00:00:25.905 --> 00:00:30.905
Subtitles by explosiveskull

00:00:31.791 --> 00:00:35.059
<i>Mom, come on.
It's time to open the park.</i>

00:00:35.061 --> 00:00:37.393
<i>Oh, right. Here we go.</i>

00:00:37.395 --> 00:00:40.330
<i>It was another day
in Wonderland,</i>

00:00:40.332 --> 00:00:43.601
<i>the most splendiferous
amusement park ever.</i>

00:00:43.603 --> 00:00:46.003
<i>And Peanut
was creating a new ride?</i>

00:00:46.005 --> 00:00:47.538
<i>Not yet.</i>

00:00:47.540 --> 00:00:52.308
<i>First, the mascots were getting
ready to open the gates.</i>

00:00:52.310 --> 00:00:55.679
All right, guys.
Good morning! Let's do it!

00:00:55.681 --> 00:00:57.280
Now, everyone,
bring it in.

00:00:57.282 --> 00:00:58.749
People love
coming to Wonderland

00:00:58.751 --> 00:01:00.416
because it's
the best time ever.

00:01:00.418 --> 00:01:03.087
And that's thanks to you.
Because who are you?

00:01:03.089 --> 00:01:05.355
We are the wonder
in Wonderland.

00:01:05.357 --> 00:01:07.091
I can't hear you.

00:01:07.093 --> 00:01:09.660
We are the wonder
in Wonderland.

00:01:09.662 --> 00:01:10.594
One more time.

00:01:10.596 --> 00:01:14.431
We are the wonder
in Wonderland!

00:01:14.433 --> 00:01:15.699
Yes, you are!

00:01:15.701 --> 00:01:18.403
Last one to Clockwork Swings
is a rotten avocado!

00:01:21.306 --> 00:01:22.907
Who wants to flip the switch?

00:01:22.909 --> 00:01:24.975
- Why don't you go ahead, brother?
- No, you go, brother.

00:01:24.977 --> 00:01:27.845
- No, no, no, no, you go.
- How about you both flip it?

00:01:44.230 --> 00:01:47.965
Welcome! Boy, it's gonna be
a great day.

00:01:47.967 --> 00:01:52.303
I know that because we've had
literally nothing but wondrous days

00:01:52.305 --> 00:01:54.104
since the moment we opened!

00:01:54.106 --> 00:01:56.707
- Did you hear the joke about dehydration?
- No.

00:01:56.709 --> 00:01:59.109
That's right,
because there is absolutely

00:01:59.111 --> 00:02:01.312
nothing funny
about dehydration.

00:02:01.314 --> 00:02:02.446
Go long!

00:02:02.448 --> 00:02:04.748
Greta! Can we take
a picture with you?

00:02:04.750 --> 00:02:06.550
Of course. Come in,
come in, come in.

00:02:06.552 --> 00:02:10.020
Okay, ready?
One, two, three, snort!

00:02:14.060 --> 00:02:16.727
Gus! Cooper!
Teeter number two isn't tottering.

00:02:16.729 --> 00:02:17.962
- We're on it.
- Copy that.

00:02:17.964 --> 00:02:19.866
Beaver twin brothers,

00:02:23.536 --> 00:02:26.303
- Tail slap, Coop.
- Ha-ha!

00:02:26.305 --> 00:02:28.539
Look, it's him!

00:02:28.541 --> 00:02:31.742
Good morning, everyone!

00:02:31.744 --> 00:02:33.611
You're splendiferous!

00:02:33.613 --> 00:02:36.180
Peanut! Hi, Peanut!

00:02:36.182 --> 00:02:37.681
Thanks for coming out.

00:02:37.683 --> 00:02:39.817
You're a great-looking group.

00:02:40.753 --> 00:02:42.553
Today's gonna be filled
with the wonder

00:02:42.555 --> 00:02:45.856
of this wonderful land we call

00:02:45.858 --> 00:02:47.925

00:02:47.927 --> 00:02:51.462
Look at him. He's so charming!
Such a way with words.

00:02:51.464 --> 00:02:53.631
All right, folks, who here
wants to see Peanut

00:02:53.633 --> 00:02:56.300
ride the brand new SkyFlinger?

00:02:56.302 --> 00:02:57.434

00:02:57.436 --> 00:02:59.071

00:03:02.475 --> 00:03:04.808
Room for one more
in this SkyFlinger?

00:03:04.810 --> 00:03:07.647
You might want to hold on, kid.

00:03:12.685 --> 00:03:14.318
- Hi!
- Hey!

00:03:17.790 --> 00:03:20.057
- Have you got your WonderChimp doll yet?
- No.

00:03:20.059 --> 00:03:23.360
Well, what are you
waiting for? Come on!

00:03:23.362 --> 00:03:26.096
<i>♪ We can play happy,
happy Won't you stay happy, happy</i>

00:03:26.098 --> 00:03:28.465
<i>♪ We can play happy, happy
Till we're done ♪</i>

00:03:28.467 --> 00:03:32.269
And here are
the WonderChimps. Ha!

00:03:32.271 --> 00:03:35.606
5,200 different outfits
to pick from.

00:03:35.608 --> 00:03:37.908

00:03:37.910 --> 00:03:40.477
You're splendiferous!

00:03:40.479 --> 00:03:42.246
What are you creating today,

00:03:42.248 --> 00:03:43.614
Oh, yes, that's right!

00:03:43.616 --> 00:03:46.717
Today is the day
we're opening the carousel.

00:03:46.719 --> 00:03:48.652
Oh, and she's gonna be
a real beaut.

00:03:48.654 --> 00:03:51.121
I've got the finest
thoroughbred horses...

00:03:51.123 --> 00:03:52.124

00:03:52.391 --> 00:03:54.024

00:03:55.695 --> 00:03:59.029
That sounds kinda
been there, done that.

00:03:59.031 --> 00:04:01.098
I think we can do better.

00:04:01.100 --> 00:04:04.101
And You're right.
I think Peanut deserves better.

00:04:04.103 --> 00:04:05.803
You come up with it, Mom!

00:04:05.805 --> 00:04:07.671
How could I not defer
to the young visionary

00:04:07.673 --> 00:04:09.873
who came up
with "The SkyFlinger"?

00:04:09.875 --> 00:04:12.509
Hey, don't make fun of me.
I was only five.

00:04:12.511 --> 00:04:14.378
I wasn't
making fun of you, silly.

00:04:14.380 --> 00:04:15.846
I just like it

00:04:15.848 --> 00:04:17.848
when the ideas come from you.

00:04:17.850 --> 00:04:20.317
Now, think.

00:04:20.319 --> 00:04:23.222
What kind of animal should
Peanut put on your carousel?

00:04:24.190 --> 00:04:27.091
- Fish!
- Just like any fish?

00:04:27.093 --> 00:04:28.258
Flying fish!

00:04:28.260 --> 00:04:30.861
And when you push the fin,
the fish will come to life.

00:04:30.863 --> 00:04:33.130
And you could fly them
all over the park.

00:04:34.400 --> 00:04:36.535
Ooh, now we're talking, June.

00:04:37.003 --> 00:04:38.002

00:04:38.004 --> 00:04:41.739
all you have to do
is give Peanut his marker,

00:04:41.741 --> 00:04:44.808
and whisper your wish
into Peanut's ear.

00:04:44.810 --> 00:04:48.446
Now, Peanut,
here's what we want you to do.

00:04:48.448 --> 00:04:50.647
You really can do that
in Wonderland.

00:04:50.649 --> 00:04:52.082
- <i>Make a carousel, but instead of horses...</i>
- Hmm?

00:04:52.084 --> 00:04:54.020
<i>...make flying fish.</i>

00:04:54.320 --> 00:04:55.386

00:05:02.628 --> 00:05:04.130

00:05:17.877 --> 00:05:20.046
Where would
you like to go today?

00:05:22.915 --> 00:05:25.517
Thank you, whoever you are,

00:05:25.519 --> 00:05:27.718
wherever you come from.

00:05:27.720 --> 00:05:30.087
And when the fish fly
through the concession stand,

00:05:30.089 --> 00:05:32.022
people will throw popcorn
in the air to feed them.

00:05:32.024 --> 00:05:34.625
So long as Boomer doesn't eat
all the popcorn first.

00:05:34.627 --> 00:05:36.827
- Okay, June, time for bed.
- Oh, no!

00:05:36.829 --> 00:05:39.296
A little longer? Please?

00:05:39.298 --> 00:05:40.432

00:05:40.434 --> 00:05:42.566
Nope, you've got
school tomorrow.

00:05:42.568 --> 00:05:43.700
And you've got a DVR

00:05:43.702 --> 00:05:44.902
that's gonna
run out of storage

00:05:44.904 --> 00:05:46.570
unless we start
getting serious.

00:05:46.572 --> 00:05:48.205
- Oh, but...
- No, don't blame the messenger.

00:05:48.207 --> 00:05:52.176
I am just gonna have to start
making some very aggressive deletes.

00:05:52.178 --> 00:05:53.911
You stinker.

00:05:53.913 --> 00:05:56.248
Okay, June Bug,
that's it for tonight.

00:05:59.819 --> 00:06:02.052
Um, Mom,

00:06:02.054 --> 00:06:05.656
do you ever feel
like Wonderland is real?

00:06:05.658 --> 00:06:08.725
Or maybe it could be?

00:06:08.727 --> 00:06:10.194
Of course it could be.

00:06:10.196 --> 00:06:11.895
Really? How do you know?

00:06:11.897 --> 00:06:15.099
Because I know the girl
who imagined it

00:06:15.101 --> 00:06:17.167
and she can do anything.

00:06:17.169 --> 00:06:18.570
- Me?
- Oh, yeah.

00:06:18.572 --> 00:06:20.106
Good night, June Bug.

00:06:24.143 --> 00:06:26.112
Big day tomorrow, guys.

00:06:28.747 --> 00:06:32.384
Time to make Wonderland real.

00:06:46.566 --> 00:06:48.232
Good morning, June Bailey.

00:06:48.234 --> 00:06:50.502
Banky, today is the day.

00:06:50.504 --> 00:06:52.836
Operation Loop-De-Loop
is a go!

00:06:52.838 --> 00:06:55.808
But I haven't even
had my morning coffee.

00:07:03.782 --> 00:07:05.617

00:07:11.724 --> 00:07:14.592
That goes under the ramp.
Yeah, more of those.

00:07:14.594 --> 00:07:15.993

00:07:15.995 --> 00:07:20.097
Eh, no one will miss that.
We're gonna need more nails.

00:07:20.099 --> 00:07:22.968
Good job. Now, that's
what I'm talking about!

00:07:24.538 --> 00:07:25.871
Great work.

00:07:32.745 --> 00:07:36.614
They said it couldn't be done,
but behold!

00:07:36.616 --> 00:07:38.749
The Grand Wonder!

00:07:38.751 --> 00:07:40.884
- Who said it couldn't be done?
- They.

00:07:40.886 --> 00:07:42.920
- Who's "they"?
- It's just an expression.

00:07:42.922 --> 00:07:45.155
Don't bust me
on a technicality.

00:07:45.157 --> 00:07:47.291
562 feet of track!

00:07:47.293 --> 00:07:50.894
An intergalactic spaceport
complete with wormhole!

00:07:50.896 --> 00:07:52.896
And the <i>piece de resistance...</i>

00:07:52.898 --> 00:07:55.399
That's French
for "super awesome."

00:07:55.401 --> 00:07:57.334
...a genuine loop-de-loop!

00:07:58.404 --> 00:08:01.705
Uh... How high did you say
the vertical drop is?

00:08:01.707 --> 00:08:03.508
48.8 feet.

00:08:03.510 --> 00:08:07.612
- That's 14.87 meters for the uninitiated.
- Uh...

00:08:07.614 --> 00:08:08.946
Commencing test run.

00:08:08.948 --> 00:08:11.248
- All systems are a go.
- Uh...

00:08:11.250 --> 00:08:15.752
- Five, four, three, two, one.
- Can we talk about this?

00:08:15.754 --> 00:08:17.990
- Launcher!
- Huh?

00:08:19.358 --> 00:08:22.027
We have ignitialization!

00:08:25.331 --> 00:08:26.564

00:08:27.733 --> 00:08:28.968
Whoa, whoa!

00:08:29.603 --> 00:08:31.268
Oh, no!

00:08:31.270 --> 00:08:32.472
Peaches is loose!

00:08:33.072 --> 00:08:34.474
Launching countermeasures.

00:08:37.142 --> 00:08:38.408
Oh... Oh, gosh.

00:08:38.410 --> 00:08:39.945
Engage turbo launcher!

00:08:45.017 --> 00:08:46.783
Honey, have you seen
my cell phone?

00:08:50.956 --> 00:08:52.557
Open the spaceport.

00:08:52.559 --> 00:08:55.127
- I'm trying, I'm trying!
- Duck!

00:08:56.362 --> 00:08:57.227

00:08:57.229 --> 00:08:59.763
Warp speed
through a black hole.

00:08:59.765 --> 00:09:02.232
Okay, ready to stop now.

00:09:02.234 --> 00:09:05.235
No way!
Time for the grand finale.

00:09:05.237 --> 00:09:07.438
Firing thrusters!

00:09:12.411 --> 00:09:14.246

00:09:16.616 --> 00:09:17.848
Brake, brake, brake!

00:09:18.917 --> 00:09:20.451
It broke, broke, broke.

00:09:35.735 --> 00:09:37.403
Look out! Watch out, no!

00:09:39.138 --> 00:09:41.739
Here. Use this to
pry the thrusters on the left.

00:09:41.741 --> 00:09:43.407
Isn't that
the steering wheel?

00:09:43.409 --> 00:09:44.841
It was. Now hurry!

00:09:44.843 --> 00:09:48.078
It's not working!
Don't bang. Pry, pry, pry!

00:09:48.080 --> 00:09:50.213
- Hurry, hurry!
- I'm trying, I'm trying!

00:09:54.253 --> 00:09:55.819
I love you, June!

00:10:02.094 --> 00:10:04.897
I'm alive! Thank Krishna.

00:10:07.434 --> 00:10:09.434
That was...

00:10:09.436 --> 00:10:10.568

00:10:10.570 --> 00:10:12.570
- Did anyone video that?
- You guys rock!

00:10:12.572 --> 00:10:13.738
I'm next!

00:10:13.740 --> 00:10:15.442
Hey! What happened
to my fence?

00:10:15.809 --> 00:10:18.010
Oh! My garden!

00:10:22.649 --> 00:10:23.847

00:10:23.849 --> 00:10:25.982
That much
for one fire hydrant?

00:10:25.984 --> 00:10:27.719
My advice? Military school.

00:10:27.721 --> 00:10:30.588
They'll drill home the kind of
discipline your daughter needs.

00:10:30.590 --> 00:10:34.393
Don't you worry.
She will be disciplined, all right.

00:10:35.795 --> 00:10:37.294
You got this?

00:10:37.296 --> 00:10:39.296
If it means not having to be
the one to try and talk sense

00:10:39.298 --> 00:10:42.366
into our adorable lunatic
of a daughter,

00:10:42.368 --> 00:10:43.400
you bet.

00:10:43.402 --> 00:10:46.704
Fred! Good to see you.
How are the wife and...

00:10:50.543 --> 00:10:53.276
The thing about military school?
It's usually far away.

00:10:53.278 --> 00:10:54.945
Think about how much
you'd miss me.

00:10:54.947 --> 00:10:57.482
Who would really
be the one getting punished?

00:10:57.484 --> 00:11:00.150
We're not sending you
to military school.

00:11:00.152 --> 00:11:02.085
- You're not?
- Oh, no.

00:11:02.087 --> 00:11:03.521
Because military school
doesn't have

00:11:03.523 --> 00:11:06.089
nearly the amount of chores
you're gonna be subjected to.

00:11:06.091 --> 00:11:08.760
I guess I walked
right into that one.

00:11:08.762 --> 00:11:09.993
What were you thinking, June?

00:11:09.995 --> 00:11:11.962
Do you know how lucky you are?

00:11:11.964 --> 00:11:13.163
Could have been
a whole lot worse

00:11:13.165 --> 00:11:14.866
than a raspberry
on your elbow.

00:11:14.868 --> 00:11:19.302
I was just listening to you.
You said Wonderland could be real.

00:11:19.304 --> 00:11:21.672
And that I could do anything.

00:11:21.674 --> 00:11:25.342
I never want you to stop using
your imagination, June Bug.

00:11:25.344 --> 00:11:29.480
But I need you to also remember
to be practical and safe.

00:11:30.650 --> 00:11:34.117
I can't imagine what I'd do
if something happened to you.

00:11:34.119 --> 00:11:36.353
Even though
I shouldn't have done it,

00:11:36.355 --> 00:11:39.189
did you think
what I built was cool?

00:11:39.191 --> 00:11:40.924
It doesn't matter
what I think.

00:11:40.926 --> 00:11:44.729
But Gus and Cooper, on the other
hand, would've been crazy impressed.

00:11:44.731 --> 00:11:45.962

00:11:45.964 --> 00:11:48.165
But Steve would've had
a heart attack, huh?

00:11:48.167 --> 00:11:50.035
Yes. Oh, yeah.

00:11:50.369 --> 00:11:51.368

00:11:51.370 --> 00:11:53.937
we can keep building
more of Wonderland?

00:11:53.939 --> 00:11:56.072
Yes, of course.

00:11:56.074 --> 00:11:59.477
But, June, without wrecking
the neighborhood.

00:11:59.479 --> 00:12:03.013
Right. Without wrecking
the neighborhood.

00:12:12.792 --> 00:12:14.293

00:12:24.571 --> 00:12:28.405
Now, Peanut,
here's what we want you to do.

00:12:28.407 --> 00:12:30.475
Clockwork Swings
is the heart of the park.

00:12:30.477 --> 00:12:33.210
And when it turns on,
Wonderland comes to life!

00:12:34.547 --> 00:12:38.250
Floating through zero gravity
with astronaut June.

00:12:41.888 --> 00:12:43.987
Peanut, take your marker...

00:12:43.989 --> 00:12:45.923
Now turn the crank.

00:12:45.925 --> 00:12:47.226
Look! It worked! It worked!

00:12:55.802 --> 00:12:57.133
No, hold on! Hold on!

00:12:57.135 --> 00:12:58.771
Whoa! Whoa!

00:13:27.299 --> 00:13:28.164

00:13:34.507 --> 00:13:35.675

00:13:57.229 --> 00:13:59.430
Bendy Straw Slide
is almost done.

00:13:59.432 --> 00:14:00.898
Look at you.

00:14:00.900 --> 00:14:04.269
Come here, baby girl.
I want to talk to you for a minute.

00:14:06.039 --> 00:14:08.841
I know you know Mommy's sick.

00:14:10.510 --> 00:14:11.776

00:14:11.778 --> 00:14:15.513
There are some special doctors
who might be able to help me.

00:14:15.515 --> 00:14:18.585
But I have to go away
for a while to see them.

00:14:19.519 --> 00:14:22.319
For how long
are you going away?

00:14:22.321 --> 00:14:24.722
Well, that just depends.

00:14:24.724 --> 00:14:28.761
But believe me, I am gonna do
everything I can to try and get better.

00:14:29.194 --> 00:14:30.630
Model patient.

00:14:31.931 --> 00:14:34.031
And we'll go visit, honey.

00:14:34.033 --> 00:14:38.168
Hey, I know this is scary,

00:14:38.170 --> 00:14:42.107
but you keep that little light
in you shining bright.

00:14:42.609 --> 00:14:44.577
I don't know if I can.

00:14:45.612 --> 00:14:47.410
Well, I do.

00:14:47.412 --> 00:14:51.618
Because you are the wonder
in Wonderland.

00:15:03.896 --> 00:15:05.295
Whew. Okay.

00:15:23.783 --> 00:15:25.250

00:15:42.068 --> 00:15:44.236
Yeah, I will.

00:15:44.570 --> 00:15:45.670

00:15:45.672 --> 00:15:47.907
Are you...
Are you coming home soon?

00:15:49.676 --> 00:15:50.941

00:15:50.943 --> 00:15:53.846
Okay. I love you, too, Mom.

00:16:05.024 --> 00:16:08.795
<i>Keep that little light
in you shining bright.</i>

00:16:10.963 --> 00:16:13.766
<i>What kind of animal should
Peanut put on that carousel?</i>

00:16:14.834 --> 00:16:18.836
<i>All you have to do
is give Peanut his marker,</i>

00:16:18.838 --> 00:16:21.708
<i>and whisper your wish
into Peanut's ear.</i>

00:16:26.446 --> 00:16:27.647
I can't.

00:16:58.945 --> 00:17:00.478
- Oh, hey, June.
- Hey, Banky.

00:17:00.480 --> 00:17:02.480
My parents got me
this drone kit.

00:17:02.482 --> 00:17:04.682
And we could use your help
putting it together.

00:17:04.684 --> 00:17:07.017
We could use it
for Wonderland.

00:17:07.019 --> 00:17:09.220
Go on, June Bug.
That'll be fun.

00:17:09.222 --> 00:17:10.554

00:17:10.556 --> 00:17:13.557
Is that FAA-certified
for use in a residential area?

00:17:13.559 --> 00:17:15.960
Those things
can be insanely hazardous.

00:17:15.962 --> 00:17:18.863
Well, we're insanely bored
and, dare I say, desperate?

00:17:18.865 --> 00:17:22.933
We've stooped to repeatedly rolling
each other down a hill for fun,

00:17:22.935 --> 00:17:25.836
and I don't think
Raj can handle it anymore.

00:17:25.838 --> 00:17:29.573
Will someone please stop
the world from spinning?

00:17:29.575 --> 00:17:30.875

00:17:30.877 --> 00:17:33.409
Great seeing you.
But maybe tomorrow.

00:17:33.411 --> 00:17:34.912
But I... Oh.

00:17:34.914 --> 00:17:39.315
Sorry, guys. Not today.

00:17:39.317 --> 00:17:42.318
Can we talk about
what's going on with you?

00:17:42.320 --> 00:17:44.524
All they want to do
is play with Wonderland.

00:17:45.290 --> 00:17:47.258
But, Dad. No! No, no, no.

00:17:47.260 --> 00:17:48.793
Don't make this a thing.
It's not a thing.

00:17:48.795 --> 00:17:51.829
Well, it is a thing, but the thing
is, it's not a thing.

00:17:53.499 --> 00:17:56.133
When you say "tomorrow,"
you mean tomorrow morning?

00:17:56.135 --> 00:17:57.501
Just tomorrow!

00:17:58.905 --> 00:18:00.571

00:18:00.573 --> 00:18:02.439
- Afternoon!
- Surprise!

00:18:02.441 --> 00:18:04.642
Heard you wanted to see
your favorite aunt and uncle.

00:18:04.644 --> 00:18:06.043
But they sent us instead.

00:18:06.045 --> 00:18:07.912
Hey-O! That's why
I married her!

00:18:07.914 --> 00:18:10.047
Now bring it in
for the good stuff, kiddo.

00:18:10.049 --> 00:18:13.250
You're getting bigger every day.
And so grown up.

00:18:13.252 --> 00:18:14.885
Grown up and beautiful.

00:18:14.887 --> 00:18:17.154
It's good to see you, even though
you always do this to my cheeks.

00:18:17.156 --> 00:18:18.556
Oh, the place looks great!

00:18:18.558 --> 00:18:20.724
Jeez. What, did you pack
the whole house?

00:18:20.726 --> 00:18:22.560
I thought you guys were
only coming for two nights.

00:18:22.562 --> 00:18:23.894
Well, it's just the essentials.

00:18:23.896 --> 00:18:25.361
And anyway, we bought a set...

00:18:25.363 --> 00:18:26.764
...and we wanted to use
all the bags.

00:18:26.766 --> 00:18:28.766
- Oh, get the present.
- Right.

00:18:28.768 --> 00:18:30.467
Now, where did we put it?

00:18:30.469 --> 00:18:33.070
We have a present
for you, June. It's

00:18:33.072 --> 00:18:35.139
- a Ferris wheel!
- Oh.

00:18:35.141 --> 00:18:38.509
- Uh...
- I tried wrapping it, but wrapping circular things

00:18:38.511 --> 00:18:40.144
is much harder
than I would've imagined.

00:18:40.146 --> 00:18:41.612
I thought it would
just be perfect

00:18:41.614 --> 00:18:44.081
for your Wonderland model.

00:18:44.083 --> 00:18:46.450
- Where did all that go?
- Uh...

00:18:46.452 --> 00:18:48.085
We put Wonderland away.

00:18:48.087 --> 00:18:49.385
Well, that's a shame.

00:18:49.387 --> 00:18:51.689
I told your mom yesterday
we'd help you build it.

00:18:51.691 --> 00:18:53.190
And I know your Uncle Tony!

00:18:53.192 --> 00:18:54.825
I'm not above
playing with toys.

00:18:54.827 --> 00:18:58.128
What do you say, Tiny?
Let's rebuild Wonderland.

00:18:59.332 --> 00:19:01.432
Hey, hey why don't we
talk about something else?

00:19:01.434 --> 00:19:04.400
Weather? Tax returns?
Literally, anything else.

00:19:04.402 --> 00:19:06.369
Oh, look what I found.

00:19:06.371 --> 00:19:07.671

00:19:07.673 --> 00:19:09.773
It's the blueprint
for Wonderland.

00:19:09.775 --> 00:19:11.642
I don't
play with that anymore.

00:19:11.644 --> 00:19:14.445
- But, sweetheart...
- Please, put that away.

00:19:14.447 --> 00:19:16.981
- But...
- Just please!

00:19:16.983 --> 00:19:20.718
This is a beautiful thing you and
your mom did together, darling.

00:19:20.720 --> 00:19:23.386
To create something so real.

00:19:23.388 --> 00:19:24.622
You can...

00:19:24.624 --> 00:19:26.257
Wonderland isn't real!
It never could be real.

00:19:26.259 --> 00:19:28.425
And even if it was,
it's the last place in the world

00:19:28.427 --> 00:19:30.594
I'd want to visit!

00:19:30.596 --> 00:19:32.329
Oh, no.

00:19:32.331 --> 00:19:33.766
Oh, Junie.

00:19:37.737 --> 00:19:39.402
- Mom!
- No, no, no wait!

00:19:47.179 --> 00:19:48.946
I'm sorry.

00:19:48.948 --> 00:19:50.049
Sweetie, wait.

00:20:24.850 --> 00:20:27.318
- Hey, Junie! Great news!
- Huh?

00:20:27.320 --> 00:20:29.520
I said great news!

00:20:29.522 --> 00:20:31.490
I'll be done in a minute!

00:20:33.125 --> 00:20:35.526
Tomorrow is Math Camp!

00:20:35.528 --> 00:20:37.461
And I know
it's important to clean

00:20:37.463 --> 00:20:38.929
an already clean house...

00:20:38.931 --> 00:20:41.999
...but why don't you channel
this nervous energy into packing?

00:20:42.001 --> 00:20:43.536
This is dangerous.

00:20:44.403 --> 00:20:45.936
And I'm not going
to Math Camp.

00:20:45.938 --> 00:20:48.072
- They're just gonna give me sad eyes.
- Uh...

00:20:48.074 --> 00:20:50.442
- Junie... Uh...
- Besides, I got a lot to do around here.

00:20:50.444 --> 00:20:53.677
Is that a three-month or six-month
renewal on your wheatgrass deliveries?

00:20:53.679 --> 00:20:55.679
- I put in six.
- Uh, all I'm saying...

00:20:55.681 --> 00:20:57.581
Your triglycerides
are still on the high end.

00:20:57.583 --> 00:20:59.550
I'm not taking any chances
with your health.

00:20:59.552 --> 00:21:01.952
June, you can't
stay in here forever.

00:21:01.954 --> 00:21:04.991
Look, I just know I need to be home
this summer to take care of you.

00:21:05.758 --> 00:21:08.225
Really? This expires
in three days.

00:21:08.227 --> 00:21:10.227
You're cutting it
way too close.

00:21:10.229 --> 00:21:14.164
June, today I got dressed and
made breakfast all by myself

00:21:14.166 --> 00:21:16.834
as I have been doing
for the last 41 years.

00:21:16.836 --> 00:21:21.238
The first seven I needed a little
help, but since then I've been okay.

00:21:28.247 --> 00:21:30.781
I am not going to Math Camp.

00:21:33.953 --> 00:21:37.321
Don't put the avocados next
to the bananas. They ripen too fast.

00:21:37.323 --> 00:21:38.989
And leave the toaster
set to three.

00:21:38.991 --> 00:21:40.858
You know you don't like it
when the edges are too crispy.

00:21:40.860 --> 00:21:42.292
My morning toast
will be fine.

00:21:42.294 --> 00:21:44.661
Oh, and the milk could be out of
date, so check it.

00:21:44.663 --> 00:21:46.263
I'm gonna be okay.

00:21:46.265 --> 00:21:48.132
I know this is a big step.

00:21:48.134 --> 00:21:51.735
Mom and I are both
proud of you for going.

00:21:51.737 --> 00:21:55.908
Now get out there on Abacus
Obstacle Course and skin a knee.

00:21:57.410 --> 00:21:58.611

00:21:59.812 --> 00:22:00.813

00:22:01.614 --> 00:22:03.082
I promise.

00:22:11.891 --> 00:22:15.225
- Hey ya, Banky.
- Hey, June Bailey. Saved you a seat.

00:22:15.227 --> 00:22:19.031
This is gonna be
the best summer ever!

00:22:19.565 --> 00:22:20.831
Oh. goodbye!

00:22:27.173 --> 00:22:28.939
Hey, campers!

00:22:28.941 --> 00:22:33.777
Okay, everybody here is
heading to Camp Awe Sum, right?

00:22:33.779 --> 00:22:37.981
If you're not,
you're on the rhom-bus.

00:22:40.286 --> 00:22:41.952
I love geometry humor.

00:22:41.954 --> 00:22:44.788
Now, I could start
off with a million stories

00:22:44.790 --> 00:22:46.623
about my summers
at Camp Awe Sum,

00:22:46.625 --> 00:22:49.760
but I wouldn't want to go off
on a tangent!

00:22:49.762 --> 00:22:52.296
Are you getting my angle?

00:22:55.034 --> 00:22:57.101
A-one, two...
A-one, two-three, four.

00:22:57.103 --> 00:23:01.171
<i>♪ Oh, my!
Here comes pi! 3.1415</i>

00:23:01.173 --> 00:23:05.309
<i>♪ A constant we all know
The famous ratio</i>

00:23:05.311 --> 00:23:09.646
<i>♪ Oh, my! Here comes pi!
How many can you memorize?</i>

00:23:09.648 --> 00:23:13.717
<i>♪ It goes on and on
A never-ending song</i>

00:23:13.719 --> 00:23:17.855
<i>♪ Hey, hey! It's Pi Day!
Make a circle, celebrate</i>

00:23:17.857 --> 00:23:19.557
<i>♪ Irrational action</i>

00:23:19.559 --> 00:23:25.097
<i>♪ That can't be expressed
as a simple fraction! ♪</i>

00:23:29.368 --> 00:23:32.836
This is a terrible mistake.
What was I thinking?

00:23:41.680 --> 00:23:43.649
<i>June, I'm okay.</i>

00:23:47.119 --> 00:23:50.689
<i>Today I got dressed and made
breakfast all by myself.</i>

00:23:59.198 --> 00:24:00.697
Oh, no!

00:24:00.699 --> 00:24:03.133
I can't leave him alone
for an entire summer!

00:24:03.135 --> 00:24:04.735
Why is the obtuse triangle...

00:24:04.737 --> 00:24:06.604
I need your help.
I need to get home.

00:24:06.606 --> 00:24:10.542
What? Your dad'll flip!
We're talking eternal groundation.

00:24:10.544 --> 00:24:12.409
But he knows
he can't function without me.

00:24:12.411 --> 00:24:15.746
Look at this. "Miss you."
It's like a cry for help!

00:24:15.748 --> 00:24:20.050
Uh. I don't know, June. I think you might
be reading a bit too much into this.

00:24:20.052 --> 00:24:22.520
I'll take the hiking trails through
the forest and be there before lunch.

00:24:22.522 --> 00:24:23.655
It's a no-brainer.

00:24:23.657 --> 00:24:25.756
But first I need
to get off this bus.

00:24:25.758 --> 00:24:27.291
And you have to help me.

00:24:27.293 --> 00:24:28.294

00:24:30.463 --> 00:24:31.728
- Okay.
- Yes!

00:24:31.730 --> 00:24:34.465
- Banky, I could kiss you.
- Really?

00:24:34.467 --> 00:24:35.933
- Ew, no.
- Right.

00:24:35.935 --> 00:24:38.268
Now, what can I use?

00:24:38.270 --> 00:24:39.336

00:24:39.338 --> 00:24:41.371
You did the school play, right?

00:24:41.373 --> 00:24:43.273
Does second understudy count?

00:24:43.275 --> 00:24:45.744
Uh, close enough.
You know what to do.

00:24:48.147 --> 00:24:53.350
Oh, no! I don't think I'm
feeling very well at this moment.

00:24:53.352 --> 00:24:55.018
I think I might...

00:24:55.020 --> 00:24:57.488
I don't think
I can hold it down!

00:24:57.490 --> 00:24:59.624
I can't hold it no more!

00:24:59.626 --> 00:25:01.693
Oh, no! It's here!

00:25:01.695 --> 00:25:03.994
It's here!

00:25:05.532 --> 00:25:06.897
you chucked a yuck!

00:25:06.899 --> 00:25:08.466
Stop the bus!

00:25:13.640 --> 00:25:16.306
nobody wander off!

00:25:16.308 --> 00:25:18.775
And watch out for snakes.

00:25:18.777 --> 00:25:20.010
They're everywhere.

00:25:20.012 --> 00:25:21.713

00:25:21.715 --> 00:25:25.249
June? June? June?

00:25:25.251 --> 00:25:28.051
Nice one, Banky.
You chucked a yuck!

00:25:28.053 --> 00:25:29.953
I got sick
from a corndog once.

00:25:29.955 --> 00:25:32.322
It hurt all the way
inside of my bones.

00:25:32.324 --> 00:25:34.726
My mom said it was because it was two weeks old.

00:25:34.728 --> 00:25:38.463
- But I put it in the microwave and it was delicious.
- Um... Oh...

00:25:38.465 --> 00:25:39.530

00:25:40.966 --> 00:25:43.100
Holy hypotenuse!

00:25:43.102 --> 00:25:44.801
Oh, yeah,
definitely the corndog.

00:25:44.803 --> 00:25:46.972
Okay, are you having
heart palpitations?

00:26:09.696 --> 00:26:12.764
Wait. Why is this here?

00:26:12.766 --> 00:26:13.966
Uh... Hey...

00:26:33.687 --> 00:26:35.421
Hey, get back here!

00:27:39.284 --> 00:27:40.285

00:27:42.522 --> 00:27:44.390

00:28:17.055 --> 00:28:18.458

00:28:23.630 --> 00:28:25.297

00:29:12.879 --> 00:29:14.077
Is this...

00:29:14.079 --> 00:29:15.648
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

00:29:34.834 --> 00:29:36.034

00:29:55.522 --> 00:29:57.322
No way.

00:30:00.727 --> 00:30:03.295
How is this possible?

00:30:05.665 --> 00:30:07.332

00:30:12.037 --> 00:30:13.238

00:30:14.741 --> 00:30:16.208
Are you...

00:30:19.579 --> 00:30:21.280

00:30:22.482 --> 00:30:24.615
I'm in...

00:30:24.617 --> 00:30:26.351

00:30:30.890 --> 00:30:32.355
Storm clouds?

00:30:32.357 --> 00:30:35.358
There shouldn't be
storm clouds in Wonderland.

00:30:35.360 --> 00:30:38.128
We can't keep up!

00:30:38.130 --> 00:30:41.097
Boomer the Welcome Bear?
He's here, too?

00:30:43.870 --> 00:30:46.637
Run for your life!

00:30:46.639 --> 00:30:48.506
Grab her!
Get moving, pipsqueak!

00:30:48.508 --> 00:30:50.307
Why are we chasing Boomer?

00:30:50.309 --> 00:30:52.779
Oh, we're not chasing him.
They're chasing us!

00:30:55.314 --> 00:30:56.747
Regroup at Rocket Road!

00:30:56.749 --> 00:31:00.185
Skipping to safety, skipping to safety!

00:31:03.322 --> 00:31:05.990
Gus, gnaw that awning down.
Cooper, start the pump.

00:31:05.992 --> 00:31:07.792
- Steve...
- I'll draft up an exit plan.

00:31:07.794 --> 00:31:08.693
...you're the bait.

00:31:08.695 --> 00:31:10.661
Of course I am.
Baiting away.

00:31:10.663 --> 00:31:13.363
<i>♪ Won't you stay Happy, happy</i>

00:31:13.365 --> 00:31:17.568
<i>♪ We can't wait happy, happy
Till we play happy, happy ♪</i>

00:31:17.570 --> 00:31:19.904
- Boomer, you protect her with your life.
- Hey!

00:31:19.906 --> 00:31:21.973
What is going on around here?

00:31:21.975 --> 00:31:23.975
What does it look like?
We're at war!

00:31:25.044 --> 00:31:27.645
War? There's no fighting
in Wonderland.

00:31:27.647 --> 00:31:31.114
Stay put. Because
if they see us, they will...

00:31:31.116 --> 00:31:32.850

00:31:32.852 --> 00:31:34.150
Save yourself!

00:31:34.152 --> 00:31:35.586
They'll what? Boomer, finish the sentence.

00:31:35.588 --> 00:31:36.856
They'll what?

00:31:38.758 --> 00:31:40.491
<i>♪ Come and play happy, happy</i>

00:31:40.493 --> 00:31:44.162
<i>♪ Won't you stay happy
Play happy, happy ♪</i>

00:31:46.599 --> 00:31:49.199
Why are they
destroying the park?

00:31:49.201 --> 00:31:50.935
Hey, you guys!

00:31:50.937 --> 00:31:53.070
Over here!

00:31:53.072 --> 00:31:55.374
Dinner is served.

00:31:56.141 --> 00:31:58.176
we have a problem.

00:32:00.813 --> 00:32:02.747
Steve, hold it.

00:32:02.749 --> 00:32:03.814
Uh... Oh, dear.

00:32:05.150 --> 00:32:06.717
- Hold it.
- I am holding it.

00:32:06.719 --> 00:32:09.053
- Hold it.
- I'm literally holding it.

00:32:09.055 --> 00:32:10.420
- Hold it.
- Ahhh!

00:32:10.422 --> 00:32:13.793
Oh, no, I've dropped it!
I've dropped it and I left it!

00:32:14.894 --> 00:32:16.861
Uh, I'm out of here.

00:32:22.334 --> 00:32:24.367
Gus, Cooper, pump the rocket!

00:32:24.369 --> 00:32:26.570
We got to boom-shaka-boom!

00:32:26.572 --> 00:32:28.005

00:32:28.007 --> 00:32:31.108

00:32:33.646 --> 00:32:36.981
- Locked and loaded.
- Countdown, guys!

00:32:36.983 --> 00:32:39.382
Four... Three...

00:32:39.384 --> 00:32:42.252
Skipping to safety!
Skipping to safety!

00:32:42.254 --> 00:32:44.655
I'm almost out of danger!

00:32:44.657 --> 00:32:46.256
Keep pumping, guys!

00:32:46.258 --> 00:32:48.459

00:32:48.461 --> 00:32:51.529
So cute! But so naughty.

00:32:51.531 --> 00:32:54.131
Now buckle up, Chimpanzombies.

00:32:54.133 --> 00:32:55.331

00:32:59.872 --> 00:33:01.441
World-class bait.

00:33:05.445 --> 00:33:09.212
This isn't really happening.
I'm... I'm having a fever dream.

00:33:11.416 --> 00:33:12.950
Ah, I'm sensitive there!

00:33:12.952 --> 00:33:14.384
- Hey! Ow!
- Hey!

00:33:14.386 --> 00:33:16.487
- Check it. Backpack!
- Ooh, ooh, I smell treats!

00:33:16.489 --> 00:33:18.456
- Dibs!
- I call dibs!

00:33:18.458 --> 00:33:21.559
- Hey! That's mine! Give it back!
- Whoo!

00:33:21.561 --> 00:33:24.628
- Boom, baby. Foot five!
- Foot ten! Oh, yeah!

00:33:24.630 --> 00:33:27.431
- You son of a woodchip.
- Ow! Splinterface.

00:33:27.433 --> 00:33:29.834
Let's have a little
lookie-loo, shall we?

00:33:29.836 --> 00:33:34.505
With a self-reminder that this is an
utter invasion of another's privacy.

00:33:34.507 --> 00:33:36.107
Hold the roll,

00:33:36.109 --> 00:33:37.875
Ahhh! I surrender!

00:33:37.877 --> 00:33:40.711
Sharp objects underfoot.
Safety Officer onsite.

00:33:40.713 --> 00:33:42.580
Did you just call me cutie-pie? Ahhh!

00:33:42.582 --> 00:33:44.782
The Chimpanzombies got her,
didn't they?

00:33:44.784 --> 00:33:45.850
It's all my doing.

00:33:45.852 --> 00:33:49.587
All thanks to a late-onset
hibernation disorder.

00:33:49.589 --> 00:33:51.088

00:33:51.090 --> 00:33:53.124
- Go to your happy place.
- Uh, it's okay. They didn't get me.

00:33:53.126 --> 00:33:56.193
Oh, thank heavens!
I couldn't have lived with my...

00:33:57.930 --> 00:34:00.330
Wait, Boomer never sleeps.

00:34:00.332 --> 00:34:01.732
Hey, watch it!

00:34:01.734 --> 00:34:04.735
What happened to you guys?
You're so...

00:34:04.737 --> 00:34:06.904
I think the word you're
looking for is "pathetic."

00:34:06.906 --> 00:34:09.640
- I didn't say that.
- Ugh, you didn't have to.

00:34:09.642 --> 00:34:12.042
So, you got a name, haircut?

00:34:12.044 --> 00:34:13.444
- June.
- Hello, June.

00:34:13.446 --> 00:34:16.147
- My name is...
- Steve. I know who you are.

00:34:16.149 --> 00:34:17.347
You know who we are?

00:34:17.349 --> 00:34:19.483
I didn't think anybody
still remembered. Ow!

00:34:19.485 --> 00:34:22.753
You guys are the wonder
in Wonderland.

00:34:22.755 --> 00:34:24.889
Or at least you were.

00:34:24.891 --> 00:34:27.091
What happened to this place?

00:34:27.093 --> 00:34:28.759
The Darkness happened.

00:34:28.761 --> 00:34:32.229
It came when Clockwork Swings
began to slow.

00:34:32.231 --> 00:34:33.296
And brought with it...

00:34:33.298 --> 00:34:35.099
All right, bring it down,

00:34:35.101 --> 00:34:37.168
Oh, right.

00:34:37.170 --> 00:34:39.036
Okay, here we go.

00:34:39.038 --> 00:34:40.971
It was a day
just like any other

00:34:40.973 --> 00:34:42.173
here in Wonderland

00:34:42.175 --> 00:34:44.175
when the strangest thing

00:34:44.177 --> 00:34:49.081
<i>Clockwork Swings, the heart of the
park, came to a dead stop.</i>

00:34:52.185 --> 00:34:56.720
<i>And that's when we first saw it.
The Darkness.</i>

00:34:56.722 --> 00:35:00.356
<i>It brought an evil that
transformed the WonderChimp dolls</i>

00:35:00.358 --> 00:35:03.861
<i>into an army
of Chimpanzombies.</i>

00:35:09.101 --> 00:35:12.837
<i>Every day since,
the Chimpanzombies have waged war,</i>

00:35:12.839 --> 00:35:18.242
<i>tearing apart the park and feeding
it piece by piece into the Darkness,</i>

00:35:18.244 --> 00:35:20.744
<i>never to be seen again.</i>

00:35:20.746 --> 00:35:24.014
There was nothing you could do?
Not even Peanut?

00:35:24.016 --> 00:35:25.516
Where is Peanut?

00:35:25.518 --> 00:35:29.486
He ventured out on his own to try
and restart Clockwork Swings by hand.

00:35:29.488 --> 00:35:33.123
<i>Then why didn't
he use his magic?</i>

00:35:33.125 --> 00:35:36.260
<i>He just said that he
knew restarting Clockwork Swings</i>

00:35:36.262 --> 00:35:40.666
<i>was the only way to bring
the life back into Wonderland.</i>

00:35:41.200 --> 00:35:42.266

00:35:49.909 --> 00:35:53.510
And we lost any hope of turning
Clockwork Swings back on,

00:35:53.512 --> 00:35:56.847
and one day restoring the park
to all its former glory.

00:35:56.849 --> 00:35:59.516
- Clockwork Swings.
- Hey, whatcha got?

00:35:59.518 --> 00:36:01.785
- Hey!
- It's a blueprint... Of the park?

00:36:01.787 --> 00:36:04.387
Seems like Little Miss Muffet
graffitied her name on it.

00:36:04.389 --> 00:36:05.556
It's not graffiti.

00:36:05.558 --> 00:36:07.691
How do you have
a blueprint of Wonderland?

00:36:07.693 --> 00:36:09.660
Um, uh...

00:36:09.662 --> 00:36:13.597
My mom and I invented
Wonderland when I was little,

00:36:13.599 --> 00:36:17.402
and somehow it came to life.

00:36:19.605 --> 00:36:21.438
That's got to be the most...

00:36:21.440 --> 00:36:25.009
Splendiferous news ever!

00:36:25.011 --> 00:36:27.077
Why don't you
just go back to sleep, Boomer?

00:36:27.079 --> 00:36:28.646
No, I believe it in her eyes.

00:36:28.648 --> 00:36:31.482
Because if she really is
the creator of Wonderland,

00:36:31.484 --> 00:36:33.817
she can fix Clockwork Swings.

00:36:33.819 --> 00:36:35.185

00:36:35.187 --> 00:36:36.887
Well, that is not where I thought
this discourse was heading.

00:36:36.889 --> 00:36:39.356
I was imagining
that you were a...

00:36:39.358 --> 00:36:40.524

00:36:40.526 --> 00:36:42.359
Huh? I'm not a honeybee.

00:36:42.361 --> 00:36:43.427
- Rabbit!
- Huh?

00:36:43.429 --> 00:36:45.663
Steve, you're embarrassing
the team.

00:36:45.665 --> 00:36:46.864

00:36:46.866 --> 00:36:49.867
I am so confused right now
about what a Death Rabbit is.

00:36:51.771 --> 00:36:54.607
Boomer, go secure the safe
house. Guys, scatter!

00:36:59.045 --> 00:37:01.414
Buddy system! I call Greta!

00:37:04.250 --> 00:37:06.750
Never mind! I call June!

00:37:08.454 --> 00:37:10.120
- We got to get out of here.
- Good plan.

00:37:10.122 --> 00:37:13.190
- Think, June. Think, think, think.
- We go in five.

00:37:13.192 --> 00:37:16.126
- That could never work.
- Roger that. We run in three.

00:37:16.128 --> 00:37:17.661
That couldn't possibly work.

00:37:17.663 --> 00:37:21.901
Then we skip.
Skip like there's no tomorrow.

00:37:22.802 --> 00:37:24.802
Welcome to Wonderland.

00:37:24.804 --> 00:37:28.639
Skipping to safety. Skipping...
Ahhh! Tra-la-la-la.

00:37:28.641 --> 00:37:31.043
You're splendiferous!

00:37:32.446 --> 00:37:33.911

00:37:35.715 --> 00:37:38.148
Skipping to,
skipping to safety.

00:37:38.150 --> 00:37:40.484
Please work, please work.
When you push the fin,

00:37:40.486 --> 00:37:42.822
the fish'll
come to life!

00:37:45.658 --> 00:37:49.893
<i>♪ Anything can happen any day
Miracles are just A dream away</i>

00:37:49.895 --> 00:37:51.895
<i>♪ Happiness, happiness
There is joy in the world</i>

00:37:51.897 --> 00:37:54.131
<i>♪ Comes together
With every boy, every girl ♪</i>

00:37:58.537 --> 00:38:02.706
Look out!
It's right behind you!

00:38:02.708 --> 00:38:05.809
- Would you like to stop for an ice cream?
- No! Exit, exit, exit!

00:38:05.811 --> 00:38:09.181
Keep your arms and legs
inside the ride at all times!

00:38:10.516 --> 00:38:12.585
Not today, Chimpanzombies!

00:38:13.085 --> 00:38:14.551
See you later.

00:38:14.553 --> 00:38:16.055
Okay. Come back soon.

00:38:19.692 --> 00:38:21.426
How did I get back here?

00:38:29.368 --> 00:38:31.070
Ha! Ha-ha!

00:38:33.572 --> 00:38:35.072
You're splendiferous!

00:38:35.074 --> 00:38:36.575

00:38:39.513 --> 00:38:43.115
Bad Chimpanzombies!
Bad Chimpanzombies!

00:38:43.483 --> 00:38:44.683

00:38:51.857 --> 00:38:53.491
I got you, June!

00:39:06.305 --> 00:39:09.306
Every day is a
wonderful day in Wonderland!

00:39:09.308 --> 00:39:11.408
Oh, my tail.

00:39:11.410 --> 00:39:12.945
Come on, hurry!

00:39:18.384 --> 00:39:21.385
Gus, Cooper, check the north
and west perimeter wires.

00:39:21.387 --> 00:39:24.054
Steve, get to lookout and
make sure we weren't followed.

00:39:24.056 --> 00:39:25.389
Roger that.

00:39:25.391 --> 00:39:26.723
You're alive!

00:39:26.725 --> 00:39:29.126
Oh, I was so worried,
I didn't know what to do.

00:39:29.128 --> 00:39:31.028
I started baking
marshmallow calzones.

00:39:31.030 --> 00:39:32.729
We lost
Happy Happy Land, Boomer.

00:39:32.731 --> 00:39:36.066
- We did? Oh, my.
- That's over half the park gone now.

00:39:36.068 --> 00:39:37.634
What happens
if we lose the other half?

00:39:37.636 --> 00:39:40.104
Yeah. What's gonna
happen to us?

00:39:40.106 --> 00:39:41.138
I don't know.

00:39:41.140 --> 00:39:43.674
- But at least we got calzones!
- And her.

00:39:43.676 --> 00:39:46.643
Her? When the going got tough,
she ran for the exits.

00:39:46.645 --> 00:39:48.178
I need to get home to my dad.

00:39:48.180 --> 00:39:50.848
And if she really did create
Wonderland, whatever that means,

00:39:50.850 --> 00:39:53.917
she would know that those exits
aren't even exits anymore!

00:39:53.919 --> 00:39:56.554
Well, they were exits when my
mom and I created the park.

00:39:56.556 --> 00:39:59.323
Sorry I wasn't around when
this whole place went haywire,

00:39:59.325 --> 00:40:03.193
and it became impossible to
exit from an exit marked "exit."

00:40:03.195 --> 00:40:04.862
Did you know
the verb "exit"

00:40:04.864 --> 00:40:06.830
comes from the Latin verb

00:40:06.832 --> 00:40:09.835
which derives from the
Greek verb <i>eximeexite?</i>

00:40:12.171 --> 00:40:13.704

00:40:13.706 --> 00:40:15.005
Seems I have backed

00:40:15.007 --> 00:40:17.141
into the middle of something

00:40:17.143 --> 00:40:22.348
Backing out!
Beep, beep, beep...

00:40:23.115 --> 00:40:24.081

00:40:24.083 --> 00:40:26.984
Okay, so we know
the only way to open the exits

00:40:26.986 --> 00:40:29.052
is to get the park
back up and running.

00:40:29.054 --> 00:40:32.256
Turning on Clockwork Swings
is the key to that.

00:40:32.258 --> 00:40:33.891
Oh, don't get the girl's
hopes up, Boomer.

00:40:33.893 --> 00:40:35.593
There's no way
to turn it back on.

00:40:35.595 --> 00:40:38.295
- Yeah, we've been there a bunch of times.
- Looked at it every which way.

00:40:38.297 --> 00:40:39.430
I looked at it
every which way,

00:40:39.432 --> 00:40:40.532
he just sat there
eating woodchips.

00:40:40.534 --> 00:40:42.266
- I was hungry!
- He just sat there...

00:40:42.268 --> 00:40:44.536
- And sleepy.
- ...while I looked at it every which way.

00:40:44.538 --> 00:40:45.736
But she hasn't.

00:40:45.738 --> 00:40:48.906
- And if she created it, she can fix it.
- Uh...

00:40:48.908 --> 00:40:53.511
So Wonderland is just a
figment of your imagination?

00:40:53.513 --> 00:40:55.145
Something like that.

00:40:55.147 --> 00:40:58.882
And, uh, let me guess. That means
we're all figments of your imagination.

00:40:58.884 --> 00:41:01.619
I wouldn't put it
exactly like...

00:41:01.621 --> 00:41:03.954
Oh, an existential crisis!

00:41:03.956 --> 00:41:07.291
I knew this day was
missing something.

00:41:07.293 --> 00:41:09.860
Well, you can imagine
this may be a little hard

00:41:09.862 --> 00:41:11.695
for us to wrap
our heads around.

00:41:11.697 --> 00:41:16.366
Perhaps you will indulge me
with some proof?

00:41:16.368 --> 00:41:17.868

00:41:17.870 --> 00:41:20.304
Every morning,
Steve drinks his morning tea,

00:41:20.306 --> 00:41:22.139
2.6 grams of loose Earl Grey

00:41:22.141 --> 00:41:26.009
to 250 milliliters
of 86.1 degree water

00:41:26.011 --> 00:41:28.345
steeped for three minutes
and 11 seconds

00:41:28.347 --> 00:41:32.117
and garnished to perfection
with a spot of almond milk.

00:41:34.753 --> 00:41:37.821
See? All hail June!

00:41:37.823 --> 00:41:40.123
Yeah, let's not
get carried away.

00:41:40.125 --> 00:41:44.027
But I may be able to fix
Clockwork Swings.

00:41:44.029 --> 00:41:46.531
- Peanut was the glue around here.
- The glue?

00:41:46.533 --> 00:41:49.032
The glue.
He kept us all together.

00:41:49.969 --> 00:41:52.336
Look, these guys
have suffered a lot already.

00:41:52.338 --> 00:41:53.937
And I'm willing
to follow your lead here,

00:41:53.939 --> 00:41:55.906
because I'm running
out of options.

00:41:55.908 --> 00:41:58.875
But you've got to promise me
there's a real shot at this.

00:41:58.877 --> 00:42:02.714
So tell me that you're not
serving up false hope.

00:42:02.716 --> 00:42:06.850
Well, I was pretty good
at fixing things.

00:42:06.852 --> 00:42:10.490
But you got to get me
to Clockwork Swings.

00:42:24.036 --> 00:42:27.271
Wow, The Grand Wonder.

00:42:27.273 --> 00:42:30.075
It's even bigger
than I thought.

00:42:32.411 --> 00:42:35.713
Come on, slowpokes.
The Clocks are just up ahead.

00:42:35.715 --> 00:42:37.715
- Oh, how did you do it, June?
- Huh?

00:42:37.717 --> 00:42:41.351
To create such a woman who
doesn't walk through this world.

00:42:41.353 --> 00:42:42.855
She glides!

00:42:44.990 --> 00:42:50.027
That silken red hair.
Those come-hither tusks.

00:42:50.029 --> 00:42:52.029
- Greta?
- Oh, what do you want?

00:42:52.031 --> 00:42:54.766
What? No, nothing here.
Just a bit of a roll call.

00:42:54.768 --> 00:42:56.833
"Present and accounted for."

00:42:56.835 --> 00:42:58.703
Roll call complete.

00:42:58.705 --> 00:43:00.372

00:43:01.240 --> 00:43:02.241

00:43:08.548 --> 00:43:10.481
Oh, boy.

00:43:10.483 --> 00:43:14.521
This is a little more complicated
than the model we made.

00:43:21.994 --> 00:43:25.663
The hydraulics
seem to be sealed and stuff.

00:43:25.665 --> 00:43:28.065
No leaks or anything, um...

00:43:28.067 --> 00:43:30.867
It must be that one of
the gears is jammed.

00:43:30.869 --> 00:43:33.070
Eureka! She's fixing it.

00:43:33.072 --> 00:43:35.172
We're witnessing a miracle.

00:43:35.174 --> 00:43:38.810
More of a diagnosis
and certainly not a miracle,

00:43:38.812 --> 00:43:42.747
but it does bring us closer to a
solution than we've ever been before.

00:43:45.217 --> 00:43:50.422
If you're trying to make a
statement, have at me, big guy.

00:43:51.223 --> 00:43:52.657
Got to get this ride started.

00:43:52.659 --> 00:43:55.892
I know you have the answer.
Please tell me the answer!

00:43:55.894 --> 00:43:58.895
- Well, what does it say?
- I can't see!

00:43:58.897 --> 00:44:00.798
My name's covering it.

00:44:00.800 --> 00:44:03.434
- What the chuck?
- Unsplendiferous.

00:44:03.436 --> 00:44:05.770
Not to worry! Plan B it is.

00:44:05.772 --> 00:44:07.739
Which is what, exactly?

00:44:07.741 --> 00:44:10.374
why did you write on this?

00:44:10.376 --> 00:44:11.809
What used to be there?

00:44:11.811 --> 00:44:13.644
I don't know.
I got to figure this out.

00:44:13.646 --> 00:44:16.547
Don't do this to me, June.
It's your blueprint, isn't it?

00:44:16.549 --> 00:44:18.816
Yeah. But it's been a while since I...

00:44:18.818 --> 00:44:22.185
If the test were multiple
choice, I'd do much better.

00:44:22.187 --> 00:44:24.388
Duck and cover! Duck and cover!

00:44:25.792 --> 00:44:27.324
- Hey, get back here!
- Whoa!

00:44:27.326 --> 00:44:30.327
- I got it!
- No, I got it.

00:44:30.329 --> 00:44:33.196
- We need that blueprint!
- Get it, Coop!

00:44:33.198 --> 00:44:36.534
This is not fun. Boomer, for goodness...

00:44:37.903 --> 00:44:39.405

00:44:41.206 --> 00:44:45.411
No! No, stop!
Fireworks Falls is a death trap!

00:44:45.678 --> 00:44:47.478
Get off.

00:44:47.480 --> 00:44:49.214
Stand down, I say!

00:44:54.119 --> 00:44:55.686
We have to get it!
We can't lose it.

00:44:55.688 --> 00:44:57.889
- Throw me! I'll get it!
- No, throw me!

00:44:57.891 --> 00:44:59.956
- No, throw me!
- Um...

00:44:59.958 --> 00:45:01.692
- No, it was my idea!
- Oh, gosh.

00:45:01.694 --> 00:45:04.564
- I got it, I got it!
- Mine! You poked me in the eye!

00:45:05.532 --> 00:45:07.230
- Your fault.
- Why is it always my fault?

00:45:07.232 --> 00:45:09.767
You've got to be kidding me!

00:45:09.769 --> 00:45:12.437

00:45:12.439 --> 00:45:15.606
I command you to remove
yourself from this platform!

00:45:15.608 --> 00:45:19.976
I have been putting up with this
reckless abandon for months on end,

00:45:19.978 --> 00:45:23.079
and it is chipping away
at my soul.

00:45:23.081 --> 00:45:25.550
I'm so very tired...

00:45:25.552 --> 00:45:27.417
What is that sound?

00:45:29.856 --> 00:45:31.923
Oh, no.

00:45:31.925 --> 00:45:33.424
Oh, deary me.

00:45:33.426 --> 00:45:36.393
<i>♪ We can't wait
happy, happy To have fun ♪</i>

00:45:36.395 --> 00:45:40.096
Okay, fear not.
We simply must reach higher ground.

00:45:40.098 --> 00:45:44.067
Ahhh! Which is teeming with agent
provocateurs bent on our demise!

00:45:44.069 --> 00:45:46.002
drop and roll to Wonderland!

00:45:46.004 --> 00:45:47.805
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

00:45:53.613 --> 00:45:54.614

00:45:55.380 --> 00:45:57.049
Every man for himself!

00:46:08.828 --> 00:46:10.229

00:46:17.302 --> 00:46:19.704
- Use your quills, Steve!
- Quite right.

00:46:22.909 --> 00:46:24.444
Yeah, of course.

00:46:27.780 --> 00:46:29.079
Everyone okay?

00:46:29.081 --> 00:46:30.915
Wait, where's June?

00:46:30.917 --> 00:46:34.017
- Uh, there.
- Oh, no.

00:46:34.019 --> 00:46:36.319
Hold on, June!
You'll be okay!

00:46:36.321 --> 00:46:38.190
Easy for you to say.

00:46:43.763 --> 00:46:44.764

00:46:45.865 --> 00:46:47.332

00:46:50.670 --> 00:46:52.137

00:46:54.774 --> 00:46:56.206
Whoa! Whoa!

00:46:56.208 --> 00:46:57.810
Thanks, Boomer!

00:47:03.816 --> 00:47:05.183
Oh, boy!

00:47:06.953 --> 00:47:08.153

00:47:12.357 --> 00:47:13.358

00:47:20.533 --> 00:47:21.534

00:47:23.937 --> 00:47:25.135
- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

00:47:25.137 --> 00:47:26.938
- You did it!
- Well done!

00:47:26.940 --> 00:47:29.306
Meet me
at the bridge!

00:47:33.746 --> 00:47:35.548
Or not.

00:47:42.755 --> 00:47:44.589
Don't need to do that again.

00:47:48.695 --> 00:47:50.895
<i>♪ Oh, my</i>

00:47:50.897 --> 00:47:52.364
<i>♪ Here comes pi</i>

00:47:53.633 --> 00:47:54.932
<i>♪ 3.141... ♪</i>

00:47:54.934 --> 00:47:56.168

00:47:56.769 --> 00:47:58.103

00:47:59.772 --> 00:48:01.608
Zero-G Land.

00:48:05.712 --> 00:48:06.879

00:48:14.554 --> 00:48:15.655

00:48:25.431 --> 00:48:27.163

00:48:27.165 --> 00:48:29.836
Oh, my gosh! Hey, Peanut!

00:48:32.038 --> 00:48:33.370
Where did you...

00:48:33.372 --> 00:48:35.773
- What are you doing?
- You're alive!

00:48:35.775 --> 00:48:38.643
- Who are you?
- A friend of Greta and Boomer.

00:48:38.645 --> 00:48:42.113
Actually, everyone. They're gonna
be so happy. Let's go find them!

00:48:42.115 --> 00:48:45.816
- No, no, no, no.
- Come on, I lost them at Fireworks Falls.

00:48:45.818 --> 00:48:47.918
Peanut, what happened to you?

00:48:47.920 --> 00:48:51.555
What do you mean, what happened to me?
The Chimpanzombies had me.

00:48:51.557 --> 00:48:54.157
I was able to escape,
and I made it up here.

00:48:54.159 --> 00:48:57.293
- And now you're...
- And now I'm sorting the candy.

00:48:57.295 --> 00:49:00.965
It was a mess when
I got here.

00:49:00.967 --> 00:49:02.099
Believe me.

00:49:02.101 --> 00:49:03.534
I had to put the blues
with the blues,

00:49:03.536 --> 00:49:04.869
and the greens
with the greens...

00:49:04.871 --> 00:49:06.504
If you're scared
of the park...

00:49:06.506 --> 00:49:08.806
I'm not scared
of the park. It's just...

00:49:08.808 --> 00:49:10.407
It's safe in here.

00:49:10.409 --> 00:49:13.376
- But you're alone.
- Where nothing can hurt me.

00:49:13.378 --> 00:49:16.080
Well, you can't
stay in here forever.

00:49:16.082 --> 00:49:17.615
Says who?

00:49:17.617 --> 00:49:19.450
There's no rules
for something like this.

00:49:19.452 --> 00:49:22.553
I know how this works.
You just wave your marker.

00:49:23.556 --> 00:49:25.489
I wish it still
worked that way.

00:49:25.491 --> 00:49:28.659
But you're
Peanut the Splendiferous.

00:49:28.661 --> 00:49:31.294
Yeah, I used to be.

00:49:31.296 --> 00:49:34.732
All these amazing things
in Wonderland came from you.

00:49:34.734 --> 00:49:36.368
That is a lie.

00:49:37.003 --> 00:49:39.235
I was just the middleman.

00:49:39.237 --> 00:49:43.406
All the ideas, the
inspiration, it came from...

00:49:43.408 --> 00:49:47.210
A voice whispering
in your ear.

00:49:47.212 --> 00:49:49.212
A woman's voice.

00:49:49.214 --> 00:49:51.784
How do you know about that?
I never told anyone.

00:49:52.350 --> 00:49:54.719
It doesn't matter.

00:49:54.721 --> 00:49:56.520
And not too long ago...

00:49:56.522 --> 00:49:59.890
The sound of her voice,
it just...

00:49:59.892 --> 00:50:01.459
...went away.

00:50:01.461 --> 00:50:04.695
And then the Darkness
took over.

00:50:04.697 --> 00:50:08.032
I guess whoever she was,
she forgot about me.

00:50:08.034 --> 00:50:09.365
I kept waiting.

00:50:09.367 --> 00:50:10.568
I kept hoping
she would come back

00:50:10.570 --> 00:50:12.002
to help me fight
against the Darkness,

00:50:12.004 --> 00:50:13.973
but I just felt so...

00:50:14.239 --> 00:50:15.775

00:50:29.421 --> 00:50:31.722
Peanut, there's something I need to tell...

00:50:31.724 --> 00:50:34.794
- Don't shush me. This is important.
- We have to go!

00:50:39.264 --> 00:50:41.501
They found us. They must
have followed you in.

00:50:43.202 --> 00:50:44.904
We need to move now!

00:50:45.805 --> 00:50:47.204

00:50:47.206 --> 00:50:48.606
Your marker!

00:50:48.608 --> 00:50:50.674
- Leave it. It's worthless!
- No, it's not.

00:50:50.676 --> 00:50:51.911

00:50:52.712 --> 00:50:54.078
Look out!

00:50:54.080 --> 00:50:56.314
- Oh, my gosh.
- Hold on!

00:50:59.652 --> 00:51:01.852

00:51:01.854 --> 00:51:03.523

00:51:15.134 --> 00:51:17.804
Every day is a
wonderful day in Wonderland!

00:51:18.738 --> 00:51:19.739
Oh, no!

00:51:21.007 --> 00:51:22.139

00:51:22.141 --> 00:51:24.241
It's a
wonderful day in Wonderland.

00:51:24.243 --> 00:51:25.509
There's no way out.

00:51:25.511 --> 00:51:27.678
You're my best friend.

00:51:27.680 --> 00:51:29.412
Every day is a wonderful day
in Wonderland.

00:51:29.414 --> 00:51:31.081
There is for you.

00:51:39.826 --> 00:51:41.494
June, go!

00:51:52.972 --> 00:51:54.040

00:51:55.174 --> 00:51:58.108
Guys? Boomer? Greta?

00:51:58.110 --> 00:51:59.844
June! Where are you?

00:51:59.846 --> 00:52:00.978
Over here!

00:52:00.980 --> 00:52:03.814
- We've been looking all over for you.
- I found Peanut.

00:52:03.816 --> 00:52:06.416
He was hiding in Zero-G Land.
He's alive.

00:52:06.418 --> 00:52:07.952
- Peanut's alive?
- How brilliant!

00:52:07.954 --> 00:52:09.720
But he was taken
by the Chimpanzombies.

00:52:09.722 --> 00:52:11.689
They're carrying him
to the Darkness!

00:52:11.691 --> 00:52:14.525
- Then let's go get him!
- But we need to rebuild that bridge.

00:52:14.527 --> 00:52:16.994
We could use the support posts
of the old carousel.

00:52:16.996 --> 00:52:17.962
They're too rickety.

00:52:17.964 --> 00:52:19.830
But it's the right idea.
What else can we use?

00:52:19.832 --> 00:52:21.232
Got to think fast.

00:52:21.234 --> 00:52:23.534
If something bad were to happen to
Peanut, I couldn't live with myself.

00:52:23.536 --> 00:52:24.935
What do you mean?

00:52:24.937 --> 00:52:27.403
It's all my fault.

00:52:27.405 --> 00:52:29.006
What's all your fault?

00:52:29.008 --> 00:52:31.542
The Darkness.

00:52:31.544 --> 00:52:34.812
- I think maybe I did create it.
- Huh?

00:52:34.814 --> 00:52:37.581
I didn't mean to!
But I think I did.

00:52:37.583 --> 00:52:39.719
You created the Darkness?

00:52:40.219 --> 00:52:41.619
I don't understand.

00:52:41.621 --> 00:52:46.223
If you created Wonderland,
why would you want to destroy it?

00:52:46.225 --> 00:52:48.692
It wasn't on purpose.
I was afraid.

00:52:48.694 --> 00:52:51.394
The Darkness took over.
I tried,

00:52:51.396 --> 00:52:55.900
but I just stopped
caring about the park.

00:52:55.902 --> 00:52:58.469
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
We can fix it.

00:52:58.471 --> 00:53:00.271
- With this!
- Whoa.

00:53:00.273 --> 00:53:03.073
If we can find a way to cross that
ravine and put it back in Peanut's hands,

00:53:03.075 --> 00:53:05.709
we can get Clockwork Swings
up and running.

00:53:05.711 --> 00:53:08.178
- Trust me. We can...
- Trust you? We've been trusting you!

00:53:08.180 --> 00:53:12.415
But if we knew you were the
person responsible for all this?

00:53:12.417 --> 00:53:14.687
I never would've let us
make that mistake.

00:53:16.421 --> 00:53:18.822
Come on, guys, it's dark.

00:53:18.824 --> 00:53:20.660
We'll figure this out
on our own.

00:53:27.833 --> 00:53:31.737
Why would you stop...
Why would you stop caring?

00:53:32.438 --> 00:53:34.104
What did we do wrong?

00:53:34.106 --> 00:53:37.643
You guys didn't do anything wrong.
You guys are amazing.

00:53:42.581 --> 00:53:44.717
You created the Darkness.

00:53:49.922 --> 00:53:51.190

00:54:07.340 --> 00:54:09.208
I'm sorry, Mom.

00:54:20.753 --> 00:54:23.990
<i>You are the wonder
in Wonderland.</i>

00:54:35.334 --> 00:54:38.604
Got to find a way across.

00:55:06.165 --> 00:55:07.233

00:55:21.647 --> 00:55:24.014
<i>Welcome to the Grand Wonder!</i>

00:55:24.016 --> 00:55:26.984
Oops. Sorry, Boomer.

00:55:26.986 --> 00:55:30.122
<i>Welcome to the Grand Wonder!</i>

00:55:44.336 --> 00:55:47.606
Now, what can I use?

00:55:51.377 --> 00:55:52.578
Ah. Got it.

00:56:11.097 --> 00:56:13.599
We have ignitialization!

00:56:31.451 --> 00:56:32.718

00:56:41.461 --> 00:56:43.996
"Without wrecking
the neighborhood."

00:57:00.312 --> 00:57:03.213
I'm telling you, I don't see
any way to rebuild that bridge.

00:57:03.215 --> 00:57:04.982
Yeah, well,
not with that attitude.

00:57:04.984 --> 00:57:08.018
Um, you may want
to come and see this.

00:57:08.020 --> 00:57:10.022
Sounds like another
SkyFlinger attack.

00:57:15.728 --> 00:57:17.261
Stay low. Stay back.

00:57:17.263 --> 00:57:20.063
- Dang!
- Well, I'll be Peanut's uncle!

00:57:20.065 --> 00:57:22.799
Oh, wow.

00:57:22.801 --> 00:57:25.137
- Is that...
- It's June!

00:57:26.739 --> 00:57:28.207
She did it.

00:57:28.941 --> 00:57:31.343
She's actually done it.

00:57:32.378 --> 00:57:33.846
Would you look at that?

00:57:54.568 --> 00:57:56.601
So what's all this about?

00:57:56.603 --> 00:57:59.836
It's time to bring
Wonderland back to life.

00:57:59.838 --> 00:58:01.705
- Huh?
- What?

00:58:01.707 --> 00:58:04.942
I know I let you down.
But I want to make it right.

00:58:04.944 --> 00:58:09.114
- How do you know it'll work?
- Because I built this place.

00:58:09.748 --> 00:58:11.583
My mom and I did.

00:58:11.585 --> 00:58:14.954
But she got sick
and had to stop.

00:58:15.622 --> 00:58:17.356
And I got scared.

00:58:18.692 --> 00:58:22.159
So scared of losing her
that I lost myself.

00:58:22.161 --> 00:58:25.896
And she would hate
to see how I changed.

00:58:25.898 --> 00:58:27.500
How we've all changed.

00:58:28.635 --> 00:58:29.833
Now, buckle up!

00:58:29.835 --> 00:58:32.102
We're gonna ride that coaster
like the wind.

00:58:32.104 --> 00:58:33.070
Who's with me?

00:58:33.072 --> 00:58:35.806
- I'm with you, June.
- We are all with you.

00:58:35.808 --> 00:58:37.442
Yeah, that's right.

00:58:37.444 --> 00:58:38.610

00:58:38.612 --> 00:58:39.810
I still believe in you.

00:58:41.046 --> 00:58:43.448
I'm more of a "two feet
on the ground" kinda guy.

00:58:43.450 --> 00:58:46.651
There's a weight restriction
on that ride, isn't there?

00:58:46.653 --> 00:58:48.352
Oh, come on, Boomer.

00:58:48.354 --> 00:58:51.321
There is absolutely no way...

00:58:51.323 --> 00:58:52.389
Oh, no.

00:58:52.391 --> 00:58:53.892
...I will ev...

00:58:55.160 --> 00:58:56.827
Uh, we got this.

00:58:56.829 --> 00:58:59.064
Too many marshmallow calzones.

00:59:06.606 --> 00:59:10.307
Hey, guys. I had that weird
kidnapping dream again.

00:59:10.309 --> 00:59:11.944
I wonder what it means.

00:59:17.916 --> 00:59:22.587
Boomer! We'll be right up!
Greta just has to get the other cart!

00:59:22.589 --> 00:59:23.954
I want to be down.

00:59:23.956 --> 00:59:27.090
- Only one way down!
- Yeah, fly like a bird, bro.

00:59:27.092 --> 00:59:30.561
But I'm not a bird!
Birds are terrifying, with those beaks,

00:59:30.563 --> 00:59:32.597
and those talons,

00:59:32.599 --> 00:59:34.501
and influenza type A!

00:59:42.041 --> 00:59:44.908
Come on, Greta.
You guys did block the wheels, right?

00:59:44.910 --> 00:59:47.177
- Oh, that's what this is for!
- Oops.

00:59:47.179 --> 00:59:49.079
Ugh. Guys!

00:59:49.081 --> 00:59:51.016

00:59:52.719 --> 00:59:54.519
Huh. What are the odds?

00:59:54.521 --> 00:59:56.621
Astronomically small.

00:59:56.623 --> 00:59:59.925
No, no, no. No!

01:00:01.728 --> 01:00:03.093
Oh, terrific.

01:00:03.095 --> 01:00:06.398
Uh... Oh, gosh,
he's looking at me.

01:00:06.800 --> 01:00:08.533
Oh, no, no.

01:00:08.535 --> 01:00:09.900
Shoo, shoo.

01:00:09.902 --> 01:00:11.270
Get out of here.

01:00:12.271 --> 01:00:16.607
Nice birdie. Oh, hey!
I hear your friends!

01:00:20.480 --> 01:00:21.945
Please don't move.

01:00:21.947 --> 01:00:23.715
You're not lis...

01:00:23.717 --> 01:00:25.516

01:00:29.756 --> 01:00:31.090

01:00:39.766 --> 01:00:42.502
Oh, no. No, no, no.

01:00:46.004 --> 01:00:48.271
You were supposed to wait!

01:00:48.273 --> 01:00:50.374
He's going the wrong way!
If we don't turn Boomer around...

01:00:50.376 --> 01:00:53.243
He'll be fried
like a funnel cake!

01:00:53.245 --> 01:00:55.847
Gus, Cooper!
Drop the upper track to the lower one,

01:00:55.849 --> 01:00:57.247
and we'll reroute
Boomer to safety.

01:00:57.249 --> 01:00:58.683
On it!

01:00:58.685 --> 01:01:00.685
We'll need some kind of rope,
something strong to stop him with.

01:01:00.687 --> 01:01:01.853
Got it.

01:01:21.407 --> 01:01:24.074
Get me off of this thing!

01:01:24.076 --> 01:01:25.911
We're not gonna make it!

01:01:29.281 --> 01:01:31.816
- Oh, man.
- At least we got dinner.

01:01:33.820 --> 01:01:35.753
Oh, no!

01:01:35.755 --> 01:01:37.655
- Licorice?
- That's what we got.

01:01:37.657 --> 01:01:40.792
Steve, fire this to Boomer and
we'll use it to slow him down.

01:01:40.794 --> 01:01:42.058
Roger that.

01:01:44.029 --> 01:01:46.764
Boomer! Catch the rope!

01:01:46.766 --> 01:01:48.131

01:01:48.133 --> 01:01:51.702
Range, 400 meters.
Winds, three knots southwest. Ready...

01:01:51.704 --> 01:01:52.969
Help, help, help!

01:01:52.971 --> 01:01:54.173

01:01:54.808 --> 01:01:56.008

01:02:01.213 --> 01:02:02.078

01:02:02.080 --> 01:02:03.583
- Well, that didn't work.
- Ya think?

01:02:04.551 --> 01:02:06.451
Make it stop!

01:02:06.453 --> 01:02:08.218
Wait, we could all
still get across.

01:02:08.220 --> 01:02:10.255
Okay, everybody, pull tight!

01:02:15.929 --> 01:02:17.129
Keep pulling.

01:02:24.069 --> 01:02:27.839
This is beginning to feel like
a terrible turn of events for us all.

01:02:27.841 --> 01:02:29.141
I'm with him.

01:02:30.877 --> 01:02:32.277
Brace for impact!

01:02:35.280 --> 01:02:37.247
I'm ready to wake up now,
ready to wake up.

01:02:37.249 --> 01:02:39.049
You are awake, Boomer.

01:02:39.051 --> 01:02:42.453
I'm awake?
I mean, I'm awake! We did it.

01:02:42.455 --> 01:02:45.222
- You did it.
- I did it. I mean... I did it?

01:02:45.224 --> 01:02:47.692
- You da man!
- You're the man-bear!

01:02:47.694 --> 01:02:49.961
I'm the man!

01:02:49.963 --> 01:02:51.863
You're the man,

01:02:51.865 --> 01:02:55.165
and we are just the various members of the
animal kingdom with the power of speech

01:02:55.167 --> 01:02:57.668
hanging next to the man.

01:02:57.670 --> 01:02:59.304
Yes, you are.

01:03:00.940 --> 01:03:02.675
You're splendiferous!

01:03:07.079 --> 01:03:09.480
<i>♪ Play happy
Stay happy</i>

01:03:09.482 --> 01:03:12.249
<i>♪ We can't wait happy, happy
To have fun, fun, fun, fun</i>

01:03:12.251 --> 01:03:14.119
<i>♪ Play happy
Stay happy ♪</i>

01:03:15.220 --> 01:03:17.522
Holy cheesy chips!

01:03:17.524 --> 01:03:19.224
Oh, crikey!

01:03:21.528 --> 01:03:22.629

01:03:26.098 --> 01:03:28.398
We're too late.

01:03:38.110 --> 01:03:41.445
Oh, gosh.
What do we do now?

01:03:41.447 --> 01:03:44.080
- Not "we."
- What do you have in mind, kid?

01:03:44.082 --> 01:03:46.283
It's about what I need to do.

01:03:46.285 --> 01:03:50.353
I need to go into the Darkness
and bring Peanut back.

01:03:50.355 --> 01:03:52.692
- What? No!
- What's she talking about?

01:03:56.629 --> 01:03:58.029

01:03:58.031 --> 01:04:02.134
It's too powerful.
Nothing ever comes out.

01:04:02.869 --> 01:04:04.470
I got this, Greta.

01:04:25.491 --> 01:04:28.528
I am the wonder in Wonderland.

01:04:30.295 --> 01:04:33.098
I am the wonder in Wonderland.

01:04:35.100 --> 01:04:39.304
I am the wonder in Wonderland!

01:05:03.161 --> 01:05:06.329
Peanut? Where are you?

01:05:06.331 --> 01:05:09.100
June? Is that you?

01:05:09.102 --> 01:05:11.336
Peanut! Hold on!

01:05:16.009 --> 01:05:17.240

01:05:17.242 --> 01:05:18.444

01:05:28.521 --> 01:05:31.455
- Are you okay? Are you hurt?
- I'm so sorry they got you, too.

01:05:31.457 --> 01:05:32.890
You've got to
get us out of here.

01:05:32.892 --> 01:05:37.327
I wish I could. But I told you,
my inspiration, she left me.

01:05:37.329 --> 01:05:39.362
She's never coming back.

01:05:39.364 --> 01:05:44.570
You don't know that.
She's out there, trying to get back to us.

01:05:46.105 --> 01:05:48.371
- Us?
- Yeah.

01:05:48.373 --> 01:05:51.341
She's my mom,
and if there's one thing I know,

01:05:51.343 --> 01:05:54.045
it's that she is
not giving up.

01:05:54.047 --> 01:05:56.080
So neither should we.

01:05:56.082 --> 01:05:57.583
Without her,

01:05:58.283 --> 01:06:00.584
I'll never create again.

01:06:00.586 --> 01:06:02.019
Yes, you will.

01:06:02.021 --> 01:06:07.257
Don't give in to the fear.
Your light is stronger than the Darkness.

01:06:07.259 --> 01:06:09.160
- Now take this.
- But without her...

01:06:09.162 --> 01:06:11.696
You don't have to worry
about that anymore.

01:06:11.698 --> 01:06:13.130
What do you mean?

01:06:13.132 --> 01:06:14.467

01:06:15.134 --> 01:06:16.934
I'm here.

01:06:16.936 --> 01:06:21.138
Peanut, build us the biggest
slide in the whole wide world

01:06:21.140 --> 01:06:23.710
and make it
out of bendy straws.

01:06:29.148 --> 01:06:31.882
Now let's get out of here.

01:06:31.884 --> 01:06:34.552
Bendy straws, hmm?

01:06:34.554 --> 01:06:37.755
That sounds like
a splendiferous idea!

01:06:37.757 --> 01:06:39.559
Coming right up.

01:06:49.035 --> 01:06:50.570
Quick, make another one!

01:06:56.743 --> 01:06:57.908

01:06:57.910 --> 01:06:59.645
To Clockwork Swings!

01:07:02.314 --> 01:07:03.514

01:07:03.516 --> 01:07:05.415
- She's doing it!
- They made it!

01:07:05.417 --> 01:07:07.352
- Well, slap my tail.
- Tally ho!

01:07:08.121 --> 01:07:09.321
Oh, dear.

01:07:13.760 --> 01:07:16.629
- We've got to help them.
- That we do. Hang on, June!

01:07:23.803 --> 01:07:25.136
Well done!

01:07:25.138 --> 01:07:27.337
Guess I owe you guys
an explanation, huh?

01:07:27.339 --> 01:07:29.073
We're just
happy you're alive.

01:07:29.075 --> 01:07:32.109
And since you are,
how about you get those clocks started

01:07:32.111 --> 01:07:33.477
and bring our park
back to life?

01:07:33.479 --> 01:07:36.314
It's the least I can do!
But how?

01:07:38.918 --> 01:07:40.418
Wait a minute.

01:07:42.221 --> 01:07:45.556
My name. My park, my name.

01:07:45.558 --> 01:07:48.492
Greta, if we all end up crashing
to our collective deaths,

01:07:48.494 --> 01:07:49.727
I just want you to know

01:07:49.729 --> 01:07:52.463
I burn for you, baby!
I burn hot!

01:07:52.465 --> 01:07:55.566
My oven is on extra <i>fuego!</i>

01:07:55.568 --> 01:07:58.636
I think you're
cute, too, Steve.

01:07:58.638 --> 01:08:02.575
Wait, what? What did she say?
What did she say?

01:08:03.242 --> 01:08:05.042
The gears.

01:08:05.044 --> 01:08:07.678
Mom, you weren't writing over the clocks,
you were telling me how to fix it.

01:08:07.680 --> 01:08:10.080
How to jumpstart
the clocks back to life!

01:08:10.082 --> 01:08:13.150
Write my name!
Turn the gears by writing my name!

01:08:13.152 --> 01:08:15.054
The gears! Hold on, everybody!

01:08:18.825 --> 01:08:20.626
It's working, it's working!

01:08:22.695 --> 01:08:24.360
- Oh, no!
- Watch it!

01:08:24.362 --> 01:08:25.565
Hold on!

01:08:26.732 --> 01:08:28.999
Look out!

01:08:29.001 --> 01:08:30.036
Keep going!

01:08:32.438 --> 01:08:34.339
Go, go, go! We need the "U."

01:08:38.110 --> 01:08:40.079
Welcome to Wonderland!

01:08:41.180 --> 01:08:43.614
Now right, right!

01:08:43.616 --> 01:08:45.318
Beaver twin brothers,

01:08:47.320 --> 01:08:48.919
Tail to the face!

01:08:48.921 --> 01:08:50.690
Okay, now the "N." Hurry!

01:08:54.093 --> 01:08:55.391
Launch me, Greta.

01:08:55.393 --> 01:08:56.927
- Launch you?
- Launch me.

01:08:56.929 --> 01:08:59.296
For Wonderland! For Greta!

01:08:59.298 --> 01:09:01.767
For freedom!

01:09:06.939 --> 01:09:08.505
Nailed it.

01:09:08.507 --> 01:09:09.775
We got this, June.

01:09:10.276 --> 01:09:11.611
You ready?

01:09:11.911 --> 01:09:12.979

01:09:37.570 --> 01:09:40.940
Look, the park!
It's coming back to life!

01:09:49.015 --> 01:09:50.347
Tail slap, Cooper!

01:09:50.349 --> 01:09:52.551
Well done! A cracking job!

01:09:55.988 --> 01:09:57.590
You're splendiferous!

01:10:01.427 --> 01:10:04.094
Aw, look who's back
to being WonderChimps.

01:10:04.096 --> 01:10:05.963
Do a little dance.
Do your little dance.

01:10:05.965 --> 01:10:07.364
Do your little
WonderChimp dance.

01:10:07.366 --> 01:10:08.734
Look how cute they are!

01:10:18.778 --> 01:10:21.178
Come on, Boomer.
There's guests to welcome.

01:10:21.180 --> 01:10:24.081
And things to build.
And people to take care of.

01:10:24.083 --> 01:10:25.349
Quite right.

01:10:25.351 --> 01:10:27.651
And now that we've got our glue
back, nothing can stop us.

01:10:27.653 --> 01:10:30.154
Me? The glue?
No, I'm not the glue.

01:10:30.156 --> 01:10:33.357
You're the glue, Greta.
You always have been.

01:10:33.359 --> 01:10:35.826
- Isn't that right, gang?
- Yeah!

01:10:35.828 --> 01:10:37.594
Aw, you guys.

01:10:37.596 --> 01:10:40.597
Come on, let's go
spread some wonder!

01:10:40.599 --> 01:10:42.568
- Yeah, that's how we do it.
- Me first!

01:10:43.302 --> 01:10:44.568

01:10:44.570 --> 01:10:46.804
- What about you, June?
- Yeah, what about you?

01:10:46.806 --> 01:10:50.074
Well, I probably
should be getting home.

01:10:50.076 --> 01:10:53.245
You're leaving?
What are we gonna do without you?

01:10:54.880 --> 01:10:58.415
You're gonna do
what you always do.

01:10:58.417 --> 01:11:01.453
Come on, bring it in.

01:11:01.455 --> 01:11:05.589
You have everything
you need right here.

01:11:05.591 --> 01:11:08.225
Because who are we?

01:11:08.227 --> 01:11:11.261
We are the wonder
in Wonderland.

01:11:11.263 --> 01:11:13.431
I can't hear you!

01:11:13.433 --> 01:11:16.233
We are the wonder
in Wonderland.

01:11:16.235 --> 01:11:18.502
One more time!

01:11:18.504 --> 01:11:21.807
We are the wonder
in Wonderland!

01:11:22.476 --> 01:11:23.941
Now fall out.

01:11:23.943 --> 01:11:25.477

01:11:25.479 --> 01:11:28.647
Boy, it's gonna be a great day.

01:11:36.555 --> 01:11:38.088
Let's do this thing!

01:11:38.090 --> 01:11:39.523
Good to go.

01:11:39.525 --> 01:11:41.227
Wait for it...

01:11:42.194 --> 01:11:43.896

01:11:45.499 --> 01:11:47.164
The Darkness.

01:11:47.166 --> 01:11:48.832
It's still there.

01:11:48.834 --> 01:11:51.969
Maybe it'll
never really fully go away.

01:11:51.971 --> 01:11:54.371
Maybe it's there
to remind us

01:11:54.373 --> 01:11:58.077
to look at the light
that surrounds us.

01:11:58.310 --> 01:11:59.610

01:11:59.612 --> 01:12:02.546
Please enjoy our newest
attraction, Bendy Straw Slide,

01:12:02.548 --> 01:12:06.950
which I have personally safety
tested under extreme conditions.

01:12:06.952 --> 01:12:10.189
Speaking of the light
that surrounds you...

01:12:11.924 --> 01:12:13.323

01:12:13.325 --> 01:12:15.025
Ah, here we are.

01:12:15.027 --> 01:12:17.761
Come on, I'll let you buy me
some popcorn.

01:12:17.763 --> 01:12:21.167
Yep, I'll be right there!
I just need to... Well...

01:12:21.901 --> 01:12:24.334
Wait for my heart to settle.

01:12:26.405 --> 01:12:27.706

01:12:31.410 --> 01:12:33.610
You'll hear me in the wind.

01:12:33.612 --> 01:12:34.878
Oh, I know I will.

01:12:34.880 --> 01:12:37.781
And we'll be here for you.

01:12:37.783 --> 01:12:39.185
Hey, Peanut!

01:12:40.686 --> 01:12:43.255
This place really is

01:12:44.323 --> 01:12:45.658

01:12:46.392 --> 01:12:48.761

01:13:12.751 --> 01:13:15.018
We got asparagus,
spinach, brussels...

01:13:15.020 --> 01:13:18.023
Ah, there you are,
my hidden sweet.

01:13:19.191 --> 01:13:21.093

01:13:22.128 --> 01:13:23.662

01:13:24.096 --> 01:13:25.929
June Bug?

01:13:25.931 --> 01:13:28.566
June, are you okay?
What happened to you?

01:13:28.568 --> 01:13:32.437
I'm so sorry for being gone a whole
night and not telling you where I was.

01:13:32.439 --> 01:13:35.906
What? I just dropped you off
at Math Camp 30 minutes ago.

01:13:37.611 --> 01:13:39.078
Never mind.

01:13:44.283 --> 01:13:46.551
If you did this because
you're worried about me...

01:13:46.553 --> 01:13:48.420
Worry? About you?

01:13:49.021 --> 01:13:50.289
You're fine!

01:13:50.956 --> 01:13:53.025
Actually, you're awesome.

01:13:54.360 --> 01:13:55.460

01:13:55.462 --> 01:13:57.696
I have so much
to tell Mom about.

01:14:00.032 --> 01:14:01.098
Uh, Junie...

01:14:01.100 --> 01:14:02.433
And before you bring up
going back to Math Camp,

01:14:02.435 --> 01:14:03.568
you have to know

01:14:03.570 --> 01:14:04.902
it's not happening.

01:14:04.904 --> 01:14:06.504
I have
way too much work to do.

01:14:06.506 --> 01:14:09.141
- Such as?
- Making up for lost time.

01:14:09.975 --> 01:14:11.143
Is that...

01:14:14.413 --> 01:14:15.881

01:14:24.890 --> 01:14:27.224
The neighborhood
will love this.

01:14:27.226 --> 01:14:29.760
Junie, I'm home! I got
the rest of the supplies.

01:14:29.762 --> 01:14:32.362
Hey, Dad! Just a few more...

01:14:32.364 --> 01:14:35.034
Honey, my hands are full.
Can you get that?

01:14:35.701 --> 01:14:37.136
Sure thing, Dad.

01:14:38.237 --> 01:14:41.104
I strung up all the banners.
What's next?

01:14:41.106 --> 01:14:44.908
Great. Can you make a balloon
arch over the back fence?

01:14:44.910 --> 01:14:46.178
- Yep!
- Thanks.

01:14:48.981 --> 01:14:52.115
When you say over the back
fence, do you mean

01:14:52.117 --> 01:14:56.353
over the fence, like over it,
or over the fence, like behind it?

01:14:56.355 --> 01:14:58.255
Over the fence, like over it.

01:14:58.257 --> 01:15:01.293
Oh. Ding!
Over the fence. Got it.

01:15:05.164 --> 01:15:08.065
Tell Banky to just put it behind the fence.
I got to finish.

01:15:08.067 --> 01:15:10.702
I think you should
get the door, June.

01:15:10.704 --> 01:15:12.472
Huh. But...

01:15:26.620 --> 01:15:28.118

01:15:29.021 --> 01:15:30.956
What are you waiting for?

01:15:31.390 --> 01:15:32.825
Come here.

01:15:40.433 --> 01:15:42.067
I'm glad to see you.

01:15:42.768 --> 01:15:44.502
Are you...

01:15:44.504 --> 01:15:46.405
I'm okay now, June Bug.

01:15:48.240 --> 01:15:49.707
So am I.

01:15:49.709 --> 01:15:53.745
It looks like you kept your
little light shining bright.

01:15:53.747 --> 01:15:56.913
I've got a story
even you might not believe.

01:15:56.915 --> 01:15:59.051
Try me.

01:16:02.921 --> 01:16:06.857
Now that is

01:16:06.859 --> 01:16:08.294

01:16:08.662 --> 01:16:09.826

01:16:14.400 --> 01:16:16.601
Hey, Clockwork Swings!

01:16:18.203 --> 01:16:22.308
Come on!
Wonderland is now open!

01:16:33.653 --> 01:16:35.120
<i>You're splendiferous!</i>

01:16:45.331 --> 01:16:49.232
Okay, everyone. It was
another day in Wonderland,

01:16:49.234 --> 01:16:53.103
the most splendiferous
amusement park in the world.

01:16:53.105 --> 01:16:56.842
Peanut is excited
to create a new ride.

01:16:57.711 --> 01:17:00.245
Anyone have any suggestions?

01:17:01.413 --> 01:17:02.913
Yes, yes, yes!

01:17:02.915 --> 01:17:04.114
June! June!

01:17:04.116 --> 01:17:05.916
Banky, what are you thinking?

01:17:05.918 --> 01:17:08.352
- A Ferris wheel!
- That's a great idea.

01:17:08.354 --> 01:17:12.289
But are we thinking just like
a regular old Ferris wheel?

01:17:12.291 --> 01:17:15.158
A Ferris wheel
made out of glow sticks.

01:17:15.160 --> 01:17:17.428
A Ferris wheel that flies!

01:17:17.430 --> 01:17:21.932
A flying Ferris wheel made of glow sticks.
That's a great idea.

01:17:21.934 --> 01:17:25.670
I think Peanut needs to hear
about this right away.

01:17:25.672 --> 01:17:29.172
Now, Peanut,
here's what we want you to do.

01:17:29.174 --> 01:17:31.676
Take your marker and create...

01:17:31.678 --> 01:17:33.644
That's wonderful. Wonderful.

01:17:33.646 --> 01:17:36.148
<i>...made out of glow sticks.</i>

01:17:36.750 --> 01:17:38.315
Glow sticks, huh?

01:17:38.317 --> 01:17:44.354
Ooh! Sounds like
a splendiferous idea!

01:17:44.356 --> 01:17:45.525
Coming right up!

01:17:51.265 --> 01:17:56.265
Subtitles by explosiveskull