriated pattern of undulating acanthus leaves. 00:30:58.900 --> 00:31:00.300 Lovely, isn't it? 00:31:02.200 --> 00:31:04.300 And this is about what? 00:31:04.700 --> 00:31:05.700 The price? 00:31:06.500 --> 00:31:09.000 It's about $2,000 a panel. 00:31:10.200 --> 00:31:11.600 We'll take it... 00:31:12.200 --> 00:31:13.500 ...at $1,400. 00:31:13.700 --> 00:31:15.400 You made it. 00:31:17.300 --> 00:31:19.500 I thought you said it was impossible. 00:31:19.600 --> 00:31:21.900 I thought you said it was important. 00:31:30.000 --> 00:31:31.600 Go get them, man. 00:31:31.700 --> 00:31:34.100 Tell him, ''Cut that shit down!'' 00:31:34.400 --> 00:31:37.400 I know what they're doing over there! That's right! 00:31:38.400 --> 00:31:41.200 Tell him, ''Take all that noise back to Africa. '' 00:31:51.300 --> 00:31:54.000 Good afternoon. I'm Looking for Phillipe Moyez. 00:32:06.800 --> 00:32:09.300 Look, I'm not sure I'm making myself clear. 00:32:09.400 --> 00:32:12.400 Moyez, you need him? To speak with him? 00:32:13.100 --> 00:32:14.700 Show him your boots. 00:32:17.200 --> 00:32:19.900 You're saying he's down here in the basement? 00:32:20.500 --> 00:32:21.600 In the dark? 00:32:21.700 --> 00:32:23.800 Where do you think I'm taking you? 00:32:34.100 --> 00:32:36.200 I thought I would recognize you... 00:32:38.300 --> 00:32:39.600 ...but I do not. 00:32:41.200 --> 00:32:42.300 Mr. Moyez? 00:32:44.600 --> 00:32:46.100 We've never met. 00:32:46.900 --> 00:32:49.200 I'm Kevin Lomax. I'm a Lawyer. 00:32:50.400 --> 00:32:52.200 I'm here about the animals. 00:32:54.000 --> 00:32:56.700 We have an investment in blood. 00:32:58.700 --> 00:33:01.000 Think of it as spiritual currency. 00:33:02.800 --> 00:33:04.600 ''Spiritual currency.'' 00:33:06.900 --> 00:33:10.100 Look, Mr. Moyez, I'm going to need your help with this. 00:33:15.200 --> 00:33:17.200 What is the name of the man... 00:33:17.300 --> 00:33:19.100 ...who will prosecute us? 00:33:20.100 --> 00:33:21.200 Merto. 00:33:21.700 --> 00:33:24.400 Assistant District Attorney Arnold Merto. 00:33:29.800 --> 00:33:31.800 What are you doing, Mr. Moyez? 00:33:32.300 --> 00:33:35.200 With this tongue, we create silence. 00:33:35.600 --> 00:33:36.900 You can go now. 00:33:37.300 --> 00:33:39.200 You will have all the help... 00:33:39.400 --> 00:33:40.900 ...I can give you... 00:33:41.500 --> 00:33:43.500 ...against Monsieur Merto. 00:33:51.400 --> 00:33:53.700 It's arbor green. What do you think? 00:33:54.900 --> 00:33:56.600 Not with your complexion. 00:34:01.100 --> 00:34:03.100 New York City health codes. 00:34:03.800 --> 00:34:04.800 That's all of it? 00:34:04.900 --> 00:34:06.100 Not quite. 00:34:11.100 --> 00:34:12.400 Thanks. 00:34:16.700 --> 00:34:18.200 Caribbean green. 00:34:19.000 --> 00:34:21.100 Something cooler, maybe. Cooler. 00:34:21.300 --> 00:34:22.600 A cooler green. 00:34:26.800 --> 00:34:28.200 Too institutional. 00:34:29.000 --> 00:34:30.100 I Love green. 00:34:30.200 --> 00:34:34.600 I Love it but it's one thing to wear it and another to have it on your walls. 00:34:37.800 --> 00:34:41.300 I'm just trying to help. It's your walls. Do what you want. 00:34:44.700 --> 00:34:47.400 Remember, it's only a health-code case. 00:35:08.900 --> 00:35:13.000 This is the first time since I was 13, I don't have a job... 00:35:13.900 --> 00:35:15.300 ...or two. 00:35:15.900 --> 00:35:18.200 I feel Like I'm floating around in that place. 00:35:18.300 --> 00:35:20.900 You know, just drifting around or something. 00:35:22.900 --> 00:35:24.600 You'll settle in. 00:35:25.300 --> 00:35:27.800 We had this little office in the condo.... 00:35:28.000 --> 00:35:29.100 Thanks. 00:35:29.300 --> 00:35:32.600 You know, his side and my side. Real nice. 00:35:33.700 --> 00:35:36.800 At night, I'd go to sleep, I'd see that Light on.... 00:35:39.800 --> 00:35:41.500 If I want to see Leamon... 00:35:42.100 --> 00:35:43.800 ...I make an appointment. 00:35:49.300 --> 00:35:50.900 You're kidding, right? 00:35:55.900 --> 00:35:57.600 God, how do you handle it? 00:35:58.100 --> 00:36:00.100 Take a Look around, honey. 00:36:00.600 --> 00:36:02.900 Look, you've got three choices. 00:36:03.100 --> 00:36:04.700 The Holy Trinity: 00:36:05.700 --> 00:36:07.100 You can work... 00:36:08.300 --> 00:36:09.800 ...you can play... 00:36:11.100 --> 00:36:12.500 ...or you can breed. 00:36:13.800 --> 00:36:15.900 That's a veaI roast, Your Honor. 00:36:16.200 --> 00:36:18.600 USDA approved and stamped. 00:36:19.300 --> 00:36:21.900 Men kill animals and eat their flesh. 00:36:22.600 --> 00:36:24.600 Phillipe Moyez killed a goat. 00:36:25.800 --> 00:36:27.200 He killed a goat. 00:36:28.300 --> 00:36:30.200 And he did it at home... 00:36:30.600 --> 00:36:34.000 ...in a manner consistent with his religious beliefs. 00:36:34.700 --> 00:36:37.400 Now, Mr. Merto may find that bizarre. 00:36:38.800 --> 00:36:41.800 It's certainly not a religious practice performed by everyone. 00:36:41.900 --> 00:36:44.500 It's not as common as, say... 00:36:44.700 --> 00:36:46.100 ...circumcision. 00:36:46.700 --> 00:36:48.800 It's not as common as the belief that... 00:36:48.900 --> 00:36:51.400 ...wine transforms into blood. 00:36:52.300 --> 00:36:55.800 Some people handle poisonous snakes to prove their faith. 00:36:56.500 --> 00:36:58.500 Some people walk on fire. 00:36:59.100 --> 00:37:00.900 Phillipe Moyez killed a goat. 00:37:01.000 --> 00:37:02.400 And he did it... 00:37:03.300 --> 00:37:06.500 ...while observing his constitutionally protected... 00:37:07.100 --> 00:37:08.700 ...religious beliefs. 00:37:10.300 --> 00:37:13.500 Your Honor, this case is not about keeping goats... 00:37:13.900 --> 00:37:16.600 ...or transporting goats or goat licensing. 00:37:17.500 --> 00:37:21.400 The city was less concerned with the care of the animals... 00:37:21.500 --> 00:37:23.900 ...than the manner in which they were slaughtered. 00:37:24.000 --> 00:37:25.500 Objection! 00:37:25.600 --> 00:37:27.500 Enough, enough. I got it. 00:37:28.400 --> 00:37:29.800 Let's wrap it up. 00:37:30.200 --> 00:37:31.500 Your Honor... 00:37:32.500 --> 00:37:35.400 ...the city timed this police action to catch my client... 00:37:35.500 --> 00:37:39.600 ...exercising his constitutionally protected right to religious freedom. 00:37:40.000 --> 00:37:42.500 This is a law protecting kosher butchering. 00:37:42.600 --> 00:37:44.200 Exactly, Your Honor. 00:37:44.400 --> 00:37:47.700 I'd Like to move at this time for a verdict of dismissal. 00:37:47.800 --> 00:37:51.200 I happen to know a little bit about kashrut law, Mr. Lomax. 00:37:51.600 --> 00:37:53.500 I'm aware of that, Your Honor. 00:37:53.600 --> 00:37:56.700 That's why I feel confident in requesting a dismissal. 00:37:58.300 --> 00:37:59.500 Mr. Merto? 00:38:05.900 --> 00:38:07.700 For God's sake, man.... 00:38:15.400 --> 00:38:17.500 Congratulations. Great job. 00:38:18.000 --> 00:38:20.600 Bravo! Bravo! 00:38:22.200 --> 00:38:24.200 Pamela, you Look Lovely. 00:38:24.700 --> 00:38:26.000 So, Phillipe... 00:38:26.100 --> 00:38:27.300 ...satisfied? 00:38:27.400 --> 00:38:29.000 AIways, Jean. 00:38:31.000 --> 00:38:32.900 What can I say? 00:38:33.700 --> 00:38:35.100 Outstanding. 00:38:36.300 --> 00:38:39.100 Go figure it, a guy like Moyez... 00:38:39.500 --> 00:38:42.000 ...living in some subterranean shithole... 00:38:42.100 --> 00:38:45.800 ...all the while he's walking around with $15 million in the bank. 00:38:46.100 --> 00:38:47.400 You're kidding. 00:38:47.600 --> 00:38:50.200 What do you think he's paying us in? Goat's blood? 00:38:50.300 --> 00:38:54.100 Tarzan, we're billing you out at $400 an hour, my friend. 00:38:54.300 --> 00:38:57.800 I don't see a whole lot of pro-bono work in your immediate future. 00:38:57.900 --> 00:39:01.100 I figured you came down to make sure I didn't fuck this up. 00:39:01.200 --> 00:39:02.500 Maybe I did. 00:39:03.200 --> 00:39:06.500 Don't get too cocky, my boy. No matter how good you are... 00:39:06.800 --> 00:39:09.600 ...don't Let them see you coming. That's the gaffe, my friend. 00:39:09.700 --> 00:39:11.800 You've gotta keep yourself small. 00:39:12.000 --> 00:39:13.100 Innocuous. 00:39:13.400 --> 00:39:14.800 Be the little guy. 00:39:14.900 --> 00:39:17.000 You know, the nerd, the leper... 00:39:17.400 --> 00:39:19.800 ...the shitkicking surfer. Look at me. 00:39:22.200 --> 00:39:24.400 Underestimated from day one. 00:39:25.400 --> 00:39:28.800 You'd never think I was a master of the universe, would you? 00:39:29.800 --> 00:39:32.800 That's your only weakness, as far as I can see. 00:39:32.900 --> 00:39:34.100 What's that? 00:39:34.600 --> 00:39:35.800 It's the Look. 00:39:36.400 --> 00:39:37.700 That Florida stud thing. 00:39:37.800 --> 00:39:39.000 What is that? 00:39:39.200 --> 00:39:42.700 Excuse me, ma'am. Did I leave my boots under your bed? 00:39:43.100 --> 00:39:45.200 Never worked a jury that didn't have a woman. 00:39:45.300 --> 00:39:47.200 You know what you're missing? 00:39:47.400 --> 00:39:49.200 You're missing what I have. 00:39:50.000 --> 00:39:54.000 There's this beautiful girl, just fucked me 40 ways from Sunday... 00:39:54.300 --> 00:39:57.800 ...we're done, she's walking to the bathroom, trying to walk... 00:39:58.000 --> 00:39:59.300 ...she turns... 00:40:00.000 --> 00:40:01.300 ...she Looks... 00:40:01.800 --> 00:40:03.000 ...it's me. 00:40:03.800 --> 00:40:07.000 Not the Trojan army that just fucked her. Little old me. 00:40:08.000 --> 00:40:09.900 She gets this Look on her face Like: 00:40:10.000 --> 00:40:12.000 ''How the hell did that happen?'' 00:40:14.300 --> 00:40:16.700 I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. 00:40:17.700 --> 00:40:19.300 I'm a surprise, Kevin. 00:40:20.100 --> 00:40:21.800 They don't see me coming. 00:40:22.100 --> 00:40:23.700 That's what you're missing. 00:40:23.800 --> 00:40:25.400 Where's the chicken? 00:40:38.300 --> 00:40:43.100 There's a chicken, plays tic-tac-toe, never Loses. He's famous. 00:40:45.500 --> 00:40:47.100 Never Loses, Like you. 00:40:49.400 --> 00:40:51.700 Come on. I'll show you the fastest way uptown. 00:40:51.800 --> 00:40:53.900 Learn the subways, Kevin. 00:40:55.100 --> 00:40:56.200 Use them. 00:40:56.500 --> 00:40:58.300 Stay in the trenches. 00:40:59.200 --> 00:41:00.700 Only way I travel. 00:41:08.200 --> 00:41:10.000 What happened to the green? 00:41:10.400 --> 00:41:11.400 I Loved the green! 00:41:11.500 --> 00:41:12.500 Honey, you're late! 00:41:12.600 --> 00:41:15.400 We're due up at the Barzoon's palace in 15 minutes. 00:41:15.500 --> 00:41:17.300 What's all this? 00:41:17.500 --> 00:41:18.500 ALL what? 00:41:18.600 --> 00:41:22.500 Jackie says the ''who's who'' of New York is gonna be there tonight. 00:41:22.800 --> 00:41:25.100 -ALL this? -Oh, that. 00:41:25.800 --> 00:41:27.800 It was going to be a nursery... 00:41:28.300 --> 00:41:31.300 ...then I remembered you'd have to be home long enough to knock me up. 00:41:31.400 --> 00:41:34.300 So now I'm thinking of building a law library. 00:41:34.600 --> 00:41:36.200 Oh, baby. 00:41:39.800 --> 00:41:41.500 Tell me I can handle this. 00:41:41.600 --> 00:41:43.200 You can handle this. 00:41:43.400 --> 00:41:45.600 -Say something nice. -Something nice. 00:41:49.400 --> 00:41:52.800 Promise me you won't leave me alone in there. 00:41:53.400 --> 00:41:54.800 I promise. 00:41:59.600 --> 00:42:01.600 There you are. 00:42:05.300 --> 00:42:07.300 Diana Barzoon. Eddie's wife. 00:42:07.500 --> 00:42:09.000 Nice to meet you. 00:42:09.300 --> 00:42:12.300 Kevin Lomax, Health Code Warrior. 00:42:12.600 --> 00:42:13.600 ALL hall. 00:42:13.700 --> 00:42:16.900 -Mr. Barzoon, this is Mary Ann. -Nice to meet you. 00:42:17.500 --> 00:42:19.500 Well, Kevin, here they are. 00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:23.500 Top of the food chain and dinner is served. 00:42:23.700 --> 00:42:25.200 I throw these parties twice a year. 00:42:25.300 --> 00:42:30.000 Stock market, real estate, politics. They're all players, and they're all prospects. 00:42:31.100 --> 00:42:32.200 Congratulations. 00:42:32.300 --> 00:42:34.200 Remember Rashid? Just in from Beirut. 00:42:34.300 --> 00:42:35.600 Congratulations. 00:42:35.700 --> 00:42:37.800 Bright young Lights. 00:42:39.100 --> 00:42:41.200 You're going to Like this. Come on. 00:42:41.300 --> 00:42:43.800 Somebody I want you to meet. 00:42:44.000 --> 00:42:47.300 Kevin and Mary Ann Lomax, this is Senator Alfonse D'Amato. 00:42:47.500 --> 00:42:49.200 Ambassador Charles Gagano. 00:42:49.300 --> 00:42:52.600 In case you didn't know, these are the Republicans of New York. 00:42:52.700 --> 00:42:55.000 Barzoon always overstates things. 00:42:55.400 --> 00:42:59.400 Donald Trump was supposed to be here, but he had a business emergency. 00:43:00.200 --> 00:43:03.100 I knew I'd find you here. I'd Like you to meet my wife. 00:43:03.200 --> 00:43:04.600 Mary Ann, this is Pam Garrety. 00:43:04.700 --> 00:43:06.400 -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. 00:43:06.500 --> 00:43:08.900 -We're partners in crime. -Someone you must meet. 00:43:09.000 --> 00:43:10.900 Excuse me. This is important. 00:43:11.000 --> 00:43:13.800 -You are so beautifuI. -Oh, thank you. 00:43:14.600 --> 00:43:16.900 -I heard you met the senator. -Yes, I did. 00:43:17.000 --> 00:43:18.400 -I was married to him. -Really? 00:43:18.500 --> 00:43:19.700 Kidding. 00:43:23.800 --> 00:43:26.500 I'd Like you to meet Kevin Lomax. Kevin is from Florida. 00:43:26.600 --> 00:43:28.400 He's new to the firm. 00:43:28.700 --> 00:43:30.900 The senator cannot leave. 00:43:31.700 --> 00:43:33.600 Who's that with the senator? 00:43:35.000 --> 00:43:37.300 -Oh, God, girl. -You haven't met him yet? 00:43:37.400 --> 00:43:38.600 No, who is he? 00:43:39.100 --> 00:43:41.100 I swear he can hear us. 00:43:41.300 --> 00:43:43.300 Hell, he can smell us. 00:43:43.800 --> 00:43:45.300 Mary Ann... 00:43:46.000 --> 00:43:47.000 ...John Milton. 00:43:47.100 --> 00:43:50.300 I was hoping I'd see you here tonight. And here you are. 00:43:50.400 --> 00:43:52.600 Already swimming with the sharks. 00:43:52.800 --> 00:43:54.400 Careful, hon. 00:43:55.500 --> 00:43:59.500 Come on, if you keep thinking small, we'll never make any money on you. 00:43:59.600 --> 00:44:01.300 These parties don't come cheap. 00:44:01.400 --> 00:44:04.200 Call him. Talk to him. See what they have to say. 00:44:04.300 --> 00:44:06.500 Just get it on tape. 00:44:07.700 --> 00:44:10.500 It's a wonderful opportunity for Kevin. 00:44:11.100 --> 00:44:13.900 Yes, Kevin. He's going to do all right if he... 00:44:14.800 --> 00:44:17.000 ...buys a few new suits... 00:44:17.800 --> 00:44:20.800 ...learns a few new tricks, he's there. 00:44:21.800 --> 00:44:23.100 It's you. What about you? 00:44:23.200 --> 00:44:25.800 Your family, you've got to miss them. No? 00:44:28.100 --> 00:44:32.400 I told Kevin the only thing worse than not having a father was having mine. 00:44:33.600 --> 00:44:34.800 I can relate. 00:44:36.500 --> 00:44:38.300 I can, believe me. 00:44:47.200 --> 00:44:49.000 The worst vice is advice. 00:44:52.200 --> 00:44:54.200 But may I make a suggestion? 00:44:55.200 --> 00:44:57.400 It's a sensitive.... 00:44:58.800 --> 00:45:01.700 It's about your hair, that's why I ask. 00:45:02.400 --> 00:45:04.300 No, go ahead. 00:45:05.100 --> 00:45:06.900 I mean, you don't Like it? 00:45:08.000 --> 00:45:10.100 I Like it fine. It's beautifuI. 00:45:10.800 --> 00:45:12.200 It's just.... 00:45:13.500 --> 00:45:15.200 It doesn't belong to you. 00:45:16.100 --> 00:45:18.000 You're too alive for a perm. 00:45:18.400 --> 00:45:19.700 It's not you. 00:45:20.700 --> 00:45:22.700 You should pull your hair back. 00:45:25.200 --> 00:45:27.100 Do it. See what happens. 00:45:27.200 --> 00:45:29.800 Right now, here, you want me to pull my hair back? 00:45:29.900 --> 00:45:31.400 Is that so terrible? 00:45:32.400 --> 00:45:34.100 I'd Love to do it, but if I did... 00:45:34.200 --> 00:45:37.100 ...everyone in this room who's pretending not to be watching us... 00:45:37.200 --> 00:45:40.800 ...would naturally assume that we were fucking or something. 00:45:44.200 --> 00:45:45.400 Please. 00:45:50.300 --> 00:45:51.400 Okay. 00:46:02.000 --> 00:46:03.600 It's fun to be right. 00:46:06.900 --> 00:46:08.000 Excuse me. 00:46:10.400 --> 00:46:11.800 That's a vision. 00:46:14.300 --> 00:46:16.100 You've gotta cut your hair. 00:46:19.000 --> 00:46:20.300 Are you serious? 00:46:20.800 --> 00:46:24.500 A woman's shoulders are the frontlines of her mystique. 00:46:26.600 --> 00:46:27.900 And her neck... 00:46:29.800 --> 00:46:31.300 ...if she's alive... 00:46:33.200 --> 00:46:35.700 ...has all the mystery of a border town. 00:46:38.100 --> 00:46:40.000 A no man's land... 00:46:42.500 --> 00:46:44.000 ...in that battle... 00:46:44.200 --> 00:46:46.700 ...between the mind and the body. 00:46:48.600 --> 00:46:49.700 You know... 00:46:50.900 --> 00:46:53.100 ...your natural color would really... 00:46:53.200 --> 00:46:55.100 ...bring out your eyes. 00:47:10.200 --> 00:47:11.800 Do you have this view? 00:47:12.800 --> 00:47:13.800 Sorry? 00:47:14.600 --> 00:47:17.000 From your terrace, is this your view? 00:47:17.800 --> 00:47:19.200 Not exactly. 00:47:19.900 --> 00:47:21.800 No terrace and I'm about... 00:47:22.200 --> 00:47:23.900 ...twelve floors down. 00:47:24.600 --> 00:47:25.900 What about you? 00:47:26.800 --> 00:47:28.500 No, I Live downtown. 00:47:29.900 --> 00:47:31.000 This is a... 00:47:31.400 --> 00:47:32.800 ...family building. 00:47:34.000 --> 00:47:35.500 Sounds Like fun. 00:47:37.600 --> 00:47:39.000 Downtown, I mean. 00:47:39.800 --> 00:47:42.000 I'm just getting to know the city. 00:47:42.500 --> 00:47:44.500 Is it everything you expected? 00:47:45.200 --> 00:47:46.200 More. 00:47:46.500 --> 00:47:49.800 I say we ride them as far as we can, and then eat them. 00:47:51.000 --> 00:47:54.000 Excuse me, Jackie. Have you guys seen Kevin anywhere? 00:47:54.100 --> 00:47:56.000 No, I'm sure he's around. 00:47:59.000 --> 00:48:00.400 Are you alone? 00:48:03.800 --> 00:48:05.200 You mean, tonight? 00:48:08.000 --> 00:48:10.000 Is your wife a jealous woman? 00:48:16.400 --> 00:48:19.200 Oh, dear, I'm going to scare you away. 00:48:20.500 --> 00:48:21.700 No, really... 00:48:21.800 --> 00:48:23.000 ...I'm fine. 00:48:23.800 --> 00:48:24.900 I'm fine. 00:48:25.000 --> 00:48:26.500 Bet you Like to be on top. 00:48:26.600 --> 00:48:28.900 -Don't you? -Excuse me? 00:48:29.600 --> 00:48:31.300 Of the situation. 00:48:31.700 --> 00:48:34.200 You prefer to be on top, right? 00:48:36.000 --> 00:48:37.500 Depends on the view. 00:48:40.600 --> 00:48:42.200 You know what I see? 00:48:44.200 --> 00:48:45.600 I see the future... 00:48:46.500 --> 00:48:48.000 ...of this law firm. 00:49:05.300 --> 00:49:07.700 We need to talk, Kevin. Something's come up. 00:49:07.800 --> 00:49:11.600 But first I want you to find Heath and Eddie Barzoon. 00:49:13.000 --> 00:49:15.600 Bring them up to my place. Do it quietly. 00:49:15.800 --> 00:49:16.800 Quickly. 00:49:18.900 --> 00:49:21.500 No problem. Arnold has a few reporters in his pocket. 00:49:21.600 --> 00:49:23.900 We'll plant a story and destroy his credibility. 00:49:24.000 --> 00:49:25.400 Have you seen Kevin? 00:49:25.500 --> 00:49:27.500 -No, I haven't, sweetie. -Okay. 00:49:28.800 --> 00:49:31.400 If he doesn't come to us, he'll regret it. 00:49:52.100 --> 00:49:53.100 Come on. 00:50:05.300 --> 00:50:06.800 Is there more to it? 00:50:07.900 --> 00:50:09.300 Just this room. 00:50:10.500 --> 00:50:12.400 And a bedroom? 00:50:14.200 --> 00:50:15.400 No bedroom. 00:50:15.900 --> 00:50:18.100 -Where does he sleep? -Who says he sleeps? 00:50:18.200 --> 00:50:19.400 Where does he fuck? 00:50:19.500 --> 00:50:20.700 Everywhere! 00:50:23.600 --> 00:50:24.900 What's up, John? 00:50:25.200 --> 00:50:28.300 How many hours did we bill Alex Cullen for last year? 00:50:30.800 --> 00:50:32.800 16,242. 00:50:33.000 --> 00:50:34.400 What did he do now? 00:50:35.200 --> 00:50:38.800 Alex Cullen has just been charged with murdering his wife... 00:50:39.600 --> 00:50:41.000 ...her stepson... 00:50:41.300 --> 00:50:42.600 ...and a maid. 00:50:45.300 --> 00:50:46.600 When did this happen? 00:50:46.700 --> 00:50:48.200 Just now. Tonight. 00:50:48.600 --> 00:50:51.400 I've sent Pam downtown to make ball arrangements. 00:50:51.700 --> 00:50:54.000 They're gonna fucking crucify him. 00:50:54.100 --> 00:50:57.100 They're gonna Iine up! I gotta call Melsel. 00:50:57.200 --> 00:50:59.900 I want Kevin on this case. 00:51:01.900 --> 00:51:03.500 I hope you're kidding. 00:51:07.200 --> 00:51:12.000 Alexander Cullen in a Manhattan triple murder with, excuse me, Kevin? 00:51:12.900 --> 00:51:14.300 You're dreaming! 00:51:16.800 --> 00:51:19.100 You know, I've shaken hands... 00:51:19.300 --> 00:51:22.600 ...with every marquee defense attorney in this town. 00:51:22.900 --> 00:51:25.400 I'd take Kevin and I don't Look back. 00:51:26.300 --> 00:51:29.300 John, you've got a great eye for talent. 00:51:29.400 --> 00:51:33.700 You're the master, but you know, I just don't see this happening. 00:51:34.400 --> 00:51:36.200 I want you on board, Eddie. 00:51:37.700 --> 00:51:42.400 I appreciate the vote of confidence, but maybe Eddie has a point here. 00:51:42.800 --> 00:51:45.500 We can get this case. The man's our client. 00:51:46.000 --> 00:51:48.100 He's a business client. 00:51:48.600 --> 00:51:50.800 We know him better than he knows himself. 00:51:50.900 --> 00:51:52.900 We've got the inside track. 00:51:53.300 --> 00:51:57.300 We've got the best damn trial Lawyer in the city. It's ours to Lose. 00:52:00.200 --> 00:52:01.800 Tell that to Cullen. 00:52:02.600 --> 00:52:04.300 I want Kevin to tell him. 00:52:04.900 --> 00:52:06.600 There's Pam. 00:52:09.400 --> 00:52:11.900 You gonna fight for this thing or not? 00:52:19.800 --> 00:52:20.800 Pam? 00:52:21.300 --> 00:52:22.600 No, it's Kevin. 00:52:24.800 --> 00:52:27.500 No, it's okay. I'm on it. Yeah, I'm on it. 00:52:28.000 --> 00:52:29.400 Where are we at? 00:52:36.700 --> 00:52:38.200 You left me there. 00:52:40.300 --> 00:52:44.000 I had a fucking panic attack until Jackie told me where you were. 00:52:44.800 --> 00:52:46.900 Three hours! You don't even call! 00:52:47.000 --> 00:52:48.000 Stop. 00:52:48.500 --> 00:52:49.500 Reset. 00:52:50.400 --> 00:52:53.500 I'm upstairs with Milton, Heath and Barzoon. 00:52:53.800 --> 00:52:57.900 There's a good possibility I'm about to catch a triple homicide defendant... 00:52:58.000 --> 00:52:59.500 ...who also happens to be... 00:52:59.600 --> 00:53:02.800 ...one of the largest real-estate developers in this city. 00:53:04.300 --> 00:53:06.100 I had to ball on the party. 00:53:06.200 --> 00:53:08.100 You balled on me. 00:53:11.400 --> 00:53:13.900 -Did you hear me? -I was all by myself! 00:53:14.000 --> 00:53:15.600 For three whole hours. 00:53:15.700 --> 00:53:18.700 The next time you make a promise, try and keep it! 00:53:19.000 --> 00:53:20.500 You gotta be kidding me, right? 00:53:20.600 --> 00:53:24.000 Go to hell. And you can go to sleep on the fucking couch! 00:53:27.500 --> 00:53:30.600 -You sure he's up there? -Yeah, CNN passed the word. 00:53:31.200 --> 00:53:32.400 Look at this. 00:53:32.500 --> 00:53:36.000 I'm not out 20 minutes, and I'm being followed by the press. 00:53:36.300 --> 00:53:37.500 They're Like insects. 00:53:37.600 --> 00:53:40.100 Alex, just calm down and Listen, okay? 00:53:42.400 --> 00:53:46.600 I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe he is a whiz kid, but Jesus Christ! 00:53:47.000 --> 00:53:49.400 This is my ass we're talking about! 00:53:50.000 --> 00:53:53.600 Alex, you know how this town works. 00:53:56.100 --> 00:53:58.800 You've got enemies here you haven't heard from. 00:54:00.400 --> 00:54:01.900 Now, with this... 00:54:02.400 --> 00:54:04.200 ...now that you're down... 00:54:04.400 --> 00:54:06.100 ...I'd get ready for one of those... 00:54:06.200 --> 00:54:08.800 ...Class-A, New York-style pigfucks. 00:54:09.600 --> 00:54:10.900 You know what's coming. 00:54:11.000 --> 00:54:14.800 Now you're going to have to ask yourself, ''who do you trust?'' 00:54:15.700 --> 00:54:17.000 I don't know. 00:54:17.100 --> 00:54:19.000 I'm gonna have to Look around. 00:54:22.800 --> 00:54:25.000 You don't have time to shop, Mr. Cullen. 00:54:25.100 --> 00:54:28.800 Jury selection started today at every breakfast table in the city. 00:54:28.900 --> 00:54:30.800 This is what people know: 00:54:31.300 --> 00:54:32.800 Three dead bodies. 00:54:33.400 --> 00:54:35.000 You discover the crime. 00:54:35.100 --> 00:54:39.100 You call it in. You've got blood on your person and clothes. 00:54:40.600 --> 00:54:42.100 And Mr. Cullen.... 00:54:43.600 --> 00:54:45.300 Your prints are on the murder weapon. 00:54:45.400 --> 00:54:47.000 How do you know that? 00:54:47.600 --> 00:54:50.200 There's a second print in blood. 00:54:50.300 --> 00:54:53.900 It's a partial of a hand on the wall next to the bodies. 00:54:54.000 --> 00:54:58.100 I have keys. I called the cops from the house! I touched the goddamn wall! 00:54:58.200 --> 00:54:59.700 I panicked! I was panicked! 00:54:59.800 --> 00:55:01.900 We need 12 people who can see past all that. 00:55:02.000 --> 00:55:05.100 -I touched the goddamn wall! -I'd get in front of this fast. 00:55:05.200 --> 00:55:07.500 I panicked! Is that a crime? 00:55:08.400 --> 00:55:10.200 I didn't kill anybody. 00:55:12.000 --> 00:55:13.500 This is a nightmare. 00:55:14.100 --> 00:55:17.100 How am I going to convince anybody? I'm innocent. 00:55:18.900 --> 00:55:20.500 He's right, Alex. 00:55:20.800 --> 00:55:22.900 People need to hear these things. 00:55:23.000 --> 00:55:24.500 Christ, Eddie. 00:55:25.200 --> 00:55:27.900 You're not happy tomorrow? The next day? 00:55:28.700 --> 00:55:30.100 We'll move over. 00:55:30.300 --> 00:55:32.500 But right now, this moment... 00:55:32.700 --> 00:55:35.400 ...you need immediate representation. 00:55:35.500 --> 00:55:37.500 I have a 14-year-old stepdaughter... 00:55:37.600 --> 00:55:40.200 ...who I care more about than anything in this world. 00:55:40.300 --> 00:55:43.000 They wouldn't Let me talk to her from downtown. 00:55:43.300 --> 00:55:45.500 They won't Let me talk to her now that I'm out! 00:55:45.600 --> 00:55:48.300 We need to issue a statement. 00:55:50.500 --> 00:55:52.000 He's a winner, Alex. 00:55:52.300 --> 00:55:54.000 Just Like you were. 00:55:54.200 --> 00:55:56.400 And they'll never see him coming. 00:55:58.600 --> 00:56:00.600 Jesus Christ. 00:56:03.700 --> 00:56:06.800 I've got some tough phone calls I've got to.... 00:56:14.600 --> 00:56:16.100 My place, tomorrow. 00:56:16.500 --> 00:56:17.500 Alone. 00:56:21.800 --> 00:56:25.600 You better be every fucking inch as good as he says you are. 00:56:35.100 --> 00:56:37.100 Not if they were giving it away. 00:56:37.500 --> 00:56:40.100 Come on, Mary Ann. Let's check out Yoshi's. 00:56:41.400 --> 00:56:42.500 -Andrea? -Yes? 00:56:42.600 --> 00:56:44.100 Another one of these, please. 00:56:44.200 --> 00:56:45.400 Right away. 00:56:45.600 --> 00:56:47.800 -No, no, no! -Yes, yes, yes.... 00:56:48.500 --> 00:56:51.300 I want you loose and pliable this afternoon. 00:56:54.300 --> 00:56:56.500 Oh, Lord, this is $3,000. 00:56:57.600 --> 00:56:59.200 You know what you should do? 00:56:59.300 --> 00:57:00.900 You should buy it... 00:57:01.300 --> 00:57:04.100 ...wear it once, and then throw it away. 00:57:04.500 --> 00:57:06.200 That will loosen you up. 00:57:08.100 --> 00:57:09.600 I say spend it all. 00:57:10.000 --> 00:57:14.300 If you never see your husband, have a relationship with his money. 00:57:14.400 --> 00:57:15.700 I swear... 00:57:15.900 --> 00:57:20.200 ...if Eddie wasn't afraid of me shouting my mouth off... 00:57:20.400 --> 00:57:23.100 ...he would've put a cellulite clause in the pre-nup. 00:57:23.200 --> 00:57:25.400 Dr. Robert, I'm telling you... 00:57:25.500 --> 00:57:28.200 ...he's a miracle man. You've seen my new tits. 00:57:28.400 --> 00:57:30.200 Who does it better than that? 00:57:30.300 --> 00:57:32.600 It's not my tits I'm worried about. 00:57:35.100 --> 00:57:36.600 Not too big.... 00:57:37.600 --> 00:57:38.900 Perfect. 00:57:40.200 --> 00:57:41.300 Real or not? 00:57:43.900 --> 00:57:45.200 They Look real. 00:57:46.100 --> 00:57:47.700 They must be real. 00:57:49.500 --> 00:57:50.700 Feel them. 00:57:50.800 --> 00:57:52.200 No, it's okay, really. 00:57:52.300 --> 00:57:55.200 Go ahead. That's the ultimate test. Come on. 00:57:58.700 --> 00:57:59.800 Feel real? 00:58:00.100 --> 00:58:01.600 Yes, absolutely real. 00:58:02.600 --> 00:58:04.100 Dr. Robert. 00:58:07.600 --> 00:58:09.000 When you're ready. 00:58:32.400 --> 00:58:34.800 So, what do you think? 00:58:37.700 --> 00:58:41.600 I don't care if they can hear me. I don't care! 00:58:42.700 --> 00:58:45.000 I don't Like it here, Kevin. 00:58:45.100 --> 00:58:48.500 And these women! My God, I mean, I'm seeing things for Christ's sake! 00:58:48.600 --> 00:58:50.900 -You just left them in the store? -Yes! 00:58:51.000 --> 00:58:52.400 -Calm down! -No! 00:58:52.600 --> 00:58:53.800 Listen to me! 00:58:55.900 --> 00:58:57.200 First.... 00:58:59.000 --> 00:59:01.400 You do this radical thing to your hair. 00:59:01.800 --> 00:59:02.900 You hate it. 00:59:03.000 --> 00:59:04.500 Stop. It's fine. 00:59:04.600 --> 00:59:08.500 I think it's fine. But I also think it's traumatic. 00:59:10.100 --> 00:59:13.300 You've got the pressure of fitting in with new friends. 00:59:13.600 --> 00:59:15.300 A new place. 00:59:15.800 --> 00:59:18.400 Add to that a couple bottles of wine. 00:59:18.800 --> 00:59:21.500 No. It wasn't the wine, Kevin. 00:59:21.900 --> 00:59:25.300 It wasn't the wine, or my hair, or talking to Kathy... 00:59:25.400 --> 00:59:26.800 ...or anything Like that! 00:59:26.900 --> 00:59:29.500 Because I know that's what you're gonna say. 00:59:29.800 --> 00:59:31.200 What about Kathy? 00:59:31.400 --> 00:59:33.100 What about your sister? 00:59:33.400 --> 00:59:35.700 What about her? She's pregnant again. 00:59:36.700 --> 00:59:38.900 That's got nothing to do with this? 00:59:42.100 --> 00:59:44.700 Kevin, I never see you anymore. 00:59:45.600 --> 00:59:49.600 And now that you've got this big case, it's just only gonna get worse. 00:59:50.300 --> 00:59:51.400 If you can believe it... 00:59:51.500 --> 00:59:55.500 ...I'm actually Looking forward to having your mother come and visit. 00:59:55.600 --> 00:59:57.000 What about the apartment? 00:59:57.100 --> 00:59:58.700 Goddamn you! 00:59:58.800 --> 01:00:00.900 Why do you always have to change things around? 01:00:01.000 --> 01:00:04.700 This is not about the apartment! I hate this stupid place! 01:00:06.700 --> 01:00:07.900 You know... 01:00:08.600 --> 01:00:11.000 ...you buy a couple new suits and you're fine. 01:00:11.100 --> 01:00:12.600 It's a little more than that. 01:00:12.700 --> 01:00:15.000 I have this whole fucking place to fill! 01:00:15.100 --> 01:00:19.200 I know we have all this money and it's supposed to be fun, but it's not! 01:00:19.400 --> 01:00:23.600 It's Like a test. The whole thing is Like one big test. 01:00:23.800 --> 01:00:25.700 And God...! 01:00:34.700 --> 01:00:36.900 I am so lonely! 01:00:38.300 --> 01:00:40.500 I miss you so much. 01:00:41.300 --> 01:00:42.800 I'm sorry, baby. 01:00:43.400 --> 01:00:45.900 I don't know what to do. 01:00:48.400 --> 01:00:49.900 Let's make a baby. 01:00:54.800 --> 01:00:56.100 Don't tease me. 01:00:56.300 --> 01:00:57.800 I wouldn't do that. 01:00:58.600 --> 01:01:00.100 Not unless you asked. 01:01:05.200 --> 01:01:06.900 Oh, baby. 01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:31.600 Do you have this view? 01:02:06.100 --> 01:02:07.500 Make Love to me. 01:02:51.800 --> 01:02:53.200 What are you doing? 01:03:23.200 --> 01:03:24.400 Stop. 01:03:26.000 --> 01:03:27.000 Oh, God. 01:03:28.300 --> 01:03:29.100 God! 01:03:29.200 --> 01:03:30.600 Where are you? 01:03:31.500 --> 01:03:32.800 I'm right here. 01:03:34.700 --> 01:03:36.300 No, you're not. 01:03:43.300 --> 01:03:47.300 -Why do we have to keep going? -Because it needs to be clear. 01:03:47.500 --> 01:03:51.400 Because I need to know and understand exactly... 01:03:51.500 --> 01:03:52.900 ...what happened. 01:03:53.500 --> 01:03:56.500 You're standing there, you Look down... 01:03:57.200 --> 01:03:58.700 ...there's the gun. 01:03:59.600 --> 01:04:01.700 I don't know why I picked it up. 01:04:01.900 --> 01:04:04.700 It was before I saw Elucinda's body. 01:04:05.600 --> 01:04:07.600 You kneeled down to pick it up? 01:04:09.100 --> 01:04:12.500 You work late, you come home, you walk in, everybody's dead! 01:04:12.600 --> 01:04:14.200 It's not something you plan for! 01:04:14.300 --> 01:04:16.300 Stop. Back up. 01:04:18.200 --> 01:04:19.800 Two prints by the gun. 01:04:21.400 --> 01:04:22.600 ''Right hand.'' 01:04:23.400 --> 01:04:24.900 ''Right knee.'' 01:04:26.200 --> 01:04:27.600 Right knee. 01:04:28.100 --> 01:04:29.500 We've been over this. 01:04:29.600 --> 01:04:31.400 I'm trying to picture it. 01:04:31.600 --> 01:04:32.600 Your hand... 01:04:32.700 --> 01:04:34.600 ...your hand came from... 01:04:35.900 --> 01:04:38.800 ...inside and underneath? 01:04:40.900 --> 01:04:44.300 Do you want to see it? Here. I'll fucking show you. 01:04:54.200 --> 01:04:56.800 See? Did you see it? Was it clear? 01:04:57.200 --> 01:04:58.300 You got it? 01:04:58.500 --> 01:04:59.900 Whose gun is that? 01:05:00.200 --> 01:05:02.700 -It's mine! -Are you out of your mind? 01:05:02.900 --> 01:05:06.200 You're charged with a triple homicide, you're walking around with a gun! 01:05:06.300 --> 01:05:08.700 I have had nine death threats! 01:05:08.800 --> 01:05:10.800 Give it over. Give me the gun. 01:05:11.600 --> 01:05:13.000 I gotta protect myself. 01:05:13.100 --> 01:05:17.400 That's my job. When the case is over, you can have it back. 01:05:20.400 --> 01:05:22.500 This is a deal breaker, Alex. 01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:37.100 Let's wrap it up. 01:05:37.200 --> 01:05:38.600 So, what's next? 01:05:39.400 --> 01:05:42.200 We need to talk to your assistant, Mrs. BIack. 01:05:42.400 --> 01:05:43.400 Call her. 01:05:43.800 --> 01:05:46.500 You feel confident she'll back you on the time? 01:05:48.100 --> 01:05:50.100 Melissa, yeah, yeah. 01:05:50.300 --> 01:05:52.900 She's okay. She's a straight arrow. 01:05:55.200 --> 01:05:57.400 We're going to talk to her... 01:05:58.500 --> 01:06:01.600 ...and you're not going to talk to anybody, all right? 01:06:02.900 --> 01:06:04.000 ALL right? 01:06:07.400 --> 01:06:08.600 No comment. 01:06:12.000 --> 01:06:13.200 There they are! 01:06:15.500 --> 01:06:17.400 Kevin, how about a couple shots? 01:06:17.500 --> 01:06:20.400 How does it feel to get the biggest murder trial in New York? 01:06:20.500 --> 01:06:24.100 Look over here! Are you really going to plead Cullen not guilty? 01:06:24.200 --> 01:06:25.600 What is happening? 01:06:25.700 --> 01:06:28.700 Since the case, Kevin's picture's been in the paper. 01:06:29.200 --> 01:06:32.100 He always did Like to stick his nose in the camera. 01:06:33.300 --> 01:06:35.300 -Sorry about that. -No problem. 01:06:35.400 --> 01:06:37.300 Did you have a nice dinner? 01:06:37.400 --> 01:06:39.700 Oh, I surely did. Are you hungry? 01:06:39.800 --> 01:06:41.600 Oh, no, ma'am. Thank you. 01:06:42.500 --> 01:06:44.100 Welcome to Babylon, Ma. 01:06:44.200 --> 01:06:45.700 Speak of the devil. 01:06:47.800 --> 01:06:50.500 I was just telling them the Moyez story. 01:06:51.200 --> 01:06:52.400 Really? 01:06:53.500 --> 01:06:54.700 This is your mother. 01:06:54.800 --> 01:06:56.400 Yes, Mom, this is-- 01:06:56.500 --> 01:06:57.700 John Milton. 01:06:59.300 --> 01:07:00.600 Alice Lomax. 01:07:01.000 --> 01:07:03.200 It's a pieasure to meet you. 01:07:04.100 --> 01:07:05.500 How do you do? 01:07:08.200 --> 01:07:10.300 -You're Looking Loveiy. -Thanks. 01:07:13.300 --> 01:07:15.100 I believe you met Christabella. 01:07:15.200 --> 01:07:16.700 Yes, I think we did. 01:07:16.800 --> 01:07:18.400 And Gizelle. 01:07:18.500 --> 01:07:20.500 Fresh in from Paris. 01:07:20.600 --> 01:07:22.500 Great. 01:07:23.400 --> 01:07:24.700 Nice to meet you. 01:07:27.000 --> 01:07:28.500 Three for you... 01:07:28.700 --> 01:07:30.100 ...and my place. 01:07:30.200 --> 01:07:31.400 Thanks for the champagne. 01:07:31.500 --> 01:07:33.700 You're very welcome, Kevin. 01:07:35.300 --> 01:07:39.500 This isn't really your first visit to New York, now, is it, Mrs. Lomax? 01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:43.900 Yes. 01:07:51.300 --> 01:07:55.100 You've done one hell of a job bringing him up, Mrs. Lomax. 01:07:56.100 --> 01:07:57.100 I'm sure... 01:07:57.200 --> 01:07:58.900 ...it wasn't easy. 01:08:01.500 --> 01:08:02.700 No. 01:08:05.900 --> 01:08:07.400 Mom, we're here. 01:08:07.900 --> 01:08:09.300 Good night to you. 01:08:10.400 --> 01:08:12.500 Good night, Mary Ann. 01:08:13.000 --> 01:08:14.600 Kevin, hang on. 01:08:16.500 --> 01:08:18.400 How about Cullen? How's it going? 01:08:18.500 --> 01:08:19.900 Everything on beam? 01:08:20.200 --> 01:08:22.000 That's a long conversation. 01:08:22.800 --> 01:08:24.700 Want to come up and tell me? 01:08:24.900 --> 01:08:26.100 Now? 01:08:33.900 --> 01:08:35.400 Let's talk tomorrow. 01:08:38.200 --> 01:08:39.300 You sure? 01:08:49.200 --> 01:08:52.200 Is that what you're doing when you're working late? 01:08:52.400 --> 01:08:53.800 What're you talking about? 01:08:53.900 --> 01:08:56.200 You know exactly what I'm talking about. 01:08:56.300 --> 01:08:58.400 -That's ridiculous. -Yeah, right. 01:08:58.600 --> 01:08:59.900 I'm going to bed. 01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:01.900 -Good night, Alice. -'Night. 01:09:15.500 --> 01:09:17.300 Oh, shit! 01:09:21.300 --> 01:09:22.700 Mom, what are you doing? 01:09:22.800 --> 01:09:24.300 I'm going home. 01:09:24.500 --> 01:09:26.200 What are you talking about? 01:09:26.300 --> 01:09:28.500 I don't feel right. 01:09:28.700 --> 01:09:31.000 Look, you just got here. 01:09:31.800 --> 01:09:35.700 And I just got my teeth kicked in on the front page, so I gotta run. 01:09:36.700 --> 01:09:38.400 We'll talk later, okay? 01:09:43.700 --> 01:09:45.600 I have to go, Kevin. 01:09:46.200 --> 01:09:47.600 I miss my church. 01:09:47.900 --> 01:09:52.100 This is New York. There must be 20,000 churches. Take your pick. 01:09:53.200 --> 01:09:55.400 You need to do a better job with Mary Ann. 01:09:55.500 --> 01:09:57.100 She is not well. 01:09:57.200 --> 01:10:00.000 -This place is not good for her. -So stay. 01:10:00.200 --> 01:10:02.400 Take care of her, if you're so concerned. 01:10:02.500 --> 01:10:03.900 Help me out. 01:10:04.400 --> 01:10:06.500 I'll take her home if you Let me. 01:10:07.000 --> 01:10:09.200 This is home. Understand? 01:10:09.400 --> 01:10:10.700 This is where we Live. 01:10:10.800 --> 01:10:13.000 I'm not going back to Gainesville. 01:10:13.100 --> 01:10:14.700 Unbelievable. 01:10:15.600 --> 01:10:16.800 ''Wide is the gate... 01:10:16.900 --> 01:10:20.000 ''...and broad is the way that leadeth to temptation.'' 01:10:20.300 --> 01:10:21.900 It's a little early for Scripture. 01:10:22.000 --> 01:10:24.800 I'm going to work. You can do whatever you want. 01:10:48.500 --> 01:10:50.500 Does my babysitter have to testify? 01:10:50.600 --> 01:10:53.800 We need her to establish the time you returned home. 01:10:54.300 --> 01:10:56.900 She doesn't have a green card, is why I ask. 01:10:57.400 --> 01:10:59.600 I would hate for her to get in trouble. 01:10:59.700 --> 01:11:00.800 Tell you what, Melissa.... 01:11:00.900 --> 01:11:04.400 Let's talk to her first. See where she stands and take it from there. 01:11:04.500 --> 01:11:07.200 I'll make sure Melissa gets down to the car. 01:11:07.300 --> 01:11:09.600 Mr. Cullen didn't kill those people. 01:11:09.800 --> 01:11:12.800 I know him. He's a difficult man, but he couldn't kill anyone. 01:11:12.900 --> 01:11:15.200 That's why we're all working so hard. 01:11:16.200 --> 01:11:17.300 Thank you. 01:11:18.800 --> 01:11:21.400 Can I have the car stop at my ex-husband's? 01:11:21.800 --> 01:11:24.000 -My son left his jacket there. -Sure. 01:11:28.300 --> 01:11:33.000 Remember, no shredding in the building trash, only in the private refuse. 01:11:33.200 --> 01:11:36.300 Excelsior Securities, who's handling that? 01:11:36.500 --> 01:11:38.600 -I am. -ALL this has got to go. 01:11:39.000 --> 01:11:41.100 GuatemaIa, Sudan, Cyprus.... 01:11:43.200 --> 01:11:46.800 Vagada Holdings, it'll take you all night. Just Vagada Holdings. 01:11:48.800 --> 01:11:51.400 I thought I was the only one working late. 01:11:54.600 --> 01:11:55.700 So did we. 01:11:56.700 --> 01:11:59.400 Back to work. This is not a break. 01:11:59.600 --> 01:12:00.600 Good news. 01:12:00.700 --> 01:12:03.800 We just wrapped up with Cullen's assistant. Looks Like a great alibi. 01:12:03.900 --> 01:12:05.600 What a pleasant surprise. 01:12:08.700 --> 01:12:10.600 Looks Like you've got your hands full. 01:12:10.700 --> 01:12:12.800 It's just a little... 01:12:13.000 --> 01:12:14.400 ...housekeeping. 01:12:15.200 --> 01:12:16.900 If anyone should ask... 01:12:17.900 --> 01:12:19.500 ...you never saw this. 01:12:19.900 --> 01:12:21.200 Who would ask? 01:12:22.400 --> 01:12:23.400 Weaver. 01:12:23.600 --> 01:12:24.700 Who's that? 01:12:25.900 --> 01:12:28.400 Justice Department. Weaver Commission. 01:12:30.900 --> 01:12:32.100 You don't know about him? 01:12:32.200 --> 01:12:33.300 Sorry. 01:12:35.000 --> 01:12:36.100 How nice for you. 01:12:36.200 --> 01:12:41.000 Grab your coat. The night is young. We're going to the Garden. Ringside. 01:12:41.200 --> 01:12:42.400 Title fight. 01:12:42.500 --> 01:12:44.000 Roy Jones, Jr. 01:12:44.100 --> 01:12:45.900 I have to call Mary Ann. 01:12:46.000 --> 01:12:47.400 Do it on the way. 01:12:49.400 --> 01:12:50.700 Get my message? 01:12:51.000 --> 01:12:53.400 I did. You write beautifully. 01:12:57.200 --> 01:12:59.400 What's this Weaver Commission? 01:12:59.700 --> 01:13:01.700 I don't Like to micro-manage. 01:13:01.800 --> 01:13:03.900 Find the talent, then delegate. 01:13:04.500 --> 01:13:06.900 Who the hell knows what Eddie's up to? 01:13:07.300 --> 01:13:10.100 He's got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. 01:13:11.000 --> 01:13:12.200 Excuse me. 01:13:12.400 --> 01:13:14.600 What the fuck are you Looking at? 01:13:15.600 --> 01:13:17.600 You. You deaf or something? You don't hear me? 01:13:17.700 --> 01:13:19.300 I hear you fine. 01:13:19.500 --> 01:13:21.200 So get the fuck out of my car. 01:13:21.300 --> 01:13:25.500 Why? I didn't know it was your car. I'm having a good time here. 01:13:25.600 --> 01:13:27.300 I'm telling you, motherfucker... 01:13:27.400 --> 01:13:28.600 ...get the fuck out of my car-- 01:13:28.700 --> 01:13:29.500 Shit. 01:13:29.700 --> 01:13:32.100 Get out before I cut your throat. 01:13:32.300 --> 01:13:33.400 Fuck that. 01:13:58.700 --> 01:14:00.000 How do you know? 01:14:05.200 --> 01:14:06.400 Enjoy yourself. 01:14:06.500 --> 01:14:08.000 You still got time. 01:14:08.500 --> 01:14:11.600 There's a train coming the other way. You'll just catch it. 01:14:11.700 --> 01:14:13.700 You'll thank me in the morning. 01:14:13.800 --> 01:14:15.100 If you ain't right.... 01:14:15.200 --> 01:14:16.300 I'm right. 01:14:16.500 --> 01:14:17.600 You'll see. 01:14:19.300 --> 01:14:20.700 Invigorating. 01:14:21.600 --> 01:14:23.300 What did you say to him? 01:14:24.500 --> 01:14:28.500 I told him if he didn't leave us alone, you'd kick his ass. 01:14:28.600 --> 01:14:31.800 Look, there's a lady getting up from her seat. Come on. 01:14:33.300 --> 01:14:36.100 Give it to him! You want this round? You are on! 01:14:37.000 --> 01:14:40.000 Roy's gonna get him. Now, now, now! 01:14:50.300 --> 01:14:51.500 Fixed! 01:14:57.500 --> 01:15:00.000 -What a beauty! -I'm glad you could come! 01:15:00.700 --> 01:15:04.300 I want you to meet my new heavyweight, here: Kevin Lomax. 01:15:04.500 --> 01:15:05.800 How are you? 01:15:06.000 --> 01:15:07.100 I'm well. 01:15:26.200 --> 01:15:27.700 And say what? 01:15:27.900 --> 01:15:29.900 He's the senior partner at the-- 01:15:32.400 --> 01:15:34.700 You're really starting to piss me off. 01:15:44.000 --> 01:15:46.100 Yes, I'm having one cigarette. 01:15:46.200 --> 01:15:49.700 You want me to lie? One cigarette after seven months is not-- 01:15:49.900 --> 01:15:51.900 That's exactly what I'm saying! 01:15:53.800 --> 01:15:55.600 Go to bed. I have no idea. 01:16:06.600 --> 01:16:09.100 Stop. This guy pays our bills. 01:16:09.200 --> 01:16:13.000 The food, the heat, the rent on that enormous apartment we Live in. 01:16:14.200 --> 01:16:15.800 I Live there, too. 01:16:20.800 --> 01:16:22.400 Give it back to me! 01:16:29.000 --> 01:16:30.200 Babs Coleman. 01:16:30.600 --> 01:16:32.100 Kevin Lomax. 01:16:32.200 --> 01:16:35.200 Babs is from Georgia Tech. It's your neck of the woods. 01:16:35.300 --> 01:16:36.300 There's Tiffany. 01:16:36.400 --> 01:16:39.000 New additions. Where are you from? 01:16:39.100 --> 01:16:40.800 Don't tell me! 01:16:41.800 --> 01:16:43.000 Michigan! 01:16:43.500 --> 01:16:46.300 How'd you know? Oh, my goodness. 01:16:46.500 --> 01:16:47.900 How did he know? 01:16:48.100 --> 01:16:49.700 That is so good. 01:17:04.800 --> 01:17:06.100 Cheers. 01:17:58.700 --> 01:18:00.000 Hello? 01:18:01.100 --> 01:18:02.500 Who is there? 01:18:03.300 --> 01:18:04.900 I got a knife. 01:18:27.800 --> 01:18:29.400 Oh, Jesus. 01:18:36.300 --> 01:18:37.700 Baby... 01:18:38.200 --> 01:18:40.200 ...how'd you get here? 01:18:41.900 --> 01:18:43.600 Are you okay? 01:18:46.000 --> 01:18:47.300 Oh, God. 01:18:50.600 --> 01:18:52.300 Where's your mommy? 01:18:53.600 --> 01:18:56.900 You ain't got no mommy? What do you got there? 01:18:57.100 --> 01:18:59.400 What are you playing with? 01:19:00.700 --> 01:19:02.600 What are you playing with? 01:19:08.900 --> 01:19:10.600 Oh, God! 01:19:20.000 --> 01:19:21.700 Baby, please. 01:19:22.000 --> 01:19:24.100 Baby, there is no blood. 01:19:24.800 --> 01:19:27.000 There is no blood. It was a dream. 01:19:27.100 --> 01:19:28.500 It was a dream. 01:19:29.800 --> 01:19:32.300 It's not a dream if it's true. 01:19:33.800 --> 01:19:38.300 Look, Let's get you undressed and in the tub, okay? 01:19:38.500 --> 01:19:39.600 No! 01:19:40.000 --> 01:19:41.600 I know you. 01:19:43.300 --> 01:19:45.400 You'll leave me now for sure. 01:19:46.100 --> 01:19:48.400 No! Get away from me! 01:19:52.400 --> 01:19:54.100 I'm confused. 01:19:54.400 --> 01:19:55.600 Why? 01:19:56.500 --> 01:19:58.000 What is it now? 01:20:00.200 --> 01:20:01.900 Did you Like the green? 01:20:02.500 --> 01:20:04.100 You did, didn't you? 01:20:04.300 --> 01:20:05.700 We should go back to the green. 01:20:05.800 --> 01:20:08.600 I'm calling the doctor. I'm going to get you some help. 01:20:08.700 --> 01:20:10.600 They took my ovaries, Kevin. 01:20:13.900 --> 01:20:16.200 They took my ovaries! 01:20:16.400 --> 01:20:18.500 I told you! Right here! 01:20:18.900 --> 01:20:22.100 Mary Ann, it was a nightmare. It didn't happen. 01:20:25.900 --> 01:20:29.200 My sisters have seven children between them. 01:20:32.300 --> 01:20:35.100 My mother had Derek when she was 45. 01:20:35.400 --> 01:20:38.000 You could've set a clock by my periods. 01:20:38.100 --> 01:20:39.200 Baby... 01:20:39.500 --> 01:20:42.000 ...what are you talking about? 01:20:43.700 --> 01:20:46.100 Kevin, I can't have children. 01:20:46.600 --> 01:20:47.600 What? 01:20:48.300 --> 01:20:49.500 Says who? 01:20:52.800 --> 01:20:54.400 The doctor. 01:20:55.100 --> 01:20:57.200 I was there yesterday. 01:20:58.400 --> 01:21:01.600 ''Non-specific ovarian failure.'' 01:21:03.600 --> 01:21:05.000 That's ridiculous. 01:21:08.300 --> 01:21:09.400 Oh, God. 01:21:11.100 --> 01:21:12.800 Did you just hear that? 01:21:13.900 --> 01:21:14.900 Listen. 01:21:16.900 --> 01:21:18.400 Can you hear that? 01:21:21.500 --> 01:21:22.500 No. 01:21:26.500 --> 01:21:28.900 You're going to leave me, aren't you? 01:21:32.700 --> 01:21:34.400 I know you. 01:21:35.600 --> 01:21:36.600 God.... 01:21:39.400 --> 01:21:41.100 No, Kevin. 01:21:41.500 --> 01:21:43.000 It's these monsters. 01:21:44.100 --> 01:21:46.400 I dreamt about this. 01:21:47.600 --> 01:21:49.100 Baby, I gotta take this. 01:21:49.200 --> 01:21:51.700 No, you've gotta Listen to me. 01:21:53.700 --> 01:21:55.100 I gotta take this. 01:21:57.100 --> 01:21:58.700 It's going to be okay. 01:22:05.900 --> 01:22:06.900 Fuck! 01:22:07.100 --> 01:22:09.500 I knew the D.A. was holding out on us. 01:22:09.700 --> 01:22:12.400 Get the discovery package over here, right now. 01:22:13.300 --> 01:22:15.400 I don't care. Find Cullen. 01:22:24.500 --> 01:22:27.600 I get one supervised hour a week with my stepdaughter. 01:22:27.800 --> 01:22:31.100 I am in there with two shrinks and three social workers. 01:22:31.300 --> 01:22:34.100 You better have a good reason for calling me out. 01:22:34.200 --> 01:22:37.300 Your wife, the day she was killed, had lunch with a friend. 01:22:37.400 --> 01:22:40.700 She says, and I quote: ''Alex is fucking around and I can prove it.'' 01:22:40.800 --> 01:22:42.800 That's hearsay. That never gets in. 01:22:42.900 --> 01:22:44.100 Wrong answer. 01:22:44.400 --> 01:22:46.600 Your prenuptial agreement's on file at the firm. 01:22:46.700 --> 01:22:49.400 The contract is void in the event of marital infidelity. 01:22:49.500 --> 01:22:51.800 You fuck around, she gets rich. 01:22:52.000 --> 01:22:54.400 That's a motive, Alex. 01:22:55.400 --> 01:22:57.000 What do I need to know? 01:23:05.600 --> 01:23:07.600 Melissa, my assistant. 01:23:08.600 --> 01:23:10.800 She wasn't even that good a fuck. 01:23:11.100 --> 01:23:12.100 And... 01:23:12.800 --> 01:23:14.700 ...on the night in question? 01:23:22.200 --> 01:23:25.900 I was boning my assistant the night my wife got shot. 01:23:31.400 --> 01:23:33.600 I've got to re-interview Melissa. 01:23:33.800 --> 01:23:36.900 No, forget it. We're not telling that story. 01:23:37.100 --> 01:23:40.400 Juries want honesty. Fuck with that at your peril. 01:23:43.100 --> 01:23:44.800 Alessandra, wait! 01:23:47.800 --> 01:23:49.600 Not now. Mrs. Skylar, please! 01:23:49.700 --> 01:23:51.400 Time's up, Mr. Cullen. 01:23:52.300 --> 01:23:53.000 Alex! 01:23:53.100 --> 01:23:54.400 I can't! 01:23:55.400 --> 01:23:58.100 This isn't fair. I had 15 more minutes. 01:23:58.400 --> 01:24:01.100 You'll just have to wait until next week. 01:24:02.400 --> 01:24:05.200 -I'll see you next week. -That's it, I'm sorry. 01:24:06.700 --> 01:24:08.300 For sleep. 01:24:08.500 --> 01:24:10.700 And she can take that during the day? 01:24:10.800 --> 01:24:12.700 No, she won't be driving. 01:24:13.000 --> 01:24:15.800 I'll have the pharmacy call you right back. 01:24:16.100 --> 01:24:20.300 He's not sure. He thinks it could be some kind of hormonal imbalance. 01:24:20.500 --> 01:24:22.400 I'm taking you off the case. 01:24:24.000 --> 01:24:25.700 I want you to drop this case. 01:24:25.800 --> 01:24:27.500 This case? Cullen? 01:24:28.200 --> 01:24:30.700 -I've got a jury showing up. -Do you Love this woman? 01:24:30.800 --> 01:24:33.100 -Of course I do. -Then what are you doing? 01:24:33.200 --> 01:24:34.500 She's sick. 01:24:34.600 --> 01:24:37.800 Everyone will understand. I'll understand. 01:24:38.000 --> 01:24:39.400 What about Cullen? 01:24:39.900 --> 01:24:41.500 We find somebody new. 01:24:41.700 --> 01:24:43.300 You consult. 01:24:43.500 --> 01:24:45.400 You Live to fight another day. 01:24:45.500 --> 01:24:48.700 What are you talking about? I put together a great jury. 01:24:49.200 --> 01:24:51.200 It's a disappointment. We have them. 01:24:51.300 --> 01:24:55.900 ALL of us have them. You use it. You embrace it. And then you move on. 01:24:58.400 --> 01:24:59.500 Hang on. 01:24:59.800 --> 01:25:01.400 We've gotta talk about this. 01:25:01.500 --> 01:25:04.800 Listen to yourself, Kevin. ''We've gotta talk about this.'' 01:25:05.000 --> 01:25:06.700 It's your wife! 01:25:06.800 --> 01:25:08.900 She's sick, she needs you. 01:25:09.100 --> 01:25:11.000 She's got to come first. 01:25:11.300 --> 01:25:12.900 ALL right, wait a minute. 01:25:13.000 --> 01:25:17.400 Do you mean the possibility of leaving this case has never entered your mind? 01:25:21.900 --> 01:25:23.600 You know what scares me? 01:25:24.400 --> 01:25:26.900 I quit the case, she gets better... 01:25:27.700 --> 01:25:29.500 ...and I hate her for it. 01:25:30.600 --> 01:25:31.900 I don't want to resent her. 01:25:32.000 --> 01:25:33.500 I've got a winner here. 01:25:33.600 --> 01:25:37.700 I've got to nail this fucker down and put it behind me. Just get it done. 01:25:38.000 --> 01:25:39.000 Then... 01:25:39.500 --> 01:25:40.700 ...then... 01:25:41.000 --> 01:25:43.100 ...put all my energy into her. 01:25:49.900 --> 01:25:51.600 I stand corrected. 01:25:52.400 --> 01:25:55.300 Fill me in. Did Cullen's assistant admit to the affair? 01:25:55.400 --> 01:25:57.600 She did to me, but... 01:25:57.700 --> 01:25:59.300 ...she won't in court. 01:25:59.700 --> 01:26:01.100 Convince her otherwise. 01:26:01.200 --> 01:26:04.100 And when all that evidence is laid before you... 01:26:04.200 --> 01:26:08.400 ...when all these pieces weave together, you will conclude... 01:26:08.600 --> 01:26:10.000 ...you will know... 01:26:10.100 --> 01:26:12.800 ...that Alexander Cullen is guilty... 01:26:13.000 --> 01:26:15.000 ...of murdering three people... 01:26:15.200 --> 01:26:16.800 ...in cold blood... 01:26:17.100 --> 01:26:19.500 ...and with malice aforethought. 01:26:20.100 --> 01:26:21.200 Thank you. 01:26:22.500 --> 01:26:23.700 Your Honor. 01:26:24.900 --> 01:26:28.300 We can break for lunch now or you can do a stop and start. 01:26:28.700 --> 01:26:30.700 If it's a choice, I'll go now. 01:26:31.000 --> 01:26:33.200 I won't be as long as Mr. Broygo. 01:26:33.400 --> 01:26:34.500 Proceed. 01:26:39.700 --> 01:26:41.900 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury... 01:26:42.000 --> 01:26:45.800 ...I know you've spent all morning Listening to Mr. Broygo. 01:26:46.000 --> 01:26:47.300 I know you're hungry. 01:26:47.400 --> 01:26:50.500 What I need to tell you won't take very long at all. 01:26:51.900 --> 01:26:54.500 I don't Like Alexander Cullen. 01:26:55.500 --> 01:26:57.700 I don't think he's a nice person. 01:26:58.400 --> 01:27:00.400 I don't expect you to Like him. 01:27:01.200 --> 01:27:04.400 He's been a terrible husband to all three of his wives. 01:27:04.500 --> 01:27:07.600 He's been a destructive force in the Lives of his stepchildren. 01:27:07.700 --> 01:27:09.900 He's cheated the city, his partners... 01:27:10.000 --> 01:27:11.100 ...his employees. 01:27:11.200 --> 01:27:14.900 He's paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties and fines. 01:27:15.100 --> 01:27:16.800 I don't Like him. 01:27:18.100 --> 01:27:21.900 I'm going to tell you some things during the course of this trial... 01:27:22.000 --> 01:27:24.900 ...that are going to make you Like him even less. 01:27:26.200 --> 01:27:28.000 But this isn't a popularity contest. 01:27:28.100 --> 01:27:29.600 It's a murder trial. 01:27:30.600 --> 01:27:35.000 And the single most important provable fact of this proceeding... 01:27:35.900 --> 01:27:39.700 ...is that Alexander Cullen was somewhere else... 01:27:39.900 --> 01:27:41.100 ...when these... 01:27:41.200 --> 01:27:43.800 ...horrible crimes took place. 01:27:45.400 --> 01:27:46.900 Now, the State.... 01:27:47.300 --> 01:27:49.800 The State is going all out here. 01:27:50.000 --> 01:27:51.800 They've got this whole team here... 01:27:51.900 --> 01:27:54.500 ...throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this case. 01:27:54.600 --> 01:27:56.400 I want one thing from you. 01:27:56.700 --> 01:27:58.000 That's it. 01:27:58.400 --> 01:27:59.500 One thing. 01:28:00.900 --> 01:28:03.200 I want you to ask yourself: 01:28:04.800 --> 01:28:06.800 ''Is not liking this man... 01:28:08.700 --> 01:28:10.800 ''...reason enough... 01:28:11.200 --> 01:28:13.200 ''...to convict him of murder?'' 01:28:16.100 --> 01:28:17.600 Enjoy your lunch. 01:28:17.900 --> 01:28:19.300 We'll talk again. 01:28:21.500 --> 01:28:24.700 What the fuck was that about? They're going to hate me! 01:28:25.000 --> 01:28:28.100 Listen to me Like you've never to anyone before in your life. 01:28:28.200 --> 01:28:30.700 I'm gonna bust my ass to make sure they hate you. 01:28:30.800 --> 01:28:35.100 Because as long as you're boning Melissa, you're not home killing your wife! 01:28:37.200 --> 01:28:39.400 Why didn't you say something before? 01:28:40.200 --> 01:28:42.300 Then it doesn't Look spontaneous. 01:28:44.800 --> 01:28:46.100 You got it now. 01:29:00.100 --> 01:29:01.400 Saw you go in. 01:29:01.500 --> 01:29:02.600 What's up? 01:29:02.700 --> 01:29:04.500 Congratulations. 01:29:04.700 --> 01:29:08.400 -It's not over yet. -I'm not talking about the trial. 01:29:08.600 --> 01:29:09.800 What are you talking about? 01:29:09.900 --> 01:29:13.500 How the fuck does your name get on the firm's charter? 01:29:14.800 --> 01:29:15.700 What? 01:29:15.800 --> 01:29:17.700 It Looks Like it's been there for years. 01:29:17.800 --> 01:29:20.600 So, now you're a partner. When did that happen? 01:29:20.800 --> 01:29:24.800 You know, I still am the managing director of this firm. 01:29:25.000 --> 01:29:26.700 You want my job, take me head on. 01:29:26.800 --> 01:29:28.200 You backdoor me one more time... 01:29:28.300 --> 01:29:31.700 ...and I'll take your partnership papers and shove them down your throat! 01:29:31.800 --> 01:29:35.200 I don't know what you're talking about. I sure don't Like your tone of voice. 01:29:35.300 --> 01:29:36.300 Bullshit. 01:29:36.400 --> 01:29:38.100 You've got a problem with documents... 01:29:38.200 --> 01:29:42.300 ...I suggest you put together one of your late-night shredding sessions. 01:29:46.400 --> 01:29:49.100 You think you're tough enough to run this firm? 01:29:49.900 --> 01:29:52.900 Remember the Weaver Commission investigation? 01:29:53.100 --> 01:29:54.700 Tell your mentor... 01:29:54.900 --> 01:29:58.100 ...the next time Weaver calls me, maybe I'll just... 01:29:58.200 --> 01:29:59.800 ...pick up the phone. 01:30:04.500 --> 01:30:06.800 -Was he drunk? -I doubt it. 01:30:06.900 --> 01:30:08.500 He was going running. 01:30:08.900 --> 01:30:11.100 What the hell was he talking about? 01:30:12.300 --> 01:30:14.700 Eddie's got himself in trouble again. 01:30:15.500 --> 01:30:19.100 And he wants me to save him. Only this time, I can't. 01:30:20.900 --> 01:30:23.100 Why does he think I'm after his job? 01:30:23.600 --> 01:30:26.400 You ever have any experience with manic depression? 01:30:26.500 --> 01:30:27.700 Not directly, no. 01:30:27.800 --> 01:30:28.900 You do now. 01:30:29.000 --> 01:30:29.900 346. 01:30:30.000 --> 01:30:31.900 It's me. Get Eddie Barzoon. 01:30:32.000 --> 01:30:34.900 He may be out running, so you might have to page him. 01:30:35.000 --> 01:30:37.000 -It's an emergency. -Yes, sir. 01:30:37.200 --> 01:30:39.400 You Look Like you could use a drink. 01:30:40.500 --> 01:30:41.600 Yes, thanks. 01:30:42.300 --> 01:30:44.800 Eddie Barzoon, Eddie Barzoon. 01:30:46.400 --> 01:30:50.600 I nursed him through two divorces, a cocaine rehab... 01:30:51.000 --> 01:30:53.000 ...and a pregnant receptionist. 01:30:54.300 --> 01:30:55.900 God's creature, right? 01:30:56.300 --> 01:30:58.500 God's special creature? 01:30:59.800 --> 01:31:01.500 I've warned him, Kevin. 01:31:01.600 --> 01:31:04.000 I've warned him every step of the way. 01:31:04.100 --> 01:31:06.700 Watching him bounce around like a fucking game. 01:31:06.800 --> 01:31:08.300 Like a wind-up toy. 01:31:08.400 --> 01:31:09.900 Like 250 pounds... 01:31:10.100 --> 01:31:12.900 ...of self-serving greed on wheels. 01:31:13.100 --> 01:31:16.000 The next thousand years is right around the corner. 01:31:16.100 --> 01:31:17.500 Eddie Barzoon... 01:31:17.600 --> 01:31:19.600 ...take a good look because... 01:31:19.700 --> 01:31:22.600 ...he's the poster child for the next millennium. 01:31:24.500 --> 01:31:25.500 These people... 01:31:25.600 --> 01:31:28.200 ...it's no mystery where they come from. 01:31:31.800 --> 01:31:34.000 You sharpen the human appetite... 01:31:34.100 --> 01:31:37.800 ...to the point where it can split atoms with its desire. 01:31:38.100 --> 01:31:40.800 You build egos the size of cathedrals. 01:31:40.900 --> 01:31:44.700 Fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse. 01:31:45.100 --> 01:31:48.200 Grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green... 01:31:48.300 --> 01:31:53.000 ...gold-plated fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor... 01:31:53.100 --> 01:31:56.400 ...becomes his own god. Where can you go from there? 01:31:56.500 --> 01:31:58.100 Wrong way! 01:31:58.900 --> 01:32:00.000 Fuck you-- 01:32:00.500 --> 01:32:01.800 As we're scrambling... 01:32:01.900 --> 01:32:03.600 ...from one deal to the next... 01:32:03.700 --> 01:32:05.400 ...who's got his eye on the planet? 01:32:05.500 --> 01:32:07.600 As the air thickens, the water sours.... 01:32:07.700 --> 01:32:11.100 ...even bees' honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity... 01:32:11.200 --> 01:32:14.500 ...and it just keeps coming, faster and faster. 01:32:15.700 --> 01:32:17.000 Help! Stop it! 01:32:17.200 --> 01:32:19.700 There's no chance to think, to prepare. 01:32:19.900 --> 01:32:22.400 It's buy futures, sell futures... 01:32:22.600 --> 01:32:24.500 ...when there is no future. 01:32:24.600 --> 01:32:26.700 We got a runaway train, boy. 01:32:26.900 --> 01:32:30.700 We got a billion Eddie Barzoons all jogging into the future. 01:32:30.900 --> 01:32:34.700 Every one of them is getting ready to fistfuck God's ex-planet... 01:32:34.800 --> 01:32:36.400 ...lick their fingers clean... 01:32:36.500 --> 01:32:38.700 ...as they reach out toward their pristine... 01:32:38.800 --> 01:32:40.300 ...cybernetic keyboards... 01:32:40.400 --> 01:32:43.100 ...to tote up their fucking billable hours. 01:32:43.200 --> 01:32:45.500 And then it hits home. 01:32:45.600 --> 01:32:47.800 You got to pay your own way, Eddie. 01:32:48.200 --> 01:32:50.900 It's a little late in the game to buy out now. 01:32:51.000 --> 01:32:52.400 Give me your watch. 01:32:52.500 --> 01:32:56.000 I Like this watch! Do you think you're just going to take it? 01:32:57.000 --> 01:32:58.700 Your belly's too full... 01:32:59.100 --> 01:33:00.700 ...your dick is sore... 01:33:00.800 --> 01:33:04.600 ...your eyes are bloodshot and you're screaming for someone to help. 01:33:04.700 --> 01:33:06.000 But guess what? 01:33:06.700 --> 01:33:08.500 There's no one there! 01:33:08.900 --> 01:33:10.900 You're all alone, Eddie. 01:33:11.100 --> 01:33:13.900 You're God's special little creature. 01:33:20.700 --> 01:33:21.900 Maybe it's true. 01:33:22.000 --> 01:33:25.000 Maybe God threw the dice once too often. 01:33:26.100 --> 01:33:27.900 Maybe He Let us all down. 01:33:37.600 --> 01:33:40.500 You testified the defendant called you at 4:30... 01:33:40.600 --> 01:33:44.100 ...to ask you to come to his office gym for the purposes of sex. 01:33:44.200 --> 01:33:45.300 Yes. 01:33:45.500 --> 01:33:49.100 Mr. Cullen, though, he's not just your Lover, is he? 01:33:49.500 --> 01:33:50.800 He's the boss. 01:33:52.900 --> 01:33:53.900 Yes. 01:33:54.100 --> 01:33:57.100 So two hours go by before you act on his request? 01:33:57.300 --> 01:33:59.200 Yes, I went up at 6:10. 01:33:59.400 --> 01:34:02.300 It was 6:10 because I heard the weather coming on the news. 01:34:02.400 --> 01:34:03.500 Okay, stop. 01:34:04.700 --> 01:34:06.900 This prosecutor is no fool. 01:34:07.400 --> 01:34:11.300 He's going to change tempo, attitude, tone of voice. 01:34:11.500 --> 01:34:15.700 He's going to come out with questions you never thought of just to screw you up. 01:34:15.800 --> 01:34:17.300 So what do we do? 01:34:19.400 --> 01:34:21.400 Yes and no answers. Stay caIm. 01:34:21.800 --> 01:34:23.100 Exactly. 01:34:26.100 --> 01:34:31.000 Is it your testimony, Mrs. Black, that between the hours of 6:10 and 9:40... 01:34:31.100 --> 01:34:34.000 ...you were engaged in sexuaI congress with the defendant? 01:34:34.100 --> 01:34:34.900 Yes. 01:34:35.000 --> 01:34:38.000 At any point during this three-hour marathon... 01:34:38.100 --> 01:34:39.800 ...did you Lose sight of the defendant? 01:34:39.900 --> 01:34:41.800 -No. -Did he use the bathroom? 01:34:42.400 --> 01:34:44.600 -Yes. -Is he circumcised? 01:34:50.300 --> 01:34:52.100 You understand the question? 01:34:52.200 --> 01:34:53.200 Yeah. 01:34:54.000 --> 01:34:56.100 So is he cut or not? 01:34:56.700 --> 01:34:58.000 Yes. 01:34:59.000 --> 01:35:00.200 Which is it? 01:35:02.200 --> 01:35:05.000 You've polished his knob three times a week for six months. 01:35:05.100 --> 01:35:06.900 You don't know if he has foreskin? 01:35:07.000 --> 01:35:08.600 I've had enough of your fucking game! 01:35:08.700 --> 01:35:12.200 Why don't you take your questions and shove them up your ass! 01:35:30.400 --> 01:35:31.800 What's happening? 01:35:31.900 --> 01:35:33.800 It's Eddie Barzoon. 01:35:33.900 --> 01:35:35.000 What about him? 01:35:35.100 --> 01:35:37.300 He's dead. He was killed. 01:35:37.400 --> 01:35:39.100 -When? -Last night. 01:35:39.200 --> 01:35:41.600 -In the park. -He was running, if you can believe it. 01:35:41.700 --> 01:35:43.500 What is wrong with people? 01:35:43.600 --> 01:35:46.000 At least they got the scumbags who did it. 01:35:46.100 --> 01:35:47.100 Who? 01:35:47.200 --> 01:35:49.100 Two old homeless crazies. 01:35:53.100 --> 01:35:54.900 You're due in court in 30 minutes. 01:35:55.000 --> 01:35:57.900 -Get your things together. -Are we finished in here or what? 01:35:58.000 --> 01:36:01.300 I'll bring Melissa down to the car. You better get going. 01:36:04.300 --> 01:36:07.800 I want you to put Eddie aside. Let me worry about it. 01:36:09.400 --> 01:36:11.400 You've got to deal with Cullen. 01:36:11.600 --> 01:36:15.600 You've got to marshal your strength. Prioritize. Conserve your energy. 01:36:16.000 --> 01:36:18.200 I can't put her on the stand. 01:36:19.300 --> 01:36:22.000 -What choice do you have? -I know she's lying! 01:36:22.100 --> 01:36:27.000 She's lying because she didn't answer you fast enough? She lied to you? No. 01:36:27.800 --> 01:36:29.500 She said nothing. 01:36:29.900 --> 01:36:32.000 Fact is, you'll never know anyway. 01:36:32.300 --> 01:36:34.000 He killed those people. 01:36:35.800 --> 01:36:37.500 You really believe that? 01:36:38.800 --> 01:36:40.000 He set me up. 01:36:40.200 --> 01:36:43.600 Cullen fucking set me up. Melissa...the whole thing. 01:36:44.000 --> 01:36:45.100 I know it. 01:36:47.300 --> 01:36:49.000 Got to go with your gut. 01:36:49.300 --> 01:36:50.800 That's your advice? 01:36:52.300 --> 01:36:54.100 I'll back you either way. 01:36:56.800 --> 01:36:59.100 Maybe it's your time to Lose. 01:37:00.700 --> 01:37:02.600 Think I haven't Lost before? 01:37:11.300 --> 01:37:13.800 We talked about this, remember? 01:37:14.400 --> 01:37:15.500 Pressure. 01:37:17.700 --> 01:37:19.100 Take a big whiff. 01:37:21.200 --> 01:37:22.400 ALL rise! 01:37:22.700 --> 01:37:24.900 The Honorable Armand Poe presiding. 01:37:32.300 --> 01:37:33.700 Please be seated. 01:37:38.300 --> 01:37:40.000 ALL right, Mr. Lomax... 01:37:40.100 --> 01:37:42.100 ...you may present your case. 01:38:01.700 --> 01:38:02.900 Mr. Lomax.... 01:38:24.800 --> 01:38:26.700 I call Melissa Black. 01:38:44.500 --> 01:38:46.000 Raise your right hand. 01:38:46.200 --> 01:38:48.200 Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth... 01:38:48.300 --> 01:38:50.500 ...nothing but the truth, so help you God? 01:38:50.600 --> 01:38:51.600 I do. 01:39:18.100 --> 01:39:19.900 Feeney, it's him. 01:39:23.000 --> 01:39:25.900 She didn't Look well. FeIix tried to talk to her. 01:39:26.000 --> 01:39:28.600 -Where is she? -Church of the Heavenly Hope. 01:39:55.400 --> 01:39:56.500 Honey. 01:39:57.700 --> 01:39:59.000 It's me. 01:40:00.000 --> 01:40:01.300 What happened? 01:40:01.500 --> 01:40:02.800 Are you okay? 01:40:03.600 --> 01:40:06.400 He Let himself in. You need to know that. 01:40:07.000 --> 01:40:08.700 Who Let himself in? 01:40:09.500 --> 01:40:10.700 The bath... 01:40:10.900 --> 01:40:12.900 ...was running or something. 01:40:13.600 --> 01:40:15.700 I didn't hear him. I swear to you. 01:40:15.800 --> 01:40:17.500 And then we talked. 01:40:18.500 --> 01:40:20.800 And we talked for hours. 01:40:21.000 --> 01:40:23.200 And I haven't talked to anyone... 01:40:23.400 --> 01:40:25.900 ...really talked to anyone in so long. 01:40:27.100 --> 01:40:28.700 Did somebody hurt you? 01:40:29.500 --> 01:40:30.700 Yeah. 01:40:31.500 --> 01:40:32.500 Who? 01:40:35.000 --> 01:40:36.000 Milton. 01:40:37.100 --> 01:40:39.300 What? 01:40:45.800 --> 01:40:47.300 He fucked me. 01:40:49.800 --> 01:40:53.600 And I think I wanted him to, but then I just.... 01:40:53.800 --> 01:40:56.400 I don't know, I just couldn't stop him. 01:40:57.400 --> 01:40:59.600 He just wouldn't stop. 01:41:02.500 --> 01:41:03.600 When? 01:41:04.800 --> 01:41:06.800 -Baby, when? -Today. 01:41:08.600 --> 01:41:10.100 The whole afternoon. 01:41:10.200 --> 01:41:12.500 The whole afternoon. 01:41:14.600 --> 01:41:15.900 I'm so ashamed. 01:41:17.300 --> 01:41:18.300 Today? 01:41:20.800 --> 01:41:22.000 Today? 01:41:23.200 --> 01:41:24.800 Today he was in court. 01:41:25.000 --> 01:41:28.000 He was in court in my presence all afternoon! 01:41:28.100 --> 01:41:29.400 -No! -Yes! 01:41:34.400 --> 01:41:35.800 God, no, Kevin. 01:41:36.300 --> 01:41:38.200 Kevin, I'm not crazy. 01:41:38.600 --> 01:41:40.300 You have to believe me. 01:41:45.900 --> 01:41:47.100 Oh, Jesus. 01:41:47.300 --> 01:41:49.200 He did this to me! 01:41:52.800 --> 01:41:54.400 He did this to me. 01:41:54.500 --> 01:41:56.500 What did you do to yourself? 01:41:56.800 --> 01:41:58.500 What are we going to do? 01:41:59.300 --> 01:42:01.000 What am I going to do? 01:42:03.200 --> 01:42:06.700 Sign there. And your relationship. 01:42:07.700 --> 01:42:11.600 She's calm now. This might be a good time to say good night to her. 01:42:20.000 --> 01:42:22.400 I know why this is happening. 01:42:25.900 --> 01:42:27.600 They want you to sleep. 01:42:29.400 --> 01:42:30.900 It's the money. 01:42:31.800 --> 01:42:33.000 Blood money. 01:42:33.900 --> 01:42:37.100 We just drank it down, both of us. 01:42:37.900 --> 01:42:39.400 We knew it. 01:42:41.000 --> 01:42:45.600 Winning those cases, taking the money. We knew they were guilty. 01:42:46.400 --> 01:42:48.800 But you just kept on winning... 01:42:49.200 --> 01:42:50.500 ...every time. 01:42:56.700 --> 01:42:59.700 And I can't Look at myself in the mirror. 01:43:00.300 --> 01:43:02.500 And then I see a monster. 01:43:05.700 --> 01:43:07.600 Don't do this, Kevin. 01:43:07.800 --> 01:43:10.000 Please take me home. 01:43:10.100 --> 01:43:12.600 Please don't do this. 01:43:13.200 --> 01:43:15.100 I'm not crazy. 01:43:30.500 --> 01:43:33.000 Doesn't Diana Look fabulous? 01:43:41.500 --> 01:43:44.100 Alessandra, you Look ravishing. 01:43:46.500 --> 01:43:47.600 Mrs. SkyIar. 01:43:54.300 --> 01:43:55.900 We are here today... 01:43:56.500 --> 01:43:58.200 ...to remember Eddie Barzoon. 01:43:58.300 --> 01:43:59.700 Isn't she Lovely? 01:43:59.800 --> 01:44:03.300 We have gathered to seek shelter in our common grief. 01:44:04.400 --> 01:44:06.800 To draw strength toward our tested faith. 01:44:06.900 --> 01:44:08.500 So what do they say? 01:44:08.900 --> 01:44:10.300 How's Mary Ann? 01:44:10.500 --> 01:44:11.800 They don't know. 01:44:14.100 --> 01:44:15.600 She's falling apart. 01:44:16.300 --> 01:44:17.700 Hallucinations. 01:44:17.800 --> 01:44:18.900 Milton.... 01:44:20.900 --> 01:44:22.000 It's bad. 01:44:25.100 --> 01:44:26.400 Do you have room for one more? 01:44:26.500 --> 01:44:27.800 Beloved father. 01:44:28.000 --> 01:44:29.400 Devoted husband. 01:44:29.800 --> 01:44:31.100 Trusted friend. 01:44:31.200 --> 01:44:33.600 Esteemed colleague. Benevolent citizen. 01:44:34.300 --> 01:44:35.800 All of these things. 01:44:36.700 --> 01:44:38.800 And yet one thing more: 01:44:39.600 --> 01:44:41.300 Child of God. 01:44:42.200 --> 01:44:45.300 And it is to that Father that he now returns. 01:44:46.400 --> 01:44:48.000 Eddie Barzoon... 01:44:48.100 --> 01:44:51.000 ...such a vibrant member of our community... 01:44:51.700 --> 01:44:53.900 ...has moved beyond us now. 01:44:54.700 --> 01:44:56.300 He has entered... 01:44:56.800 --> 01:44:58.200 ...a new communion. 01:44:59.200 --> 01:45:01.600 And for that it is a time of rejoicing. 01:45:03.200 --> 01:45:06.400 God, who is our refuge and our strength. 01:45:07.500 --> 01:45:10.100 God, who is that very present help... 01:45:10.500 --> 01:45:12.100 ...in time of trouble. 01:45:13.200 --> 01:45:15.500 ''Therefore we will not fear... 01:45:16.300 --> 01:45:18.300 ''...though the Earth should change... 01:45:18.400 --> 01:45:21.300 ''...though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea... 01:45:21.400 --> 01:45:23.800 ''...though its waters roar and foam... 01:45:24.200 --> 01:45:27.100 ''...though the mountains tremble with its tumult. '' 01:45:27.300 --> 01:45:29.100 We cannot fear too long... 01:45:29.700 --> 01:45:31.300 ...for Eddie Barzoon... 01:45:31.400 --> 01:45:32.900 ...has gone home. 01:45:52.200 --> 01:45:53.300 Mr. Lomax? 01:45:53.400 --> 01:45:55.700 No comment. I'll have something for you later. 01:45:55.800 --> 01:45:57.400 I'm a friend of Eddie Barzoon. 01:45:57.500 --> 01:45:59.900 You don't know me, but Eddie mentioned your name. 01:46:00.000 --> 01:46:02.000 Mitch Weaver, Justice Department? 01:46:02.100 --> 01:46:03.300 Staking out the funeral? 01:46:03.400 --> 01:46:05.200 Looking for you, actually. 01:46:05.900 --> 01:46:07.800 I'm in a hurry. I need to talk to my wife. 01:46:07.900 --> 01:46:12.300 Just wanted to ask you, off the record.... I have a few questions about Eddie. 01:46:29.600 --> 01:46:32.100 Milton-Chadwick-Waters is a little more than a law firm. 01:46:32.200 --> 01:46:34.200 But I assumed you knew that. 01:46:34.600 --> 01:46:37.200 Vagada Holdings? I'm sure you've heard of it. 01:46:37.300 --> 01:46:40.800 London, Kinshasa, Karachi: arms brokering, mostly. 01:46:40.900 --> 01:46:44.800 Munzer-Dietch, in BerIin, Djakarta: chemical weapons and toxic waste. 01:46:45.000 --> 01:46:48.200 Ivanco Limited, Moscow: money laundering for the eastern bloc. 01:46:48.300 --> 01:46:52.300 It goes on and on and on. Milton is into everything. 01:47:03.200 --> 01:47:06.800 Barzoon was coming in, Kevin. He was going to testify. 01:47:07.200 --> 01:47:09.200 DeSoto and Diballsta, Panama. 01:47:09.300 --> 01:47:12.400 That firm sets up bank accounts for judges in South America. 01:47:12.500 --> 01:47:14.900 Huge drug cases, murder, everything. 01:47:15.000 --> 01:47:17.800 What the fuck do you want? He's a Lawyer! 01:47:19.000 --> 01:47:20.800 Now stay off my back! 01:47:24.800 --> 01:47:27.200 This is a first-time last-time offer. 01:47:27.800 --> 01:47:29.400 I'm learning about you. 01:47:29.600 --> 01:47:32.500 I talked to some old friends in Florida this morning. 01:47:32.600 --> 01:47:33.800 The Gettys case? 01:47:33.900 --> 01:47:35.700 Eighth grade teacher? 01:47:37.800 --> 01:47:39.500 They found him yesterday! 01:47:41.000 --> 01:47:44.600 He had the body of a 10-year-old girl in the trunk of his car! 01:48:04.400 --> 01:48:06.400 Is he all right? Get help! 01:48:29.300 --> 01:48:31.700 Marie, do you want to go to the party? 01:48:32.200 --> 01:48:33.200 Come on. 01:48:33.300 --> 01:48:34.600 Horace will be disappointed. 01:48:34.700 --> 01:48:37.000 It's a birthday party. We can sing. 01:48:37.200 --> 01:48:39.200 ''...indeed, His divine power... 01:48:39.400 --> 01:48:43.400 ''...has granted us all things pertaining to life and piety... 01:48:43.600 --> 01:48:47.200 ''...through the knowledge of Him who has called us--'' 01:48:50.500 --> 01:48:52.200 What are you doing here? 01:48:53.200 --> 01:48:54.900 I came this morning. 01:48:56.400 --> 01:48:59.100 I kept calling the house and getting no answer. 01:48:59.400 --> 01:49:01.100 I need to talk to you. 01:49:01.300 --> 01:49:04.000 We got her on the first fLight up this morning. 01:49:12.800 --> 01:49:14.500 Are you all right, Kevin? 01:49:21.500 --> 01:49:22.700 I don't know. 01:49:25.900 --> 01:49:28.700 Would you excuse us for a moment, please? 01:49:31.500 --> 01:49:33.300 How you doing, sweetie? 01:49:34.600 --> 01:49:37.000 I know something that'll make you feel better. 01:49:37.100 --> 01:49:38.400 There. 01:49:41.800 --> 01:49:44.400 I shouldn't have left. I knew it. 01:49:45.900 --> 01:49:47.700 I'll never forgive myself. 01:49:48.400 --> 01:49:52.200 -There's nothing you could've done. -I could've told you the truth. 01:49:53.800 --> 01:49:55.000 About what? 01:49:55.700 --> 01:49:58.900 Baptist Endeavor Youth Crusade, 1966. 01:49:59.700 --> 01:50:01.700 I was here in New York. 01:50:02.600 --> 01:50:05.600 That night in the elevator, you never Let me answer. 01:50:07.100 --> 01:50:08.200 What are you talking about? 01:50:08.300 --> 01:50:11.300 I stayed here a week in the Tremont Hotel. 01:50:12.500 --> 01:50:15.800 They had a restaurant downstairs where we ate almost every meal. 01:50:15.900 --> 01:50:17.000 Wait. Stop. 01:50:17.100 --> 01:50:19.800 Your father was a waiter in that restaurant. 01:50:21.800 --> 01:50:22.900 My father? 01:50:26.900 --> 01:50:28.900 This is great, Ma. 01:50:31.600 --> 01:50:32.600 Honey, please Listen. 01:50:32.700 --> 01:50:33.700 Now? 01:50:33.900 --> 01:50:35.400 You do this now? 01:50:35.700 --> 01:50:37.600 Your timing, it's superb. 01:50:37.700 --> 01:50:40.700 You wait 30 years, you fly up here, you pick today? 01:50:42.100 --> 01:50:46.400 Obviously I'm not under enough pressure. I don't have enough on my mind! 01:50:48.800 --> 01:50:50.300 Listen to me! 01:50:56.200 --> 01:51:00.300 ''Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves! '' 01:51:06.300 --> 01:51:08.800 Don't you Look beautifuI now. 01:51:12.900 --> 01:51:14.400 Take a Look and see. 01:51:15.200 --> 01:51:17.400 It's all right, dear. Look. 01:51:17.500 --> 01:51:18.500 No. 01:51:18.600 --> 01:51:20.500 Go on, take a Look. 01:51:20.800 --> 01:51:23.100 See how beautifuI you are? 01:51:30.100 --> 01:51:31.500 See? 01:51:39.200 --> 01:51:40.400 What happened? 01:51:40.500 --> 01:51:41.900 She attacked me. 01:51:46.300 --> 01:51:47.600 Open the door. 01:51:48.100 --> 01:51:49.800 Open the door, Mar. 01:51:53.300 --> 01:51:54.900 Open the door! 01:51:58.500 --> 01:51:59.600 It's okay. 01:51:59.800 --> 01:52:01.100 Open the door! 01:52:03.000 --> 01:52:04.500 Come on! 01:52:04.700 --> 01:52:06.000 Open the door! 01:52:09.300 --> 01:52:10.800 Open the door, Mar! 01:52:11.400 --> 01:52:14.900 Oh, my God! Get somebody! Go! Go! Mar, Look at me! 01:52:15.700 --> 01:52:17.200 Somebody! Help! 01:52:19.900 --> 01:52:21.000 Get help! 01:52:21.600 --> 01:52:23.000 Go! 01:52:29.400 --> 01:52:30.500 Sweetheart! 01:52:35.100 --> 01:52:36.300 Look at me! 01:52:36.400 --> 01:52:37.700 I Love you. 01:52:47.100 --> 01:52:48.600 What have you done? 01:52:48.700 --> 01:52:50.400 What have you done? 01:52:52.100 --> 01:52:54.400 We need a doctor in here! 01:52:54.900 --> 01:52:57.000 We need a doctor! 01:52:58.900 --> 01:53:01.700 Please stay with me, Mar! 01:53:03.100 --> 01:53:04.600 Stay with me, Mar! 01:53:04.700 --> 01:53:06.800 Get Dr. Job in here now! 01:53:07.100 --> 01:53:10.100 Sir, get away so that I can help her. Now! 01:53:10.600 --> 01:53:12.300 Sir, off! Go! 01:53:12.900 --> 01:53:14.400 Come on. Come on. 01:53:15.500 --> 01:53:18.300 -Help her. -Out of the way. 01:53:18.900 --> 01:53:21.700 Get Dr. Job, please! I'm losing her! 01:53:37.500 --> 01:53:39.000 Finish the story. 01:53:39.500 --> 01:53:42.100 1966. You were in New York. 01:53:42.200 --> 01:53:44.400 There's a waiter in a restaurant. 01:53:44.500 --> 01:53:45.900 Finish the story. 01:53:49.500 --> 01:53:51.200 He talked to me. 01:53:52.000 --> 01:53:54.800 Nobody'd ever really talked to me before. 01:53:55.000 --> 01:53:59.700 Sixteen years old, a thousand miles away from home, someone takes an interest.... 01:54:00.000 --> 01:54:03.300 Knew the Bible, every word. Just knew it by heart. 01:54:05.900 --> 01:54:08.900 Every meaI, there he was at my ear and I was.... 01:54:10.100 --> 01:54:13.700 That last night he came to say good-bye and... 01:54:15.900 --> 01:54:17.500 ...I started crying. 01:54:17.700 --> 01:54:19.700 And he told me: 01:54:21.200 --> 01:54:24.900 ''Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.'' 01:54:25.400 --> 01:54:27.300 I want to hear you say it. 01:54:30.000 --> 01:54:31.900 His face that night, I knew it was him. 01:54:32.000 --> 01:54:32.900 Say it. 01:54:33.000 --> 01:54:37.600 You were so proud you'd just come to New York and done this all on your own. 01:54:38.100 --> 01:54:42.800 I didn't have the heart to tell you. You wondered yourself. The money... 01:54:42.900 --> 01:54:45.900 ...that apartment, the attention, everything out of nowhere! 01:54:46.000 --> 01:54:47.000 Say it! 01:54:48.000 --> 01:54:49.900 Milton, he's your... 01:54:50.500 --> 01:54:51.600 ...father. 01:54:52.400 --> 01:54:54.000 He's your father. 01:54:55.500 --> 01:54:57.200 Somehow he found us. 01:54:57.400 --> 01:54:59.100 -He tracked you down. -No. 01:54:59.500 --> 01:55:00.300 He did. 01:55:00.400 --> 01:55:02.400 He's always been there. 01:55:03.700 --> 01:55:05.500 I know that now. 01:55:06.800 --> 01:55:08.000 Watching. 01:55:08.900 --> 01:55:09.900 Waiting. 01:55:11.700 --> 01:55:13.700 Playing us Like a game. 01:55:14.000 --> 01:55:15.200 What do you mean? 01:55:15.300 --> 01:55:16.600 I gotta go. 01:55:17.900 --> 01:55:20.300 No, leave it alone. Stay here with me. 01:55:20.400 --> 01:55:22.800 Forget about him. We can leave here. 01:55:23.000 --> 01:55:25.700 We can go home. We don't ever have to see him again. 01:55:25.800 --> 01:55:27.000 I can't do it. 01:55:28.300 --> 01:55:30.100 You go home. You go home. 01:55:30.800 --> 01:55:31.900 I have to go. 01:55:32.000 --> 01:55:34.100 -I have to go. -Wait! 01:55:35.300 --> 01:55:36.400 I Love you. 01:55:46.300 --> 01:55:48.000 There you are. 01:55:48.800 --> 01:55:51.300 Look at you. You're terrified. 01:55:51.500 --> 01:55:53.000 Not to worry. 01:55:53.100 --> 01:55:54.900 He'll take away that fear. 01:55:55.000 --> 01:55:57.600 You don't ever have to be frightened again. 01:55:57.800 --> 01:55:59.000 Go on. 01:55:59.100 --> 01:56:00.700 He's waiting for you. 01:56:01.500 --> 01:56:02.500 Go. 01:57:15.800 --> 01:57:17.600 You were right about one thing. 01:57:17.700 --> 01:57:20.700 I have been watching. Couldn't help myself. 01:57:21.500 --> 01:57:22.500 Watching. 01:57:23.300 --> 01:57:24.300 Waiting. 01:57:25.300 --> 01:57:26.800 Holding my breath. 01:57:27.300 --> 01:57:29.800 But I'm no puppeteer, Kevin. 01:57:31.100 --> 01:57:33.200 I don't make things happen. 01:57:33.600 --> 01:57:34.800 Doesn't work Like that. 01:57:34.900 --> 01:57:36.700 What'd you do to Mary Ann? 01:57:36.800 --> 01:57:38.400 Free will. 01:57:38.600 --> 01:57:40.600 It's Like butterfly wings. 01:57:40.800 --> 01:57:43.400 Once touched, they never get off the ground. 01:57:45.200 --> 01:57:47.600 I only set the stage. 01:57:48.100 --> 01:57:49.400 You pull your own strings. 01:57:49.500 --> 01:57:51.800 What did you do to Mary Ann? 01:57:52.000 --> 01:57:53.400 A gun? 01:57:53.700 --> 01:57:54.700 In here? 01:57:54.900 --> 01:57:57.500 Goddamn it, what did you do to my wife? 01:57:59.000 --> 01:58:00.100 Well... 01:58:01.900 --> 01:58:04.200 ...on a scale of one to ten.... 01:58:04.400 --> 01:58:08.400 Ten being the most depraved act of sexual theater known to man. 01:58:08.600 --> 01:58:12.400 One being your average Friday night run-through at the Lomaxes'. 01:58:12.800 --> 01:58:14.900 I'd say, not to be immodest... 01:58:15.000 --> 01:58:18.800 ...Mary Ann and I got it on at about seven. 01:58:19.000 --> 01:58:20.300 Fuck you! 01:58:21.900 --> 01:58:23.500 Got me! 01:58:23.600 --> 01:58:25.500 Got me! Yes! 01:58:29.900 --> 01:58:32.600 Step it up, Son! Come on! That's good! 01:58:32.800 --> 01:58:35.100 You got to hold on to that fury! 01:58:35.300 --> 01:58:36.700 That's the last thing to go! 01:58:36.800 --> 01:58:41.400 That's the finaI hiding place. It's the final fig leaf. 01:58:42.300 --> 01:58:44.300 -Who are you? -Who am I? 01:58:45.100 --> 01:58:46.300 Who are you? 01:58:47.800 --> 01:58:49.600 Never Lost a case. 01:58:51.200 --> 01:58:52.300 Why? 01:58:52.800 --> 01:58:54.200 Why do you think? 01:58:55.000 --> 01:58:57.400 Because you're so fucking good. 01:58:57.800 --> 01:58:58.900 Yes. 01:58:59.600 --> 01:59:00.600 But why? 01:59:02.700 --> 01:59:04.500 Because you're my father? 01:59:04.900 --> 01:59:07.200 I'm a little more than that, Kevin. 01:59:08.000 --> 01:59:10.900 Awfully hot in that courtroom, wasn't it? 01:59:11.100 --> 01:59:13.500 ''What's the game plan, Kevin?'' 01:59:14.700 --> 01:59:16.200 ''It was a nice run, Kev. 01:59:16.300 --> 01:59:18.200 ''Had to close out some day. 01:59:18.400 --> 01:59:20.500 ''Nobody wins them all.'' 01:59:22.300 --> 01:59:23.500 What are you? 01:59:26.900 --> 01:59:29.100 I have so many names. 01:59:31.000 --> 01:59:32.000 Satan. 01:59:34.800 --> 01:59:36.100 Call me Dad. 01:59:39.300 --> 01:59:40.900 Mary Ann, she knew it. 01:59:42.100 --> 01:59:45.200 She knew it. She knew it, so you destroyed her. 01:59:45.300 --> 01:59:47.800 You're blaming me for Mary Ann? 01:59:48.300 --> 01:59:49.900 I hope you're kidding. 01:59:50.300 --> 01:59:53.100 Mary Ann, you could have saved her anytime you Liked. 01:59:53.200 --> 01:59:54.800 ALL she wanted was Love. 01:59:55.000 --> 01:59:57.000 Hey, you were too busy. 01:59:57.200 --> 01:59:58.400 That's a lie. 01:59:59.800 --> 02:00:03.900 Face it, you started Looking to better-deal her the minute you got here. 02:00:04.200 --> 02:00:07.400 That's not true. You don't know what we had! 02:00:07.600 --> 02:00:08.900 I'm on your side! 02:00:09.000 --> 02:00:10.400 You're a liar! 02:00:12.300 --> 02:00:14.700 There's nothing out there for you! 02:00:14.800 --> 02:00:17.700 Don't be such a fucking chump! 02:00:18.200 --> 02:00:20.700 Stop deluding yourself! 02:00:21.800 --> 02:00:24.100 I told you to take care of your wife! 02:00:24.300 --> 02:00:25.600 What did I say? 02:00:25.700 --> 02:00:29.200 ''The world would understand.'' Didn't I say that? 02:00:29.400 --> 02:00:30.700 What did you do? 02:00:31.700 --> 02:00:33.700 ''You know what scares me, John? 02:00:33.900 --> 02:00:38.000 ''I leave the case, she gets better and then I hate her for it.'' 02:00:38.600 --> 02:00:40.100 Remember? 02:00:41.000 --> 02:00:42.600 I know what you did. 02:00:42.800 --> 02:00:44.000 You set me up. 02:00:44.100 --> 02:00:46.400 Who told you to pull out all the stops on Mr. Gettys? 02:00:46.500 --> 02:00:49.700 -Who made that choice? -It's entrapment. You set me up. 02:00:49.800 --> 02:00:52.600 And Moyez! The direction you took! 02:00:52.800 --> 02:00:57.000 Popes, swamis, snake handlers, all feeding at the same trough. 02:00:57.100 --> 02:00:59.500 -Whose ideas were those? -You played me! 02:00:59.700 --> 02:01:01.300 It was a test! Your test! 02:01:01.400 --> 02:01:04.500 And Cullen! Knowing he was guilty! 02:01:05.300 --> 02:01:07.000 Seeing those pictures! 02:01:07.100 --> 02:01:10.800 What did you do? You put that lying bitch on the stand! 02:01:11.000 --> 02:01:14.200 You brought me in. You put me there! You made her lie! 02:01:14.300 --> 02:01:16.200 I don't do that, Kevin! 02:01:16.300 --> 02:01:19.000 That day on the subway, what did I say to you? 02:01:19.300 --> 02:01:21.300 What were my words to you? 02:01:22.600 --> 02:01:26.300 Maybe it was your time to Lose. You didn't think so. 02:01:26.400 --> 02:01:28.500 Lose? I don't Lose! 02:01:28.800 --> 02:01:30.000 I win! 02:01:30.300 --> 02:01:31.700 I win! 02:01:31.900 --> 02:01:35.000 I'm a Lawyer! That's my job! That's what I do! 02:01:37.200 --> 02:01:38.500 I rest my case. 02:01:43.800 --> 02:01:45.300 Vanity... 02:01:45.800 --> 02:01:48.500 ...is definitely my favorite sin. 02:01:49.900 --> 02:01:52.400 Kevin, it's so basic. 02:01:52.700 --> 02:01:54.000 Self-Love. 02:01:54.200 --> 02:01:56.800 The all-natural opiate. 02:01:57.800 --> 02:02:01.200 It's not that you didn't care for Mary Ann, Kevin... 02:02:02.300 --> 02:02:06.200 ...it's just that you were a little more involved with someone else. 02:02:07.900 --> 02:02:09.600 Yourself. 02:02:12.300 --> 02:02:13.600 You're right. 02:02:13.900 --> 02:02:15.400 I did it all. 02:02:16.000 --> 02:02:17.100 I Let her go. 02:02:17.200 --> 02:02:21.600 Don't be too hard on yourself, Kevin. You wanted something more. 02:02:21.700 --> 02:02:23.000 Believe me. 02:02:24.200 --> 02:02:26.500 I left her behind and just kept going. 02:02:26.700 --> 02:02:28.800 You can't keep punishing yourself. 02:02:29.700 --> 02:02:32.500 It's awesome how far you've come. 02:02:33.100 --> 02:02:35.000 I didn't make it easy. 02:02:35.300 --> 02:02:36.600 Couldn't. 02:02:37.400 --> 02:02:38.900 Not for you... 02:02:41.900 --> 02:02:43.300 ...or your sister. 02:02:47.900 --> 02:02:49.900 Half-sister, to be exact. 02:02:50.600 --> 02:02:52.100 Surprise. 02:02:52.900 --> 02:02:54.600 Some scene, huh? 02:02:58.400 --> 02:03:00.100 Don't Let him scare you. 02:03:01.100 --> 02:03:03.200 I've had so many children. 02:03:03.700 --> 02:03:06.500 I've had so many disappointments. 02:03:07.100 --> 02:03:09.100 Mistake after mistake. 02:03:09.300 --> 02:03:10.900 And then there's you. 02:03:11.000 --> 02:03:12.300 The two of you. 02:03:15.400 --> 02:03:17.100 What do you want from me? 02:03:17.200 --> 02:03:19.000 I want you to be yourself. 02:03:19.300 --> 02:03:21.000 You know, I'll tell you, boy... 02:03:21.100 --> 02:03:22.300 ...guilt... 02:03:22.400 --> 02:03:24.800 ...it's Like a bag of fucking bricks. 02:03:24.900 --> 02:03:26.500 ALL you got to do... 02:03:26.900 --> 02:03:28.400 ...is set it down. 02:03:31.700 --> 02:03:33.800 I know what you're going through. 02:03:33.900 --> 02:03:35.300 I've been there. 02:03:35.500 --> 02:03:37.400 Just come here. Come here. 02:03:37.500 --> 02:03:39.000 Let it go. 02:03:40.500 --> 02:03:42.200 I can't do that. 02:03:46.000 --> 02:03:48.900 Who are you carrying all those bricks for? 02:03:49.600 --> 02:03:51.000 God? 02:03:51.200 --> 02:03:52.500 Is that it? 02:03:52.700 --> 02:03:53.900 God? 02:03:54.100 --> 02:03:55.400 I'll tell you... 02:03:55.500 --> 02:03:58.900 ...Let me give you a little inside information about God. 02:03:59.500 --> 02:04:01.300 God Likes to watch. 02:04:01.500 --> 02:04:02.900 He's a prankster. 02:04:03.000 --> 02:04:04.300 Think about it. 02:04:04.600 --> 02:04:06.300 He gives man... 02:04:06.500 --> 02:04:07.900 ...instincts. 02:04:08.700 --> 02:04:12.300 He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do? 02:04:12.500 --> 02:04:15.400 I swear, for his own amusement... 02:04:15.500 --> 02:04:18.400 ...his own private, cosmic... 02:04:18.600 --> 02:04:19.900 ...gag reel... 02:04:20.700 --> 02:04:23.200 ...He sets the rules in opposition. 02:04:23.300 --> 02:04:24.800 It's the goof of all time. 02:04:24.900 --> 02:04:27.200 Look, but don't touch. 02:04:28.900 --> 02:04:31.300 Touch, but don't taste. 02:04:33.100 --> 02:04:35.300 Taste, but don't swallow. 02:04:36.600 --> 02:04:40.500 And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is He doing? 02:04:40.700 --> 02:04:44.200 He's laughing his sick, fucking ass off! 02:04:44.500 --> 02:04:46.000 He's a tightass! 02:04:46.100 --> 02:04:48.400 He's a sadist! 02:04:48.900 --> 02:04:51.600 He's an absentee landlord! 02:04:51.800 --> 02:04:54.100 Worship that? Never! 02:04:54.900 --> 02:04:58.000 ''Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven,'' is that it? 02:04:58.100 --> 02:04:59.300 Why not? 02:04:59.500 --> 02:05:04.200 I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began! 02:05:05.100 --> 02:05:09.600 I've nurtured every sensation man has been inspired to have! 02:05:09.900 --> 02:05:13.500 I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him! 02:05:13.700 --> 02:05:18.300 Why? Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections! 02:05:18.500 --> 02:05:20.600 I'm a fan of man! 02:05:22.500 --> 02:05:23.900 I'm a humanist. 02:05:24.200 --> 02:05:26.100 Maybe the last humanist. 02:05:27.100 --> 02:05:29.100 Who, in their right mind... 02:05:29.200 --> 02:05:31.600 ...Kevin, could possibly deny... 02:05:31.700 --> 02:05:34.600 ...the 20th century was entirely mine? 02:05:34.700 --> 02:05:37.200 ALL of it, Kevin! 02:05:37.700 --> 02:05:39.100 ALL of it. 02:05:39.700 --> 02:05:41.000 Mine. 02:05:42.100 --> 02:05:43.700 I'm peaking, Kevin. 02:05:44.600 --> 02:05:46.000 It's my time now. 02:05:48.000 --> 02:05:49.300 It's our time. 02:05:50.100 --> 02:05:51.600 Anybody want a drink? 02:05:53.500 --> 02:05:55.100 I'm having a drink. 02:05:58.400 --> 02:06:00.600 This is some pitch, all this. 02:06:01.800 --> 02:06:03.500 You must need me pretty bad. 02:06:03.600 --> 02:06:05.100 What do you want? 02:06:06.500 --> 02:06:07.800 Eddie was right. 02:06:09.100 --> 02:06:11.300 I want you to take over the firm. 02:06:12.000 --> 02:06:13.100 You... 02:06:14.200 --> 02:06:15.700 ...and your sister. 02:06:19.900 --> 02:06:21.800 -Is that it? -No. 02:06:24.200 --> 02:06:25.900 She's ovulating... 02:06:26.300 --> 02:06:27.600 ...right now. 02:06:28.800 --> 02:06:30.200 Your vanity... 02:06:30.500 --> 02:06:33.000 ...is justified, Kevin. 02:06:34.300 --> 02:06:35.500 Your seed... 02:06:35.700 --> 02:06:37.600 ...is the key to a new future. 02:06:38.300 --> 02:06:42.200 Your son is going to sit at the head of all tables, my boy. 02:06:42.800 --> 02:06:45.400 He's gonna set this whole thing free. 02:06:46.800 --> 02:06:48.300 You want a child. 02:06:48.700 --> 02:06:50.500 I want a family. 02:06:51.600 --> 02:06:53.000 The Antichrist. 02:06:57.700 --> 02:06:59.200 Whatever. 02:07:03.700 --> 02:07:05.900 But I have to volunteer. 02:07:07.400 --> 02:07:09.200 Free will... 02:07:09.700 --> 02:07:11.100 ...it is a bitch. 02:07:13.200 --> 02:07:15.000 I need a family. 02:07:15.200 --> 02:07:17.200 I need help. I'm busy. 02:07:17.400 --> 02:07:19.200 Millennium's coming, Son. 02:07:19.300 --> 02:07:22.000 Title fight. Round 20. 02:07:24.000 --> 02:07:26.100 I'm ready to work. 02:07:27.700 --> 02:07:29.100 What do you say? 02:07:30.100 --> 02:07:31.600 What're you offering? 02:07:34.100 --> 02:07:35.600 Are we negotiating? 02:07:35.700 --> 02:07:36.800 Always. 02:07:39.100 --> 02:07:40.500 Yes! 02:07:42.000 --> 02:07:43.600 What are you offering? 02:07:44.400 --> 02:07:45.700 Everything. 02:07:45.900 --> 02:07:47.000 Anything. 02:07:47.200 --> 02:07:49.600 What do you want? How about bliss, for starters? 02:07:49.700 --> 02:07:50.800 Instant bliss. 02:07:50.900 --> 02:07:52.400 Bliss on tap. 02:07:53.700 --> 02:07:56.100 Bliss any way you want it. 02:07:58.700 --> 02:08:00.800 That first line of cocaine. 02:08:01.400 --> 02:08:04.100 That walk into a strange girl's bedroom. 02:08:05.900 --> 02:08:07.000 Familiar? 02:08:08.400 --> 02:08:11.100 You're gonna have to do a little better than that. 02:08:11.200 --> 02:08:12.400 I know. 02:08:13.200 --> 02:08:15.000 I'm just getting warmed up. 02:08:15.400 --> 02:08:19.100 You want more, don't you? You deserve more. 02:08:19.200 --> 02:08:21.600 How about the thing you Love the most? 02:08:22.100 --> 02:08:23.800 A smile from a jury. 02:08:24.100 --> 02:08:28.200 That cold courtroom just giving itself over... 02:08:29.400 --> 02:08:31.600 ...bending to your strength. 02:08:33.100 --> 02:08:34.700 I get that on my own. 02:08:34.800 --> 02:08:36.700 Not Like this. 02:08:36.900 --> 02:08:39.300 I take the bricks out of the briefcase. 02:08:39.500 --> 02:08:41.000 I give you pleasure. 02:08:42.100 --> 02:08:43.300 No strings! 02:08:43.400 --> 02:08:44.800 Freedom, baby... 02:08:45.100 --> 02:08:47.600 ...is never having to say you're sorry. 02:08:49.300 --> 02:08:51.100 This is revolution, Kevin. 02:08:53.900 --> 02:08:55.100 ''It happened 02:08:56.300 --> 02:08:57.800 ''In Monterrey 02:08:59.100 --> 02:09:00.900 ''A long time ago'' 02:09:02.000 --> 02:09:03.600 Forget about him. 02:09:04.300 --> 02:09:05.700 This is about us. 02:09:07.100 --> 02:09:09.100 ''In old Mexico 02:09:11.000 --> 02:09:15.000 ''Stars and steel guitars and luscious lips 02:09:15.000 --> 02:09:16.700 ''As red as wine'' 02:09:16.900 --> 02:09:19.500 It's been so hard for me to wait for you. 02:09:20.700 --> 02:09:22.100 Why the law? 02:09:23.300 --> 02:09:26.300 Cut the shit, Dad! Why Lawyers? Why the law? 02:09:26.400 --> 02:09:30.200 Because the law, my boy, puts us into everything. 02:09:31.200 --> 02:09:35.700 It's the ultimate backstage pass. It's the new priesthood, baby. 02:09:36.200 --> 02:09:39.200 Did you know there are more students in law school... 02:09:39.300 --> 02:09:41.300 ...than Lawyers walking the Earth? 02:09:41.400 --> 02:09:42.900 We're coming out... 02:09:43.700 --> 02:09:45.300 ...guns blazing! 02:09:46.700 --> 02:09:48.400 The two of you... 02:09:48.600 --> 02:09:52.600 ...all of us, acquittal after acquittal after acquittal... 02:09:52.700 --> 02:09:56.400 ...until the stench of it reaches so high and far into Heaven... 02:09:56.600 --> 02:10:00.000 ...it chokes the whole fucking lot of them! 02:10:02.100 --> 02:10:04.200 In the Bible, you Lose. 02:10:05.500 --> 02:10:07.500 We're destined to Lose, Dad. 02:10:07.700 --> 02:10:09.700 Consider the source, Son! 02:10:11.500 --> 02:10:12.500 Besides... 02:10:12.700 --> 02:10:14.600 ...we'll write our own book. 02:10:14.700 --> 02:10:16.500 Chapter one. 02:10:17.500 --> 02:10:19.500 Right here. This altar. 02:10:20.400 --> 02:10:21.800 This moment. 02:10:22.400 --> 02:10:23.900 Will you stop talking? 02:10:24.000 --> 02:10:25.500 You talk too much. 02:10:26.000 --> 02:10:27.400 Both of you. 02:10:30.600 --> 02:10:31.800 Look at me. 02:10:33.300 --> 02:10:34.700 Just Look at me. 02:10:44.700 --> 02:10:47.400 She is really stunning. 02:10:53.600 --> 02:10:55.000 Who am I? 02:11:15.000 --> 02:11:17.500 I've wanted you from the moment we met. 02:11:27.100 --> 02:11:29.800 The virtue of the Devil is in his loins. 02:11:33.600 --> 02:11:35.100 What about Love? 02:11:39.100 --> 02:11:40.200 Overrated. 02:11:40.700 --> 02:11:41.600 Biochemically... 02:11:41.700 --> 02:11:46.200 ...no different than eating large quantities of chocolate. 02:11:48.000 --> 02:11:51.600 In two minutes you won't be thinking about Mary Ann ever again. 02:11:51.900 --> 02:11:53.100 Come here. 02:11:54.700 --> 02:11:56.800 She's right, my son. 02:12:03.600 --> 02:12:07.400 It's time to step up and take what's yours. 02:12:12.300 --> 02:12:13.600 You're right. 02:12:16.000 --> 02:12:17.400 It's time. 02:12:18.000 --> 02:12:19.700 Free will, right? 02:12:25.000 --> 02:12:26.100 No! 02:12:40.200 --> 02:12:41.700 Damn you! 02:12:45.000 --> 02:12:47.000 Enough! 02:12:48.900 --> 02:12:51.500 Haven't I given enough? 02:13:55.500 --> 02:13:57.000 It was a nice run. 02:13:57.300 --> 02:13:59.300 Had to close out someday. 02:14:00.100 --> 02:14:01.700 Nobody wins them all. 02:14:51.200 --> 02:14:53.300 What are you doing, baby? 02:14:55.300 --> 02:14:56.700 Are you okay? 02:14:59.700 --> 02:15:01.300 I am now. 02:15:05.000 --> 02:15:06.600 ALL rise. 02:15:07.000 --> 02:15:10.000 The Honorable Judge Garson Deeds presiding. 02:15:13.000 --> 02:15:14.500 Please be seated. 02:15:18.600 --> 02:15:21.300 You're still under oath, young lady. 02:15:24.400 --> 02:15:25.600 Your witness. 02:15:37.500 --> 02:15:39.000 Mr. Lomax? 02:15:43.700 --> 02:15:44.900 Your Honor... 02:15:46.700 --> 02:15:48.700 ...I'm terribly sorry. 02:15:50.000 --> 02:15:52.500 But I can no longer represent my client. 02:15:55.100 --> 02:15:57.300 I need to be replaced as counsel. 02:15:57.400 --> 02:15:59.600 Order. Order! Order! 02:16:00.600 --> 02:16:02.400 I adjourn this court. 02:16:02.800 --> 02:16:06.300 This is outrageous. Are you aware of the consequences of this action? 02:16:06.400 --> 02:16:07.600 I am, sir. 02:16:07.800 --> 02:16:11.400 I want to see both attorneys in my chambers immediately. 02:16:11.600 --> 02:16:15.400 I'm going to adjourn this trial until 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. 02:16:16.600 --> 02:16:18.300 I trusted you to defend me. 02:16:18.400 --> 02:16:20.600 You swore you would! You'll burn for this! 02:16:20.700 --> 02:16:23.400 You just made the biggest mistake of your life! 02:16:24.400 --> 02:16:26.500 Baby, what are you doing? 02:16:29.800 --> 02:16:31.300 The right thing. 02:16:32.100 --> 02:16:33.800 I think the right thing. 02:16:37.800 --> 02:16:38.800 Here they are. 02:16:38.900 --> 02:16:40.900 -Are you gonna be disbarred? -I don't know. 02:16:41.000 --> 02:16:43.700 -How's it feel to Lose your first case? -No comment. 02:16:43.800 --> 02:16:47.800 Ain't it better to talk to them all at once? Press conference tomorrow? 02:16:48.000 --> 02:16:51.300 He ain't going to talk to you now. Eight o'clock tomorrow morning. 02:16:51.400 --> 02:16:52.800 That's it. 02:16:52.900 --> 02:16:54.700 This is the story you dreamed about. 02:16:54.800 --> 02:16:57.300 -There is no story. -Bullshit. 02:16:57.500 --> 02:17:00.900 A Lawyer with a crisis of conscience? You gotta be kidding. It's huge! 02:17:01.000 --> 02:17:03.800 They're going to disbar me. Write about that. 02:17:04.800 --> 02:17:07.000 Wait a second. Can they do that? 02:17:07.200 --> 02:17:08.700 Not when I get through with the story. 02:17:08.800 --> 02:17:11.100 You got to give me an exclusive. 02:17:11.300 --> 02:17:15.200 This is wire service. This is ''60 Minutes.'' 02:17:15.300 --> 02:17:18.800 This is a story that needs to be told. It's you. 02:17:19.100 --> 02:17:20.700 You're a star. 02:17:24.500 --> 02:17:25.800 Baby. 02:17:28.100 --> 02:17:29.800 Call me in the morning. 02:17:30.500 --> 02:17:33.100 You got it. First thing. 02:17:42.900 --> 02:17:44.200 Vanity... 02:17:44.700 --> 02:17:46.900 ...definitely my favorite sin.